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Posts posted by Gemini

  1. Had my third session with Tim Lehi at Temple today. Made some serious progress. Things are coming together, but still a ton left to do. Loving the process. I don't know for certain (since I've never gotten a backpiece before) but he seems to work in a very unique manner. It's awesome to see someone so comfortable with such a massive project. 

    I was at Temple today. Your work is amazing!!! And I mean that in the least creepy way possible.

  2. Original poster here. It went well, with no passing out!

    I ate a big rice chicken bowl for lunch right before the tattoo. The first bathroom break I felt drunk and tried to remind myself that it was my body coping with the pain, and all the advice I had gotten here.

    I drank LOTS of water during, sat and stood up very slowly, and scarfed a chocolate protein bar when the artist went to get more ink.

    So thank you! I have to go back to finish the tattoo because we ran out of time, but I am feeling much more confident now!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. My first "real" tattoo was a six hour event. When it was over I stood up while the artist was trying to take a picture, and after a couple of minutes I felt like I was going to pass out. I sat, drank water, and thankfully avoided fainting.

    I have an appointment in two days for my next tattoo and I am really worried about passing out! I read that you should make sure to eat, but then I read if you pass out you'll vomit...

    Help! What can I do to give me the best chance of avoiding passing out?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. I live in the greater SF bay area. I could fairly easily travel to anywhere in Northern California.

    While I am seeing a lot of great work, I am having trouble finding someone doing great work of the style I think I want. I really like the etching/woodcut/linework approach to botanicals. Suggestions?

  5. Well, the concern is clothing sticking to the new tattoo, and getting all gummed up in the healing process. The goal is to keep clothing off it as long as possible. If you get "stuck" to clothing, don't pull it off, get in the shower (or run under water) until the clothing releases from the tattoo. If you can wear clothing and keep it off the tattoo, or keep pulling it away so that it doesn't stick, then go with that. Otherwise, do whatever you can to keep it from sticking. I sleep without a shirt (back tattoo) as long as possible and get creative with work shirts and bras. Definitely harder in the summer when I can't hide behind a loose sweater!!!

    Not sure that answered your concern...

    Thanks! I haven't yet had a tattoo large enough to require careful clothing consideration yet.

  6. Hey all!

    I've been lurking along and have already learned a ton at LST. I have a single tattoo, a bad college decision. I've had it lasered a few times, and now I'm looking for a cover up.

    I can see already that this place is addictive. I've gone from "maybe it should be a little larger than I was going to go" to "and I need this and this, and ohhhhh look at that!"

    Thanks for letting me hang out.

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