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Posts posted by Jake

  1. Me and Lochlan had the pleasure of visiting Lucky's and meeting Luke while in San Diego for the holidays. Beautiful shop with tons of great art on the walls. It's on the corner of 10th and Broadway and you can't miss it going by- huge roses cover the exterior of the building.

    Here's some photos of Luke's work pulled from Lucky's myspace:






    Both Lochlan and I left the shop super stoked on the experience. Made us both want to go to the ATM and pull out cash for some xmas presents to ourselves.

  2. Personal High Point: Moving from San Jose to Oakland.

    Personal Low Point: Walking away from a project I'd invested tons of time, energy, and love into because it had turned into something I didn't love.

    Best Thread: Random Picture Thread (although The Finer Things is making a run on it at the moment)

    Best Album: Ugh don't make me pick just one. Some records released this year that I love include:

    Bridge and Tunnel - Indoor Voices

    Ceremony - Rohnert Park


    imadethismistake - Bow and Quiver

    Tim Kasher - The Game of Monogamy

    The Notorious XX mixtape

    Best record I discovered in 2010 was released in 2009 though- Chris Wollard and the Ship Thieves - Self-Titled. So good!

    Best Film: Not a movie person.

    Best Show/Concert You Attended or Didn't: Paint It Black and Ceremony at 924 Gilman St. Dead To Me and Big Kids house show in a garage in San Jose.

    Biggest Guilty Pleasure: 4 lb lard bucket we just purchased -


    Best Restaurant: Juanitas Taqueria in Encinitas, CA. Por vida.

    Best Tattoo of the Year:

    seen here on LST -


    my own -


  3. The positions in that calendar are what Jake looked like this morning when traveling back from San Diego but he opted for the pat down and me the xray.

    haha I opted out of the x-ray both times and got the full body search. It's more than a pat down- it's pretty much everything except for the happy ending.

  4. Jake, he's an artist that shows at Gallery 22 on Post, I believe?

    If we're mentioning paintings, here's one of my faves, although a pic could never do it justice:

    I met a guy who was having every little scene from this painting tattoed somewhere on his body from a woman in NY, does this sound familiar to anyone?

    No I saw it at the Frida Kahlo exhibit at the SF MOMA.

    What painting was the guy getting tattooed on him? That sounds like it could be frustrating for an artist to translate that to skin. I don't know though, I don't tattoo, maybe not...?

  5. wow great photos. I've never seen that copy of "On The Road"- rad cover.

    here's my contribution, three of my favorite paintings:




    The last painting was breath-taking in person. The extension of the painting beyond the canvas onto the frame was fucking rad.

  6. OMG!

    The whole time we were watching those other guys in the black eye scenario, Scott never told me that this little gem was available!

    It's amazing what the internet will teach you about your husband/wife/partner/etc ;)

  7. Dr. Pogue is an expert in neuro-linguistic programming – a power-learning system.

    Unless it's like how they learn stuff in The Matrix I seriously doubt his power-learning system. Instant neural upload me "how to tattoo" (and hell why not "how to fly a helicopter" at the same time) and then come talk to me about your teaching "style"!

    Hahahahaha. Good stuff man

  8. i'm sure the longer you cook them, the better they turn out, but it was late and i was craving rice and bean burritos with refried beans and i only had canned whole pintos haha. i just used olive oil and mashed them up, reserved some of their juices and added a little watter just to thin it out a bit. they went through this weird magical transformation (seriously, they went from brown to white then back to brown again), but tasted super good. between this and homemade tortillas using olive oil, i'm a firm believer that it brings something to the table when it comes to mexican food. then again, i love olives and just about anything affiliated so i'm biased.

    agreed upon olive oil. we've been getting these huge bottles from costco of their kirkland brand organic olive oil that's pretty good. use it with everything!

    that's crazy about the color changes too. maybe it was just the skins coming off revealing the whiteish bean inside and then it all getting mashed together to make it brown again.

  9. I second everything that everyone here is saying. You can google image yourself silly, print out all the stuff that you like, and if you take it to the right artist they will pull it together and make it happen. Yes, maybe you would have to bring an exact picture of what you want to a less talented/experienced artist, but why on earth would you want to get tattooed by someone who couldn't draw or had no creative vision? A tattoo is (more or less) forever, so you can end up either loving it or regretting it FOREVER. Drive a little further, get on a plane, go where you need to go to make sure you'll be happy with it in the long run. It seems to me that what you want is very doable, unless you want it as a tiny piece in a small area. I like your idea, and think it would work best as a back piece, or big chest piece, or maybe the top of the thigh, somewhere where you have a large area of skin. For your idea, it might not work out if you went any smaller than at least a half sleeve, bigger would be better.

    Couldn't have said it better myself. Very nicely articulated and great advice!

  10. Hey,

    I looked at both artist's sites, it seems that Bez does more of the "exaggerated realism with color" style that you like. But it wouldn't hurt to meet and talk to both tattooers if you can. You might click with one and not the other, or one might have a lot more enthusiasm regarding doing your tattoo. You will be with the person for a few hours, and if you like both of their work, you might want to go with the artist with whom you'd have an overall better experience.

    Very true Dari regarding the personal connection.

    Seeing as they're both traveling to your area though and you can't just go to Russia or the UK to talk to them, it may be a better bet just to go with whichever artist you can get a confirmed appointment with first. I highly doubt you'd go wrong with either one of them judging by their portfolios.

  11. Lemme start by first stating that I think either artist could accomplish that style piece. Personally though, I'm leaning towards Oleg. Even though THIS tattoo by Bez has me second guessing my choice a little, I still would choose Oleg.

    I can't tell if it's my blurry computer screen or whether there's almost a brush stroke like quality to the reference pic. Pretty cool either way.

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