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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. Ive been on a veggie and fruit kick lately. I have never really tried to not eat meat until this last week and I am surprised about how good I feel. Ive been living off of: Apples Fresh salads Lots of Tomatoes and Avocado (Duhhh). I have never gone this long without eating some form of cured pork...
  2. I think it was, cant remember though. I think it was the show Against Me! was supposed to play, but I think either Gilman or AM had second thoughts. Was that Fuck Yeah Fest? I could not believe Ceremony was on that.
  3. The moose thing fucking the statue was hilar.
  4. I really wanted to, but I just got a new place and have to sign my lease and shit today. Pretty bummed. I guess Ill meet everyone a different time. sorry.
  5. I just want to say that Matt Pike (High On Fire, Sleep, Kalas...) is a really funny, but truly bizarre dude. Saw him at Eli's Mile High Club, and he said something to us in Native American when he was leaving. He said "It doesn't mean goodbye, or hello... its just (Insert insane hand motion here). It was great Did anyone go see Sleep a few months ago?
  6. I hope Unser plays still plays a big role in the show... I know he has some shitty cancer, but he is honestly my favorite character in the show. His obsession with Gemma is really "Charming"... get it?
  7. I would never use the "Avoid Ghetto" option. I usually get along with everyone in East O, except for this homeless guy on 42nd and international. He has this MASSIVE fort on a side street by my favorite taco truck, and gets pissed if he is sweeping the front of it and you dont give him money.
  8. I love the winter time because I can get away with having a diet consisting of only soups. Just like this morning for breakfast... I had beef stew, which I will have again for lunch, and then get Pho for dinner. Plus I get to wear all my cool ass jackets that have been sitting in the closet!
  9. Rad. Have to try it. So hard with fat slice sooooo close...
  10. Yessir. I made it in my moms kitchen, in livermore, but Oakland is where I live. Now im mor toasty and watching L.A. Confidential. Russel Crowe's best role... And second best for Guy Pierce's role in Momento....
  11. Turned out great. Had to go everywhere for ox tails... But worth it. S/p pho I am having a mix of jim beam and southern comfort and miller high life. And watching grand torino and POSSIBLY crying at the end.
  12. AA Bondy is good. Two Gallants rules. Saw them at gilman a while ago... Really good. Big William Elliott Whitmore fan as well. He puts on one hell of a show.
  13. Has anyone heard of the Avett Brothers? I saw them at Hardly Strictly and didn't pay much attention to them, but holy crap! They are incredible. Its really refreshing music.
  14. Every time he does a hot wing challenge I get really excited. I went to the place in Santa Clara, and it was too much. I like hot wings, just not that hot.
  15. Please post a link to that. I need to see this. Watching Juggalos in action makes everyone who is not a Juggalo feel amazing.
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