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My (small) tattoos in fashion photography

Trying to incorporate them into my fashion blogging. Most fashion bloggers of course are not tattooed (or pierced) so I will see how readers will like it :p I think they go well with all my dark, gothy or nostalgic fashion posts as well as more modern stuff.




Small line tattoos that I got done 2014/ 2015. I was told the lines aren't the best, though the artist's work isn't bad. It seems straight lines plus difficult location like hands made this tricky. I'm okay with them not being perfect but I will have to find another artist (again...I have tried out three now) I am saving up for larger and colored tattoos but in the meantime I got these because I was very sure about the symbols. I have studied the occult and mysticism since I was a kid (32 now).



Long Term Tattoo care

When exposed to sun I use sunscreen too but only a physical zinc based sunscreen. Some types of sun screen penetrate the first layer of the skin and I am not so sure the chemicals would be beneficial to the ink. Other than that I use coconut oil or linseed oil (for body and face too). Moisturizer increases water pressure in the outer skin layer, which can results in too much water and therefore dry out the skin and tattoo ;).



First blog post

I only have 2 tattoos so far. Different things in life kept me from getting more done. Anything from work, over past relationships, financial reasons and health reasons. But in a way I really regret that I did not get more done. I have been planning certain new tattoo ideas since pregnancy, but our son took priority and the things he needed. He is now two and I hope that I can get a few tattoos done before baby number two. Anyhow, here is my first tattoo at my lower back (with plans for the



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