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Rob I

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Rob I last won the day on October 22 2016

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    Londonderry, NH
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  1. Great tattoo!!!!! Hope you are enjoying it now!!
  2. Could be a reaction to the saniderm. You may have a sensitivity towards the adhesive. Wouldn’t hurt to have a doc check
  3. New Hampshire??? Definitely hobos or their sister shop Congress st tattoo in Portsmouth.
  4. Totally fine. Way over thinking.
  5. Why is it rude to ask who the tattooer is?!?
  6. Looks like a little ink loss due to scabbing. Touch up should fix it right up.
  7. Rob I

    Tattoo help

    Agree with above. Could also be ingrown hairs caused by initial shaving and way too much lotion clogging pores. Keep it dry for a while
  8. Rob I


    I see zero scabbing. Tattoos can feel raised for a while. They are not fully healed for about 6 weeks and then take months to settle in. I don't see anything of concern
  9. Tattoo looks totally fine and seems to be healing very well. The lightening of the colors is totally normal as the ink is now under a layer of new skin. Looks totally and completely normal.
  10. Sorry for your loss. Your tattoo looks great. I think you are over analyzing it. it's very well done. Size and placement is perfect.
  11. This is different altogether and the discussion should be allowed in my opinion. OP is NOT looking for a career as a tattooer and is simply trying to better someone's cancer treatment. To the op- this forum will be of little help. It used to be populated by tattooers but most left and you are just reaching collectors here who won't be able to answer your question. I suggest calling or stopping by a legit shop and asking them. They will be much more help than anyone that frequents this board. Best of luck.
  12. Tegaderm is awesome and have used it on the last 4 of my tattoos. I did not use it on my back piece. I did however sleep on my back and I don't personally think it made any difference. I can't sleep on my stomach and told the tattooer straight up that I was going to sleep on my back. He didn't think it would be an issue and it never seemed to be. That being said, lay still and try not to move around when sleeping. Easier said than done i guess. But if you don't have any adhesive allergies, I can not recommend tegaderm strongly enough. The stuff is a total game changer.
  13. From what I've read. Aloe isn't great on new tattoos but should be fine with healed ones.
  14. Perfect!!! Fantastic tattoo
  15. Rob I


    If you are in philly go visit old city tattoo and I'm sure it can be fixed up to your liking. It doesn't look bad at all. I do see a bit of the old tattoo peeking through in the top pic but it's definitely not as bad as you describe. Easy to be critical of tattoos that you have to look at every day though Martin Lacasse does incredible Japanese work at old city and could probably re-work that peony to make it perfect. Good luck!
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