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Everything posted by Jomester

  1. revisited is cool, the Tilt books are cheap and cool, old ghost's is neat. tattooflashbooks.com has a bunch of books I really want the Zeis: Tattooing as you like it.
  2. Aside from showing respect to this forum, you have no respect for your craft, no respect for your mentor. and no repect for yourself. get over the internet, it's not how you learn the trade or solve problems. i dont buy that excuse that you cant get tattooed at another shop go to the next county over. your fucking people up and aew not even making a real attempt to solve your problem. google is not for tattooers. but i supose i am beating a dead horse. and what do i know i am just an apprentice who slaves 80 hours a week in trade for proper training in the craft. so fuck what i say. but you should be working harder.
  3. 45minutes, thats a man making a calculated decision. I can get down with that.
  4. do yopu like schlitz malt liquor? how big is your wrist? how simplified will you allow the tattooer to go?
  5. makers mark and gingerale, rough day at the shop.
  6. I'm from los angeles but currently working in florida. I like thi forum alot, its great for some laughs after 11 hour days in the shop, thank you guys and gals for providing that for me.
  7. Hi, i lurked for a long time but i had to sign up just to say, the original post is so wrong, and every post after was so perfect!
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