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Posts posted by xcom

  1. @Synesthesia, I guess they forgot to talk to you when they made they show.. LOL... J/K ;)

    Its meant for TV and they will drive that way... I understand what you mean but you have to understand that this is to capture as much audience they can and not just tattooers/collectors...

    What people like? Drama and Bullshit.... That's what all this realty tv shows bring and Ink Masters have a mixture of "game" and "reality tv" and this is where @Electric i nails the coffin...

    @Electric i, +1 everything you said.

  2. alright...should i take off from work early this afternoon and try and sneak in another bug tatt or two? there are some cool dudes from Gov Street Victoria tattooing at the Edmonton Comic Con this evening. Gotta get home by 7pm so I'm not late taking my wife out for dinner...hmmm...choices...lol

    Dont fuck with the wife's time... LOL... I been down that road and leads to no bueno...


    With that said, go get tattooed! :D

  3. So I been watching it on Hulu sense I have no cable/sat :P dont judge me.... lol...

    I just caught up with Episode 9 and I have to say that Craig disappointed me with his performance.... I hope he picks it up. He did an awesome polka trash piece in the previous episode... It was amazing.

    Now to Episode 10. :)

  4. Yeah, keeping Mustache Pete in the house kept Chris' "Team Florida" strong, which is what he wanted/needed. St. Marq would have crushed that little guy like an insect and Chris is actually a really good tactician as well as a damn fine artist. When I saw his Heart/Grenade that sealed his victory in my mind, although he has stumbled a couple times since then. Now that Tyler is gone he is alone and not well-liked, so the rest of the season is going to be interesting.

    And Craig has more lives than a cat. He isn't going to make the Top 3, but he has survived a lot longer than I expected him too. He is probably a fantastic artist in his home studio, but the House seems to rattle him something fierce.

    I couldn't agree more! But I do think Craig is a strong artist and will make it far.

    For sure 100 times better than the last season.

  5. Here's a fun fact: St. Marq taught Chris Blinston how to tattoo. So, due to Chris not wanting to send that twat with the mustache home, St. Marq left WAY sooner than he should have.

    WoW didnt know that... As far as him leaving to early.. I didnt think so. Homeboy could not think outside the box and was stuck on his own ways/style.

    By this season players know the game and they are not going to put up with ego maniacs that try to get in peoples head... so the whole team ganged up on him...

    I am sure that if you would of have asked the second team to also have a pic from the over all team they would have gunned for him.

    That tactic worked on most seassons but to his luck it did not play out on his advantage this time and the judges had no choice even though they didnt want him out... It was too clear...

    Very talented artists but tooooooooo stuck to his own ways and people like that are not good for this type of games.

    Also this was an amazing tactic by Chris.... He played it out well! he knew none of the other team mates could have taken out St. Marq and it was obvious he was going to be the one to be put on the head chopper... So Chris wanted to be put for elimination so he can have the chance to go head to head with him...

    So one more player with strong reputation and skills out works very well on his favor...

    Well played Chris... Well played..

    Now he has about 3 maybe 4 more to worry about...

  6. I prepare in advance for my visit... If I am sitting down for a long period of time, I take a chair pad to avoid my ass going numb and bothering me in top of the rest that is happening...

    The same concept for the rest.... I have a small pillow and chair pad in my car at all times :)

    Artists encourage you to be as comfortable as possible specially when you are going to be there hours...

  7. Oct 1st, Imperial Tattoo Company, Jon West. Continuing work on my leg sleeve.

    Thinking of a sacred heart with some geo mixed in to it right on my knee, Also thinking to put an element touch of water, wind, and earth by adding my kids favorite animals.... So far I have the Owl. Next I know for sure a Shark and than Wolf?, Bear?, Lets see what the kids say :) ???

  8. I am really sorry for your recent drama that you brought upon your self... I don't think that anything can help you when you are drunk... Probably when is too late and you get punched and remember that you had something to remind you of this exact event.

    Good luck.

  9. @CABS,

    Something similar just happen to me. Mine took a huge chunk of flesh from removing it, If you leave just a tad of soap residue which is what I think happen to me, It will act as bonding agent with the saniderm glue and cause the skin to rip. They have a big warning about this. Lesson learned. :D But yes that will go away at least it has in the past :)

  10. Pics? Just because I like to see tattoos. Don't worry about imperfections. No tattoo is perfect, it's art crafted by hand on another person, there's so many chances for it to go wrong! Minor imperfections add character.

    I decided to get my other inner bicep done ASAP after suffering through the first one. Everything about that spot sucks. Both of mine swelled like crazy too, despite all my best efforts to elevate and ice it. Glad I only have two inner biceps.

    WoW... You are brave. lol No way I would go for my other bicep at this time. I would at least wait till I forget how it felt.

    8hrs of it and it was not easy :D

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