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Posts posted by jade1955

  1. I normally get the train to London before hand, eat something on the train and then run like mad across London because my train always arrives late even if I get the earlier one. During I normally have a sugary drink and try not to laugh or move to much. Afterwards it's back on the train for another 2-3hours whilst I eat a big chocolate bar and then home, shower and more food. The only part of London I know is the route from the tube station to frith street lol :P

    I travel from Swindon, Wiltshire. The train is usually pretty much on time, most of the time. If I'm with my partner and if shes getting tattooed she likes to pop into Fiori, a nice cafe just outside Leicester Square tube station. Then, for her, a visit to the loo and then before we've even got to Frith Street (a 10 minute walk) its a visit to the Cambridge pub to visit their loo. Two visits in 10 minutes. What is it with female plumbing?

  2. The lawyer serving Brady, Clive Evatt KC claimed to the coroner that there was not enough substance to begin the inquest. Evatt argued that an arm "did not constitute a body", and that Jim Smith, minus his arm, could still be alive.The case has remained unsolved to this day.

  3. This happened in the 1930s but its an amazing story.

    The shark arm case in 1935

    A fisherman hooked a small shark off Coogee. A four-metre tiger shark then took the smaller shark and it was caught, too. Instead of dumping the catch, cutting it up on the beach or taking it to the fish markets, the fisherman took it to the Coogee aquarium, where it was thought it would make a wonderful attraction for the following Anzac Day weekend.

    While spectators watched, the shark vomited up a human arm. The arm was identified as having belonged to a James Smith, of Gladesville, a former SP bookmaker and bankrupt builder with minor convictions. His wife said a distinctive tattoo of a boxer on the arm "resembled" her missing husband's tattoo. His fingerprints were also matched with police fingerprints.

    Smith had last been seen drinking with his best friend, Patrick Brady, in a pub at Cronulla. Brady, well known to the law, was an expert forger. Another suspect, Reginald Holmes, tried to commit suicide, failed and accused Brady of the murder. Police let Holmes go and he was found shot dead.

    Brady was charged with Smith's murder. However, the only evidence available to L.J. McKean, the senior crown prosecutor, was that Brady was the last person seen with Smith and that after being confronted by the police, he had told a large number of lies about his whereabouts and movements. The judge directed a verdict of not guilty. Brady, a World War I veteran, died in Concord Hospital in 1965.


    Those lines look blown. Nothing worse than being identified by a poor quality tattoo.

  4. Yep, all being well. I'm on the second week of my holiday. Frank Carters doing walk-ins all day tomorrow. I'm looking to get either a nice little hot stuff or wolfs head on my wrist. Haven't 100% made up my mind yet.

  5. Serious rioting and looting in Manchester. Police are holding a press conference as I write. A lot of 9-11 year olds out in Manchester looting. Manchester City Councillor is asking teenagers to stay off the streets tomorrow night. The level of violence is really bad apparently a lot of damage.

  6. Pisses me off to read about all this, nothing but thieves ruining whatever cause they might have had in the first place.. But glad to see that people are standing up for themselves.. Stay safe jade1955!

    Thanks man. Lets hope this all calms down soon.

  7. Theres no anarchy in the U.K. ,don't confuse this with politics .This is pure greed by a bunch of kids after the latest trainers etc. Look at the shops being targeted

    Foot-locker,Diesel ,Bang and Olfussen etc.

    Keep safe Kyle

  8. I've just received a text from my wife. Some trouble at Swindon railway station. Fuckin hell.:eek:

    I've also read that the Wiltshire police have sent 25 specially trained units to help the police in London. So thats it then if it kicks off in Swindon, we're fucked.

  9. I agree. I respect the law and military, tough job, etc. But even on 9/11 it wasn't secret agent "Jack Bauer" who stopped United 93, just regular people. Puts my trust more in regular decent people than anything else.

    Yeah, Hooligans and dumb@$$ people are everywhere in the world.

    I hope you stay safe and none of this mischief finds you or anyone else that is on this forum.

    Thanks Jaycel, I'm in London Wednesday getting tattooed. That area hasn't been hit with anything.

    I saw this on YouTube. As the reporter says you have to laugh even though it's wrong.

  10. You loot and we shoot. I saw that sign over someones property after Katrina.

    I think I also saw footage of cops joining in with the looting in a branch of Walmart and a TV reporter asking them what they were up to. They looked a bit embarrassed to say the least.

  11. https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150333636850851

    worthless fucks. you really want a police officer to be around to batton every tooth out of his mouth.. he walks off like he's a big man aswell.

    This was shown on the news and the suggestion was that the rioters were robbing from one of their own, suggesting that the guy getting his bag robbed was involved, in some way. Here’s a clue look at what he is wearing on his feet. Now I don't claim to be an expert when it comes to looting and rioting I think I can say with confidence that flip flops are not the best choice of footwear. Poor sod looks like he's just an innocent bystander caught up in this.

    The irony is that the some of the rioters and the communities they come from will suffer directly as a result of all this. Businesses destroyed and livelihoods lost. Some of those small local family businesses like the furniture shop in Croydon that had been there for over 120 years, gone forever and will probably never recover as a result of this. Very very sad.

  12. Trouble in Bristol as well about 40 miles from where I live. Some people have been calling for social networking sites to be closed down as there are claims that the looting and rioting is being co-ordinated on Facebook & Twitter etc. A number of politicians, media commentators and members of the police force have suggested that Twitter and BlackBerry Messenger, in particular, had a role to play in the violence and rioting.

  13. You brits need to calm the fuck down and get over it. We won America.


    Yeah but you only had to deal with a few pansy Redcoats.

    This is big boy shit. We're talking about gangs of hoodies here.

    Seriously though this is crazy it's like the whole place is going up in flames ATM.

  14. I hope so too but unfortunately it seems to be spreading to other parts of the UK. There are reports that there has been some trouble in Nottingham & Birmingham where a police station has been burned down.

    I thought this photo was particularly sad.


    Aaron Biber, 89, assesses the damage to his hairdressing salon after riots on Tottenham High Road on August 7, 2011

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