Tattoo Shop Reviews

Help us build the best Tattoo Shop directory on the interwebs. Write about your impressions and experiences at all of the shops you've visited. (Include pics of the work you got during your visits for bonus points.)

Rabbits Den Tattoo

Rabbits Den Tattoo

New Jersey | Write a review
The Tattoo Room

The Tattoo Room

California | Write a review
Infinity Tattoo

Infinity Tattoo

Oregon | Write a review
Aloha Tattoo Company

Aloha Tattoo Company

Hawaii | Write a review
Hunter & Gatherer Tattoo

Hunter & Gatherer Tattoo

Pennsylvania | Write a review
Legacy Tattoo

Legacy Tattoo

California | Write a review
Transilvania Art Tattoo

Transilvania Art Tattoo

Sweden | Write a review
City of Ink

City of Ink

Australia | Write a review
Tattoo 13 Tattoo Shop

Tattoo 13 Tattoo Shop

California | Write a review
Virtue Tattoo

Virtue Tattoo

Texas | Write a review
Ink Couture

Ink Couture

United Kingdom | Write a review
White Lotus

White Lotus

New Jersey | Write a review
California Electric Tattoo Parlour

California Electric Tattoo Parlour

California | Write a review
Depot Town Tattoo

Depot Town Tattoo

Michigan | Write a review


Wisconsin | Write a review
Harley Quinn Tattoo & Piercing Studio

Harley Quinn Tattoo & Piercing Studio

Croatia | Write a review
Black Inc

Black Inc

United Kingdom | Write a review
Forever Yours Tattoo Studio

Forever Yours Tattoo Studio

Minnesota | Write a review
Sims Tattoos

Sims Tattoos

England | Write a review
Pair-O-Dice Tattoo

Pair-O-Dice Tattoo

Oklahoma | Write a review