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Posts posted by Fala

  1. My first tattoo was on my ribs, and my artist gave me this look like, "it's your first tattoo, you want it on your ribs, and how big, are you crazy?" He thanked me for sitting really well for him - so I hope that it meant that I actually sat well and not code for "you sat horribly." My first session was 5 hours with 4 hours of active tattooing time (the hour lost was stencil application, a couple of breaks, and set-up time), second session was 3 hours of tattooing if I remember correctly. For me, the first 10 mins and last 20-30mins are the worst and the outlining is way way worse than the shading. I think the kidney area is worse than the ribs, so far...

  2. People will ask me what my next tattoo is and I tell them I plan to go to Smith St. in NY in November to get tattooed by the four guys there who do the same style as what I have been getting. The first response I get is, "oh is that New York ink?"... No it's Smith st!!

    I have even been asked if I was going to Miami Ink after I have told them I will be in New York getting tattooed!

    LOL!!! People did that to me with: NY Adorned. "Is that the NY Ink place?" Ummmm... no, it is not the NY Ink place...

  3. I don't have a lot of tattoos yet, but about 14 piercings, 4 in my face that get comments (Septum, 2 Nostril, 1 Philtrum)

    About tattoo plans and piercings my mom has said:

    "When will you stop? You will get addicted to it and one day your whole face and body will be covered".

    My dad tends to say things like:

    "You are really ruining your looks like that."

    He favors my younger sister, who does not have tattoos or piercings but mentioned to me she might want a small tattoo. When I told him he said:

    "She would never do that! She knows better!."

    That is about all I have heard, nothing spectacular.

    I've gotten all of the above from my father, my mother is trying to remain open-minded about them. Although, she's expecting me to get little tattoos vs big ones... My father said, "well, I guess if you don't like it in 10 years you can get it lasered off."

    I've received the very typical "I never understood tattoos, they are so... permanent" and "why would you do that to yourself?"

    And, I've been asked to keep my tattoos covered up at family gatherings so as to not upset the elderly family members.

  4. I care about the balance portion to a degree. At this point, I'm getting my left outer thigh done this fall, have my right ribs done down to my lower hip/upper thigh done, and will save up for a backpiece. After that I "plan" on stopping regardless of the fact that the left thigh will be more filled out than the right thigh. I too am one of those who has to be covered up for work, which limits me (in a way) to what I want to/can do at the moment.

  5. I have been getting a lot of acupuncture lately, and my acupuncturist always asks about tattoo stuff, and those needles vs. these needles. I told her acupuncture is like, a freaking treat compared to getting tattooed. Interestingly, she was saying that she imagined the places that she finds acupuncture needle insertion hurt the most are also the places where getting tattooed sucks the most, but it doesn't seem to correspond at all. Like she says forearms are generally a rough spot (although I have not found that to be the case, with the exception of my wrists). And like, she sticks needles right into my forehead and stomach and I don't feel a thing. So all that to say: duh, different needles feel different.

    In some research I've done, most often the places where people choose to get tattooed reflect areas of imbalance in the body per acupuncture and TCM theory. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with pain levels.

    I HATE needles, like freak out over blood drawn, vaccinations, etc to the point where I almost pass out. Tattooing, I'm okay even though I think outlining totally sucks. Acupuncture needles, I usually wince when then go in, but after that I'm okay.

  6. He's great, though I have no other comparison as I only have work from him so far. No complaints about Yoni and NY Adorned whatsoever, they're all fantastic.

  7. I don't have a lot of work, but I typically wash the tattoo after a few hours in lukewarm water with a plain castille soap (Dr. Bronner's), then apply Aquaphor for the next 24-48 hours. I don't recover it with anything after washing. After the 24-48 hours are up with the Aquaphor, I apply a home-made healing salve and Aveeno for at least a week thereafter. Have had no color loss with this method, and the itching is more bearable. The one time I used A&D, I had so much fall-out the shading had to be redone.

  8. Been lurking on the LST forum for a while now, and finally joined as a member.

    I attached a photo of the most recent work I've had done. Getting some work by Horizakura this fall, I can't wait!

    Happy to be here as a member! Thanks for letting me join LST!

  9. I'd blame it on the A&D ointment - that stuff is nasty, not particularly good for sensitive skin, and takes forever to wash off. Try the Aquaphor instead - really warm it up in your hands before applying it in a super thin (almost non-existent) layer. Re: lotion, try getting an all natural or organic brand that's not scented - will be better for the sensitive skin.

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