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Posts posted by ogjoeswanson

  1. I was very stoked on this mag when I heard about its pending release and was really impressed with the first issue...Seems like Tattoo Artist Magazine set the mark for us tattooer and Tattoo Culture Magazine is using that mark of quality to educate and entertain tattooers, collectors or those people who are just curious about the community that is tattoing. I do like the the digital layout and the flow of the app when downloaded. I think digital this is a great way to make it readily accesible to more folks than print. Im getting more used to reading and looking at print on my smart phone. I looked at an actual magazine the other day and caught myself wanting to double tap the pics that I liked...YIKES! Tattoo Culture Magazine in my opinion is rretty cool stuff! I cant wait for the next issue.

  2. Hello everyone, this is my first post here on LST, I'm a tattooer from California and have been curious to come on the LST forum and see what it had to offer. I do believe a controlled and open-minded forum is such a great tool to educated and enlighten folks to some of the nuances of the tattoo community.

    As I began to read this post, I hoped, that I would find there are still tattooers with a voice contributing to this site. I find it absolutely refreshing to see that, not so far into this Post, a well respected and talented tattooer, @StewartRobson posted an articulate and well thought out reply. I look forward to 'exploring' the forum more and also contributing where I can.



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