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Posts posted by Jake

  1. All good man. I know I just posted a lengthy response to the post in question, but it didn't anger me one bit. A difference of opinions is natural- without it there would be no such thing as a discussion board. Here's to approaching ideas with an open mind and a positive outlook!

    Welcome to the site!

  2. Andrew Stickler at odds n' ends in rockford, il does great work. the whole crew at smith street in nyc does some great stuff too. id love to get tattooed by steve boltz and bert krak. most of my tattoos are from my local shop in dekalb, il, protontattoostudio.com. Im happy to say that Justin Duncan from Proton is not only my man when it comes to tattoos but he is also a very good friend of mine. he never updates his online portfolio so almost all of the work of his on the website is super outdated ill try and get pictures of my tattoos hes done and upload them soon. Im new here and i dont want to start any drama but i thought the point of this site was to piss on the mainstream bullshit thats killing the reputation of tattoos yet ami james' shop is represented on here. Ami can tatoo and draw and thats all well and good but he sold out. His shop should not be anywhere near a list with spotlight and temple. You put a mcdonalds on a five star restaurant list.

    I'm going to preface this with the statement that I don't watch much TV and I've never seen Miami Ink and I've only seen one pitiful drama filled episode of LA Ink (ugh).

    From what I've heard from artists involved in the Miami Ink stuff though, they've all had nothing but positive things to say about their experience hanging in Miami and tattooing. You reference how Temple is in the same list as Ami's shop... I was just getting tattooed by Freddy Corbin yesterday and he was telling me how he had fun in Miami during that time.

    I agree that it's stupid to see people with fake tattoo sleeves and tattoo clothing and tattoo cologne and all this mainstream bullshit. I don't think that Ami's shop is a manifestation of this ignorance though. Yes he chose to broadcast stuff on television and make some money, but he still hired a staff of people like Hendricks, Wessman, Corbin, etc. who all do phenomenal work. It's like hating on a band for choosing to join a major record label and saying they sold out. If they're still putting out quality music then fuck it who cares how many people are buying the record. If these artists are still doing quality work then fuck it who cares how many people are getting tattooed by them. Yes the drama is stupid and that's why I don't watch these shows but the artists I know who were involved are still reputable and that's why one should really choose a shop.

    Also I don't think the point of this site is to piss on the mainstream bullshit so much as it is to promote positivity and good tattoo craftsmanship. You could probably argue that Miami Ink doesn't promote positivity within a seemingly overcrowded trade, but on the other hand it has lead to an influx in customers for a lot of better shops which can only be helpful. Here's a link to a thread that discusses the dilemma of these TV shows more in depth, Cable Invasion ( Miami Ink, LA Ink, Tattoo TV Shows).

    It's definitely a loaded topic that someone who's actually watched the show is probably more qualified than me to speak about it.

  3. weird. I love that painting but those just don't translate to body that well. maybe it's just because they're only the elephants and they're very literal interpretations.

    I think a sleeve inspired by that painting could actually turn out awesome. like with the man holding the cross down by the wrist and a variety of crazy contorted animals wrapping all the way up the arm. the artist would HAVE to put his own personal twist on it to fit it to that space

  4. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs046.snc6/167689_495642395278_195126415278_5883171_1990606_n.jpg, http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1362.snc4/163457_495740630278_195126415278_5883684_1913068_n.jpg


    I got these last night by Luke Wessman. I got the girl version of this panther last September. I've been working with him to get a sleeve complete, but me being in the Navy kind of restricts me from getting a complete sleeve. I'm adding to it little by little though. ANd yes that is the Wu-Tang Clan "W"

    I can honestly say I don't feel like just a paying customer when I visit Luke, he treats you as if you've been his homey for a number of years. He's given me great advice on my persuit of a tattooing career, he has even given me amazing critiques on my art work. The fact that he took time off to look at my art work is proof enough, he's a real class act.

    I love that cholo panther tattoo

  5. Oh and Friday:

    January 7th @The Arlene Francis Theater, 99 6th St. Santa Rosa CA. 6pm.


    Dead To Me

    Sabertooth Zombie

    All Teeth

    Strike To Survive

    Hear The Sirens

    i will be there. i think Sammy and Jackson are also planning on this too.

    fuck. If I wasn't in the studio I would totally try and bum a ride to this!

  6. Social Distortion added another date in SF with Lucero and Chuck Ragan!

    Friday Feb. 4th @ The Warfield.

    Now people dont have to go to Modesto or Davis!!!!

    YES. 2 nights after Motorhead no less.

    Bring me Chuck and Lucero in the same night. The Aggrolites are good live and all but Lucero just fits that bill so much better. Get stoked

  7. I don't think Inception required any sort of mental overstimulation to watch it. You can trip out and get all stoney and way overanalyze stuff if you want but I still feel like I would've left my couch with a firm grip of what happened in the movie even if I hadn't put the extra thought into it. It's a pretty clear plot in my one time viewing opinion and an enjoyable one as well.

    The first movie that comes to mind for a movie that i was confused throughout it like you're describing though Wedge is Pirates of the Caribbean 3. That shit was unfollowable with all the twists and unexplained non sequiturs. It definitely makes something less enjoyable if you have no idea what's happening. It's like trying to watch tv without the audio- it's just not the same.

    and MsRad- your question of "what's the point" is entirely up to you. you don't necessarily have to bring some deep meaning out of a movie for it to be enjoyable (in fact most of us watch pointless flicks on the regular and enjoy them.) I think the execution of this film makes it stand on it's own regardless of anyone's opinion on the "point" of it, although having a deeper moral/psychological/thought-provoking impact definitely can make a movie stand above other films.

  8. pushups, pullups, and situps about every other day combined with cardio from bike riding whenever I go anywhere since I don't have a car. working in a warehouse works my legs too from all the heavy lifting I have to do.

    oh yeah, and stretching. I haven't been stretching as much recently and I can totally feel the difference in my body.

  9. I thought that that was the whole point of the totem continuing spinning at the end- to question whether anything that occurred was reality or not.

    Either way I really don't see how you can shit talk this movie. I thought it was fucking amazing.

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