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Posts posted by AirborneDeth

  1. Yes you are correct. It should have been free hand. I should be able to pick up sarcasm since I have a black belt in sarcasm fu.

    He free hands a drawing directly on the body using multiple colors of sharpies. Mostly yellow and orange though. I used to be a decent artist (not tattoo), but what he sees from those few lines to work with takes a special kind of artist.

  2. Sounds like a lot of different styles...

    Just be careful as once you start reaching the 75% mark your tattoos will become more suit and less one of pieces, this is an important consideration as once joined they tend to clash more. At the very least I recommend going to the same artist and making them aware of your future plans so they can factor this in.

    Good luck with it all and keep LST updated..



    Yeah, it is a wide array of styles.

    The artist I go to freestyled (edit: freehanded) my left arm to tie in my Megadeth tattoo with my Live Free or Die tattoo, neither of which he did to begin with. He will be the only one touching my skin from here on out.

    That's why I haven't nailed down specifics, plus the artist will branch out and do things on his own when he actually sits down and is working in my skin. He is brutally honest if something won't work....I guess it helps that we were friends before he started working on me.

  3. what kinda of big plans?

    Think im around the 75% tattooed mark and am always interested in talking about big projects...

    The first thing is to finish my Star Wars sleeve. That should be done by October. One leg is going to be devoted to GI JOE, and the other is ancient Egyptian themed. I just have to figure out which way I want to go. My back will be the last thing I have done. I don't have ideas for that as of yet...but i may use the Egyptian theme on my back if I decide to do an 80s skate theme on one leg.

  4. Surprisingly, is starting to gain traction. I am an X RAY tech now, and spent 9 years in the US Army as a 92R Parachute Rigger. Married with 2 kids. 39 years old and reside in NC. My goal is to be 75% covered. I just wish I could do the backs of my hands.

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