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Posts posted by Ismael

  1. I have religious tattoos, and I am an agnostic with strong atheistic leanings.

    But what seems to me is that the meaning of tattoos seems like such a big deal nowadays. Almost like as if someone needed to explain why did they get every single piece they have, and if they fail they'll be seen as a frivolous person.

    I believe that images have a power of their own, that cannot be properly put into words. This also happens with with tattooing, there are images that have been tattooed over and over again, which no one can properly pin down as to when did people start getting those tattoos and what do they mean. But they have such a visual impact that carry on it's wordless appeal and make people keep on getting them tattooed.

    And with religious images I believe it's the same, even tho some images now have been associated with this or that specific religion, they have been around for aeons. There are crosses in a lot of religions, there are many cults to female deities virgin Mary like, there are many saviour like characters in several religions like Jesus and Gilgamesh, and so on. So getting a religious tattoo can be an identifier for some people, showing their devotion to a specific religion, but it can be so much more than that... particularly if it's done by a good artist.

    It gets on my tits when people are more interested in the meaning of a specific tattoo, than in its wordless impact that goes well beyond meaning.

    And sorry for being so pedantic...

  2. She will regret it. Doing a tattoo based on strong emotions is always not the best idea.

    She wants to tattoo his name on her face now, in a few months she would be happy with just a heart with his name on it, after that she would be glad with only his name on her wrist, and maybe given enough time she would tattoo a severed head resembling him with the words bastard. All this to say that emotions change, so called love most of all, but tattoos stay forever.

    Maybe I'm being too much of a cynic, but I believe she will indeed regret it, and that this guy should not be allowed to tattoo no one else ever again.

  3. I've used numbing cream on my front calf and knee as well, but it lasted for one hour, and before that it didn't really feel like I was being tattooed. It felt more like someone was giving me a really soft massage, it took something away from the all experience. I like to fell like someone is injecting ink into my skin, and not just like they're doing a decal.

    So now, when the pain gets rough I remind myself that "these moments of pain will provide for a lifetime of awesomeness, so suck it up and stop whining." I lie, i don't whine, just cry silently not to disturb the artist.

  4. I've only had one very negative reaction where a man took time out his day to tell me I "was ruined! Tattoos are for sailors and prostitutes!" . He was so angry. I thanked him for his "insight", several other customers told him to shut it.

    I yearn for such a reaction, really. Would laugh my ass off, shake that guy's hand and say to him how much better the world would be if he was right. At least I wouldn't have to say for the billionth time that my tattoos don't really have a meaning per se, for I didn't get tattooed at miami ink.

  5. Got my first, one month after i turned 18. At the time I was working at a record shop, and most of the people i used to hang out with, had tattoos that would tell other people what music they were into, even if they were naked. I mean like, having Japanese crust band logos tattooed on one arm, and a misfits skull on the other. Some people get a t-shirt for a band, them guys got a tattoo, and so did I.

    I liked tattoo as much as any normal 18yo at the time, so i decided to get a tattoo. And nothing made more sense to me at the time than getting a band tattoo, so I got a tattoo from Neurosis, a big tribal sun on my elbow,

    Well, not really regretting the piece, I believe I could have waited. Since it's a bit out of tune with the other stuff that I got, it gets the most attention from strangers and the customary "what does it mean?" question more often. Still love the band tho, and miss my job at the record shop.

  6. Hello LST folks!

    Today I decided to stop being a stalking lurker, and try to contribute to this great community in whichever way i can.

    I'm from Europe, dividing my time between Portugal and England. I'm obsessed about getting tattooed, I like to draw and eating pizza as well...

    Will come around to post some photos of the stuff i have on me... when I get the time.


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