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Posts posted by ByeBye

  1. On 9/11/2017 at 9:31 AM, Mr_Spaghetti said:


    I have had laser removal by a couple of different people and currently from one of the most reputable in New York. In the care package I am always given sterilized lancing needles and told to pop blisters, let them drain and clean with hydrogen peroxide. Although they look a mess they heal up fine. 

    Also I'm given bandages and told to wrap for half of the day and then uncover when i get home (I usually remove after work, clean and pat dry with a paper towel). The bandages last about 4-5 days so I leave uncovered after that. I have done this for about 6 large sessions with no issues.

    So I wouldn't worry!


    On 9/10/2017 at 10:49 PM, ocdcollector said:

    I had had a tattoo removal done and 1 day after huge blisters started forming alongside tiny blisters. Read time and time again not to burst these blisters, but to let it pop themselves, so I went to work today and they sent me to the medical doctor and he immediately popped my blisters and cleaned it throughly before dressing it up.

    Question.. will this affect the removal in anyway? i read that reasons not to pop the blisters is to protect the wound from becoming infected.. so since he popped it in a sterile environment and after that dressed it up.. is it ok? also i read to let the layered area have as much open air as possible, but i was told by the doctor to let the dressing stay and it would heal much faster. I am seriously at loss now.

    Hey did you keep lasering it off? I’m thinking about doing the same with mine.

  2. On 9/11/2017 at 9:31 AM, Mr_Spaghetti said:


    I have had laser removal by a couple of different people and currently from one of the most reputable in New York. In the care package I am always given sterilized lancing needles and told to pop blisters, let them drain and clean with hydrogen peroxide. Although they look a mess they heal up fine. 

    Also I'm given bandages and told to wrap for half of the day and then uncover when i get home (I usually remove after work, clean and pat dry with a paper towel). The bandages last about 4-5 days so I leave uncovered after that. I have done this for about 6 large sessions with no issues.

    So I wouldn't worry!

    Hey I was wondering what were your results with laser? 

  3. 1 hour ago, Synesthesia said:

    I might have missed it earlier in the thread, but is this your first tattoo? Or at least your first in a highly visible spot? The forearm can be tough to live with because you're seeing it every day, it was a little jarring when I got my first piece done there so I think this is something a lot of people go through. 

    I would say add more around it and on your other arm. A juxtaposition like the mermaid mentioned above might be nice, something feminine and brightly colored to add contrast and show your varied interests. Just make sure whatever you add to it (or cover it up with, if you so choose) is something you really want and not just something to make others happy. Women can absolutely rock more traditionally masculine tattoos, don't let people get you down about it!

    It’s my second large tattoo. The other large one (my first one) is in my back so yeah this is my first visible one. And thanks! (About the women thing) I will really think about this. 

  4. 9 hours ago, Gingerninja said:

    Me, personally, I say that you try to live with your tattoo for a while. You'd need to talk to the laser specialists for opinions on which type of laser would be best for you.

    Yeah imma live with it meanwhile I get a job to pay for laser and when I have money for at least one session (and see one or two actual doctors) I’ll decide. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, Gingerninja said:

    Check out both Q Switched and Pico laser removal. I did six sessions over the course of a year on a very small tattoo that got it light enough (barely) for a cover-up. Expensive and not fun but glad that I got it worked out. If I really wanted it OFF, I would have followed up with Pico laser since the Q Switched was hardly doing anything....

    Do you recommend it for me? What do you think? 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Hogrider said:

    Sounds like good advice. You've already done one thing you regret.

    This is a recipe for disaster. I've seen a lot of God-awful tattoos on people who couldn't wait to cover them. If you rush into this, you are more likely to make it worse than better. Take a deep breath, calm down and just accept that it's going to take time to fix. If you are old enough to get a tattoo, then you are old enough to get your own money. Get a job :51_scream:, earn money :91_thumbsup:, fix it :14_relaxed:

    I was thinking about starting to get laser now even if I dont have an exact idea for a cover up? To start the process at least? Know that I am doing something? And yes one of my goals now is getting a job. 

  7. 4 hours ago, SStu said:

    Lasering by a competent technician will certainly work. Getting it light enough for a cover-up will be easier than trying to get back to zero. 

    Yeah I’m trynna get used to a cover up idea because I know lasering it completely will be almost impossible but I at least want to try. Either way most artists have recommended me to laser it first before trying a cover up. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, Hogrider said:

    I recommend you do some research on laser so you have realistic expectations. 

    I watched the TV show Prison Break. The star got his entire torso, back and sleeves lasered off in one session. Completely gone, no trace. If that's what you are expecting (or anything remotely similar), you'll be extremely disappointed.

    Yeah I looked it up and it takes years to laser something off. 

  9. 15 hours ago, bongsau said:

    that is a great looking tattoo. just leave it and learn from it, he (the fish monster) may remind you (in time) that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    here's an idea...put something bigger, brighter and more 'feminine' on the outside of the forearm to juxtapose and contrast the scary merman-monster...perhaps a elegant mermaid with flowing hair and a shimmering tail, tonnes of aqua blues and greens, with finger waves splashes wrapping around to the inside of the arm fading in and around the monster head. That gives you bright/feminine on the outside of the arm, dark/bold on the inside.

    but hey, you gotta send us a pic and give me an internet high-five if you use that idea ;)

    you'll figure it out, don't rush, good ideas come with time...cheers

    Your idea is so awesome and exciting! But I just dont know if I can do it man. I dont know if I can live with a mistake on my forearm forever...and so huge... I don’t know man it’s unbearable. This whole thing has made me bitter about tattoos. I used to love em. 

  10. 42 minutes ago, byzantine said:

    I totally feel your pain. When I got my elbow tattooed it didn't turn out how I expected at all. I hated it. It was the only tattoo on my arm and I spent around 6 months wearing 3/4 or long sleeve because I couldn't stand the sight of it. I already had quite a few pieces but had a weirdly emotional reaction to this one and lost sleep and just felt really regretful and unsettled. I also considered getting laser and even went for a consultation - it was so dark a cover wasn't an option. 

    In the end I decided to get another tattoo, rather than laser. Right next to my elbow tattoo. I loved it and have got more since. I'm so glad I didn't get laser - it would have been so painful and expensive. 

    If you can - live with it a little longer. It's only been a couple of months. Give it 6, even a year if you can. You'll be surprised how much your feelings change. 

    I found the hardest thing was not to obsess over it and stare at it all the time, so it was easiest to just get up, put a long sleeve on and not think about it. 

    IMO it's a good tattoo. Remember it will fade more still aswell - it usually takes 6 months for them to fully settle/ fade.

    Exactly!! I’ve had two laser consultations so far. And one of them was a tattoo shop that told it me it wouldnt be able to be covered without laser which sucks cuz i wanted a cover up. I’ll have to live with it as I dont have my own money and my parents wont pay for anything unless I wait a whole year and am a 100% sure of it. Sucks. I went to a cover up specialist here and he basically just told me he’d cover it with flowers. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, Gingerninja said:

    Hey, if this is the worst thing that ever happens to you (or the dumbest) then you are golden. PR has some great artists and a couple of great conventions where you could find artists that travel. Do your research! Also, give that badass tattoo a nice feminine name. Hahaha! 

    You have a point there...and I have talked to two dudes so far and one said he couldnt cover it yet the other said the typical rose cover up and imma see others. I do agree, I love my family and even have a best friend and have uni and everything (even tho i didnt go this semester) yet I dont know how or why this has affected me so much. To the point of not eating or wanting to wake up from sleeping so I dont have to see it. I literally spend hours and hours looking at laser removal reviews and checking cover up artists and examples. I just cant find peace girl, it sucks. I know its stupid but knowing its stupid doesn’t make the feeling go away. 

  12. 45 minutes ago, cfmartin67 said:

    “Think before you ink!” 

    It’s a good tattoo and a coverup will be a disaster. Learn to love it, add to it to make it more feminine, or get started with the laser treatments. Believe me, I’m the master of getting coverups, blast overs, and redoing tattoos. I’d leave that one alone!

    Do you think laser would work on the type of tattoo i have? 

  13. 26 minutes ago, Gingerninja said:

    Well, screw what people say. Their reactions tell you more about them than anything about you. My suggestion: own it. Use it to power you while you figure out your options. 

    Its also super confusing cause some people say it cant be covered others say it can others say i should fade with laser others say i dont have to others say laser is a waste of time and etc. Like theres just so much uncertainty. 

  14. 25 minutes ago, Gingerninja said:

    Well, screw what people say. Their reactions tell you more about them than anything about you. My suggestion: own it. Use it to power you while you figure out your options. 

    Imma try girl! I just feel like the dumbest person in the world right now... 

  15. 4 minutes ago, Gingerninja said:

    Ah, gottcha. You'd be surprised to know how many women have imagery like this! I think it's bad ass... Take a bunch of deep breaths and do research on coverups. Where are you located?

    I thought about that too when I got it but now I’m just freaking out. The negative opinions plus my own insecurity have made this a nightmare. Should’ve put it in a more private place but oh well can’t change the past. And I live in Puerto Rico. 

  16. 3 minutes ago, cfmartin67 said:

    “Think before you ink!” 

    It’s a good tattoo and a coverup will be a disaster. Learn to love it, add to it to make it more feminine, or get started with the laser treatments. Believe me, I’m the master of getting coverups, blast overs, and redoing tattoos. I’d leave that one alone!

    My mom says i could add feminine things too but its just so freaking huge I dont know how that would work. 

  17. 3 minutes ago, Gingerninja said:

    I think it's a good tattoo, so there's that. What is it that's bothering you? Don't mean to pry...you don't have to answer.

    I feel masculine and ugly with it. 

  18. 41 minutes ago, Gingerninja said:

    Hey there...just breathe. When did you get it? Don't rush into anything. Don't let it control you. It can be fixed one way or another.

    I got it January 16 :( A day after my 20th birthday 

  19. 3 hours ago, Hogrider said:


    When I hear, "I just want it gone" it makes me think they are in a hurry. Desperation for a quick coverup is a recipe for disaster.  Every coverup is harder than the last, so take your time and get it right.

    Well, yeah I agree its just its causing me anxiety and depression having it there. I made a mistke. 

  20. 2 hours ago, SStu said:

    That depends on how big and dark you want an adequate cover-up to be. 

    I’m open to anything tbh I just want it gone and to have something more feminine 

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