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Posts posted by Charles.M

  1. Do not know where your coming from by that comment... if purely humor or something else, but the information is sound, google, tattoo ink laser removal side effects and start reading the horror stories... my caution warning is sincere. If you were being light all is good and I have just read too much on the subject.

  2. Hand pokers have the advantage, that when the power goes out, they light a candle and do not stop. lol

    If we ever go back to the stone age they are our boys and girls...

    I have done a bit of hand poke and it is slow... even when designed to be efficient  ....

    There are some great artist in that style

  3. Getting a tattooer to design your tattoo is the first step, non-tattooers have the wrong skill set in laying out a design that is meant to fit on a three-dimensional human body, wrapping around it, in a purposeful way. Also, a tattooer will know what detail and lack thereof will look best on the skin (now and later) at the size you want it, the tattooer filter, is step number one! If you skip that step you end up going back anyway so why waste time?

  4. When laser removing a tattoo always start a heavy metal detox, because otherwise stable tattoo ink, is broken down by the laser and become super toxic small particles that are released into your blood. Our bodies basic process for removing the unwanted particles from our body, expose you to harmful toxins, the way around it, if you are set on the laser treatment is to start a heavy metal detox cycle and clean that stuff out before it hurts you.

    Methods which cause the ink to come straight out of the skin the reverse of the path the ink went in is safer, in my view.

    Cover-up is the best possible situation though because everything is relatively stable under the skin.


  5. Hello my name is Charles Murray, been Tattoo Artist since 1997, started at a biker shop in an apprentice situation, where I was the human photocopier, run errands boy, cleaner, phone answer and drawer. I would call this and Oldschool American Apprenticeship. The owner did not know much but I got my foot in the door and have been committed ever since. I work hard, study hard and try to get better every day. Looking to connect with others in the tattoo Scene.

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