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Posts posted by draganb

  1. Wow guys, thanks for all the answers.

    Yeah, the more i think about it, it seems the best option is to go and have Peter do it himself.

    @byzantine recommended doing it in a day, but surely that's not enough time to design and implement a medium size (shoulder) tattoo?

    I always thought about it as a process that takes several sessions.  Am i overestimating it?


  2. Hey guys and girls, noob here looking to get his first tattoo

    I've been lurking around here for some time, taking in your experiences and advices. 

    I've checked out many of the artists you recommended, and found that i really like the nordic tribal style of Peter Madsen https://www.instagram.com/blackhandnomad/?hl=en

    What is your opinion on me showing some of Peters art to a local tattoo artist to get something similar done? Would that be considered offensive to the artist? 

    I am located in Croatia, and, while there are some excellent artists here, most of them don't have a signature style, or have I style that I don't care for.

    I am aware that having Peter himself do the tattoo would be the best option, but that would be a little difficult for me to pull of, both financially and logistically. 

    Thanks for the advice!

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