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Everything posted by oboogie

  1. What the fuck is that?
  2. oboogie


    I just don't know what you are trying to do. Are you going for some kind of surrealist Disney mutilation scene? Again, half a body sitting on a cloud with a random balloon in the vicinity is confusing and weird. If that's what you are going for, then good luck. I have no idea how to help. You have rejected every suggestion and haven't helped us understand what you are going for here. It's difficult to help when we have no idea what you are trying to achieve.
  3. oboogie


    It doesn't look similar to me at all. You are posting a photo of a full sleeve and comparing it to a half-body Goofy, a balloon, and a cloud. There is nothing to compare. You just want a balloon, a half a Goofy, and a cloud on your arm? Is that it? Nothing else?
  4. oboogie


    The balloon, cloud, and Goofy look nothing like what you just posted.
  5. oboogie


    I am not really sure about half a body on a cloud ... I'd reconsider and build out a sleeve. I'm not really into Disney, but if that's what you like, build it out with more characters.
  6. @Boiled Dove, hey, thanks! I certainly took a very long break, but I'm really pleased with my ever-growing collection. I'm getting tattooed every two to three months, so I do need to slow down a bit. However, I can't seem to help myself.
  7. Man, I loved James, too! I would have loved for him to win. "Ooooh, Lord have mercy!" Hahaha As for the canvases, if you go on that show and get a shitty tattoo, you have no one to blame but yourself.
  8. I do hope you know that any decent artist you take these drawings to will rework them and make them more their style. I know my artist's pet peeve is people who bring in drawings by people they know and expect him to just copy it. First of all, he's a better artist than most (with a degree in graphic design), and oftentimes, the photos/drawings people bring in are shit.
  9. If it's her boyfriend, you aren't going to get her to listen. The work is shitty and awful, and you can tell her everyone think so, but she is involved with this guy and thinks he's the bee's knees. Nothing will convince her otherwise. It's sad. The multicolored pimple thing on her arm is tragic. I don't even know what to say about that.
  10. Oliver said he would have picked Christian as the winner, and as much as I didn't like him, I agree his chest piece was the best. Sadly, most of the general public probably thought he was an asshole, and that meant he didn't get to the final two. Plus, the artists didn't like Christian—and that horrible Megan girl who is banging Cleen was screaming the loudest when they were trying to decide who should be in the final two. Cleen's sleeve was way cheesy and the chest piece was ... not good. So yeah. If it couldn't be Christian, it had to be Anthony.
  11. @marley mission, I don't get it, either. Who gives a shit? Scratchers are everywhere.
  12. It's very tender. It isn't really painful as such, but because of the location, I am always moving it. Hope the swelling goes down soon.
  13. This is day two. It's still pretty swollen. My left arm did the same thing.
  14. It looks like a skin disease. I'd be worried, too.
  15. @Devious6, I've been told a local artist from around here is on, too, but I didn't see him in any of the clips. I will be cheering on Team Peck all the way. Really, really don't like Nunez. I was also happy with the winner this year. Absolutely spot on.
  16. @Graeme, thanks. I'm thrilled with it. Looking forward to the finishing touches. I love your vagina tattoo. Wait. That didn't sound right. ;-)
  17. Thanks! You know, I can deal with anything. Most tattoos don't bother me at all. BUT DAMN, inside bicep is the worst. It was exhausting because I was on edge and gritting my teeth the whole time. It is really swollen tonight, too. Really beat me up. Totally worth it, though.
  18. My arm is so swollen from last night's work. My inside biceps get very angry when I tattoo them. ARGH.
  19. Thanks, guys! @bongsau and @SStu
  20. Thanks, @bongsau! Really pleased with it.
  21. Thanks! I'd already had the inside bicep on my left arm done, so I KNEW it would hurt. But I did it anyway. It is really, really swollen today. Ouch.
  22. Inside of my right upper arm. Adding more floral elements to connect the inside and outside at my appointment next month. We both got tired, and the shop was closing. :-) Hurt like a fucker. That unexposed baby skin inside my arm (as you can see, I'm very, very pale) was excruciating.
  23. oboogie

    Bird with peonie

    More floral elements added next month. We both got tired after three hours, and the shop was closing soon.
  24. What are those thin lines? I can't tell what it is supposed to be?
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