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Posts posted by TattooedMumma

  1. 10 hours ago, Dan said:

    fuckin' awesome tattoos, I love all 3 !!!!   I also like your traditional theme


    and I am sorry for your family loss and I hope the issues get better for you.

    Thanks Dan , appreciate it. 


    I'm loving the new additions too, we are going to do a happy cloud on the other leg and deciding if I balance out the flaming skull with another skull or a lady head. He drew my double ended candle, but she just didn't work-so looking for a similar shape to match with.

  2. On 4/3/2024 at 10:06 PM, Hogrider said:

    I started working on my ass yesterday! Tattoo I mean. I’m working on a body suit and that pasty white ass was really bugging me so I decided to get that tattooed too.

    I told my artist he could do whatever he wanted, which has always worked out well. My wife said, “ You told him he could do whatever he wanted with your ass?”  It’s not as creepy as it sounds.🤔

    it didn’t hurt nearly as bad as I thought it would. A little tender around the crack, but not unbearable. He did the outline yesterday, we’re going to color in two sessions, depending on how well I sit.

    Haha there's so many spin off conversations I want to have but this is a public space 🤣

    You saying the butt isn't that bad though has me living in hope. I'm a while away from getting my butt done, so I'll live vicariously through your experience til then.

    Keep us updated!

  3. Well it's been a hot minute and I've had a heap of family stuff going on including a loss so had to cancel some appointments. 

    Managed to get a couple done last weekend though.

    Bat, cicada , and angry cloud. 

    A first for me- I almost fell asleep. I think purely due to the fact this was the first time I'd stopped since all of the things decided to happen. 


    I'll get around to that elbow in the coming month I hope.





  4. Seems nobody has a tattoo motif/theme they'd happy get forever😄

    This topic actually came up in the shop last weekend (artist bought it up) and I mentioned mine would be skulls. It was interesting hearing what everyone would pick. Some were undecided,  while others were very specific.






  5. Thought I'd add upcoming tattoos to this thread 🙂 

     I've had a few tattoos already this year, and I've now got some appointments coming up over the next 2 months.

    April I have two bookings during school holidays (working in a school, holidays means I can snag a weekday booking finally!) . First with Kyle on the 16th for a flower on my right elbow and a seahorse just down from that on the fleshier inner elbow/forearm area). Keen for it, but it's also going to suck a fat one! 

     The week after I go back to Andrew for a full day. We're hoping to get a few more on the backs of my legs (cicada, bat, eye cloud, double ended candle) and webs added to either side of the heart that I have on my sternum/under boob area.  

     I've also had confirmation from Kyle for May 18 to add to my left arm which is now looking lonely in comparison to my right. Hoping to add a lady head to the outer bicep and fan to the elbow ditch. Just depends on time. He's fast as, but he may have other bookings around my appointment too . 

    Initially I wanted the cloud on my right elbow, but Kyle is doing a flower to fit the awkward gap shape. Then I was going to put the cloud on the front of my shin, but now we're going with a semi matching/opposite  theme on the back of the legs. Just a bit of fun. 

    I'll likely get my left elbow done before it gets to the awkward gap stage, to allow for more freedom in design.  Who knows, I'll probably just slap another flower there anyway 😆


  6. On 3/7/2024 at 10:00 PM, Slemalam said:

    It looks great. I especially like the dragon.

    Thanks, the apprentice did the dragon a few months prior. I just went back to him again for a mermaid to match the reverse mermaid he did recently for me.


  7. 3 hours ago, Dan said:

    nice !

    the addiction is real  😁


    Funds were the reason I didn't wnd up covered years ago.

    I chatted to Kyle about my elbow yesterday too. Because I work in a school, during the school term I'm limited to Saturday bookings, so we're going to try a weekday next holidays which is the end of April. Gives me time to psych myself up for an elbow smashing too😆


  8. Back at the shop again today! 

    Two tattoos from Binger; a flaming skull from his flash and a reverse mermaid that he drew for me. I was meant to get this last year but the universe was against me.

    These are both on my right leg- lower calf and outside ankle. 


    So bloody happy with them both! He also touched up the axe and swallow for me .

    March is my birthday month, so it would be rude not to pay him another visit then😁




  9. 8 hours ago, Hogrider said:


    Thanks! I'm amused by the colour progression in the bruising today. It's not sore, but looks like it definitely should be!


    I have also inquired about a couple specific dates for my elbow, as I've realised I'll be in town for some professional development.  Will see if it's enough time or if I just have to wait for a Saturday to come free.

    Been looking at more aquatic themed ideas for the elbow. Otherwise it will be a flower. 


  10. On 1/27/2024 at 12:04 AM, Dan said:

    at least for me, my elbows were not too bad.Don't over think it, you might be surprised how it's not that bad.


    On 1/27/2024 at 5:55 AM, Hogrider said:

    True. Different people react differently. I hear how bad the back is, but I almost fell asleep several times when I had my back done.

    Thanks, hopefully I'm one of the ones that it isn't too bad for. Either way, I won't be avoiding it as I want them done. My sternum was easy, but the front of my thigh was shit- so who knows! 

    I filled out a booking form and requested March, so we will see how we go! 

  11. 20 hours ago, Hogrider said:

    Nice. Elbows are no fun. Glad I’ve only got two of them!

    😭 it's gonna suck balls. But I want them done. Thinking I'll do the left elbow soon too , before I get to the "awkward gap" stage, so I have a bit more freedom in what to put there. Though I'll probably just go with two elbow flowers anyway 

  12. Happy New Year peoples! 

    First tattoo for the year, yesterday arvo. Right front forearm. 

    While I was there Kyle was looking at my arm and goes "sorry dude but we're doing your elbow next" .



    Next appointment is Feb 10 for the reverse mermaid I missed out on last year. Then it's elbow . Thinking flower as it's an odd shaped gap. See what happens. I still want the sad eye cloud thing. Might whack that on my leg instead. 





  13. On 10/22/2023 at 8:23 AM, mattmurdy said:

    That skeleton hand holding a candle tattoo is really cool. I was thinking of getting something similar on my chest. Then when I wear a t-shirt, you'd only see the flame sticking out. Think it would be a fun subtle tattoo!

    Thanks 🙂 it was a fun little lucky dip from the gumball machine. I should post a photo now it's healed. 

    That sounds cool 🙂 make sure you post photos when you do!


  14. 4 hours ago, Hogrider said:

    Nice! I’ve got to get one of those shirts!

    I ordered mine from murder apparel , definitely get one!!

    40 minutes ago, oboogie said:

    I wear that shirt all the time. I enjoy the confusion in people's face since I am covered in tattoos.

    Haha they're great shirts aren't they 😄 

  15. Wore my "tattoos are stupid" shirt to today's appointment.

    Got a peacock on the left triceps and then two little bangers from the gumball machine. Both are on right arm.

    Pics are a tad awkward,  taken just after unwrapping.


    I head back tomorrow for a couple extras and then that will likely be it til next year 🙂







  16. A friend of mine has the word "princess" tattooed in Arabic . She got one of the doctors she worked for to write the word down. She chose it purely because it was aesthetically pleasing to look at compared to English (have to agree!)


    Don't worry about covering it up. Like it's been mentioned, there's no pleasing everybody and you got the tattoo for yourself, not the rest of the world. 

    It's not an offensive tattoo, you're good.

  17. IMG_20230826_184622_858.jpg


    I was meant to have a couple more appointments, but one of my girls had a few scares. All good now.


    Saturday I got the horse on my left inner bingo wing and the flipped demon/lady head on front left thigh.

    Horse was mostly fine, but ita arse was a bit rough going.

    Lady demon sucked. There was no consistency (very different to outer thigh which I could get into a groove with and was fine).  She went from easy, to shit, to easy every few seconds. But Kyle is super fast, so he smashed them out quick which made it easier.

    Nice and red and bruised today! 


    Next appointment is end of September. 

  18. On 7/19/2023 at 5:38 AM, Hogrider said:

    I’ve got both elbows done as part of my sleeves. I can tell you they hurt like hell. Fortunately it’s a small area. Thin skin right in bone!!!

    I’m glad I had them done though.


    Oh I'm fully expecting to hate myself for it 🤣 

    But it will be worth it... right 🥲🥴

    21 hours ago, Dan said:

    I have both my elbows and knees done, honestly they were not that bad, my knee ditches were bad,

    I don't have any good pics of my elbows




    Thanks for sharing the pics! Also, loving the stack of skulls on the left arm! 


    Glad to hear you didn't find it too horrible, I'll hold out in hope!

    16 hours ago, oboogie said:

    My elbows were both super painful. But I think my knee was the worst.

    While it would be nice to have the same experience as Dan, I'm fully expecting it to suck 

  19. On 7/11/2023 at 4:48 AM, Colby744 said:

    We’re doing 1 session a month. It’s a good cadence for me, we do about 3 hours per session. 

    3 hours on the back would be plenty I'd imagine! 

    The regular appointments would be nice to look forward to- Are you finding you're developing a bit of a ritual leading up these appointments now?

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