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Everything posted by Ursula

  1. Gonna throw my experience in here... I do not have a wedding band tattoo and my dude refuses to tattoo one on me or get one himself. I wanted a diamond tattooed on my ring finger but now I've got a real one and it's way better ;) For those times when I don't want to wear my diamond ring I have my grandmothers plain gold wedding band. I plan on wearing that when I am travelling in sketchy countries and when I'm doing things with my hands that could hurt my ring. I have 'ELVIS' (like the singing king) on one side of my ring finger and '$' on the other side. Got them before I even knew my fiancé, he doesn't seem to mind. I do however have a portrait of my dude as a hot stuff devil (it's pretty amazing). My dude thought I was joking when I told him I was getting it but he's cool with it since his best friend did the tattoo and it's a really good tattoo. I also have the 'hand with and envelope' tattoo, the envelope has his initials on it, he did the tattoo himself. I also have at least 6 tattoos that were done by my dude but don't contain initials or names or anything like that. Obviously I think we're going to be together forever, I'm sure everyone who gets married thinks that at some point. We are one of those couples that everyone says "you guys really are gonna be together forever" or "usually I don't get to excited when people get engaged but you guys are a really special couple" and that kind of stuff. So yeah I really do think we'll be together till death do us part, and it seems like most people who know us think the same. So for me couple tattoos haven't been the kiss of death, I agree with Dari that it's just most relationships don't work. My dude's first tattoo is a bomb with a banner that says 'Mr. Lucky' I've always liked the tattoo and it still looks good 15 years later. I asked him once a long time ago if we ever got married would it be lame to get the same tattoo with 'Mrs. Lucky' in the banner. I haven't thought about it in a while but I still might do it. The guy who did his still works at Inksmith too so it really would be the same tattoo from the same person and likely in the same spot on my body. I really like the idea mrs. rad's friend did with the infinity loop rather than a wedding band. I find most finger bands that go all the way around end up looking kind of shitty after a while or end up blown out from the start. Fingers ain't easy to get tattooed so if anyone does do it, make sure your tattooer has done this before and knows what's up!
  2. Thanks for making my summer alone in the country in Canada not so boring! I've had fun talking/arguing/getting told off/learning and hope to keep doing so for another year and more to come! I've made some new friends and reconnected with some I haven't seen in a while.
  3. Don't thank me, thank the people who get this shit tattooed on them... I certainly didn't make monocles and top hats popular ! I've still never actually seen a steampunker in real life...
  4. Dan Higgs dedicated to the visual, poetic, and musical artistry of Daniel Higgs Jill Bonny Born to Tattoo Juan Puente thejuanderer
  5. Pauly Granger @ Inksmith and Rogers
  6. Agreed with you all! Def one of the best current comedians I think. Love the new show too although I've only seen a couple episodes.
  7. The proper spelling is 'tattooed'. Sorry, I think I'm funny too..
  8. top right hand corner of this page there is a search bar, you can type anything there and it will show all posts that contain those words.
  9. Free repairs! My dude was good enough to purchase the lifetime warranty :) No date yet, that will come later and depend on what happens with immigration.
  10. Also, as far as a recommendation, I'd say NY Adorned. I'm not sure if Dana still works there but he's constantly producing top quality asian style work.
  11. You need to learn how to use the search feature. This question has been answered before. Look up Japanese + NY and I'm sure you'll find the thread. And yes I know you said Chinese but it's pretty much the same thing in this instance.
  12. Thanks Alana and thanks everyone else! Yes it is true, James proposed last week while visiting me in Toronto. We celebrated by filling a large box at Nadege french bakers with all kinds of crazy tarts and pastries and then shared then with our friends at the tattoo shop. Later that night we went to Guu Saka Bar which friends who've been there (Japan i mean) claim it's the closest thing to being in Japan without being in Japan. lol @Texkota pregnancy is def not something we're planning for now or anytime, no matter how badly his mom missed 'small feet running around the house' hahaha Also, we should congratulate @shawn porter who got engaged within the last month as well!
  13. There's no way he 'loves' tattoos and doesn't have any. Period. Nothing you can say will change my mind on that. All you did was prove Bart's comment that most of the people tattooing who aren't heavily tattooed are in it for the money because they couldn't make it in other art related jobs. There's no way he would make more money as a photographer. Every asshole with a camera fancies themselves a photographer now a days, it's a very very hard field to make money in, unless you are truly talented.
  14. @Bart Bingham - yup totally right about people having old stuff they aren't so into anymore. I know lots of guys who are in the same boat as you with stuff they got in the 90's. Luckily I know about that stuff and can recognize that. Usually those people have a lot of newer or better stuff too, not always though. There's also the opposite ones, where the kid has only been tattooing 3 years, sucks at what he does, has no hope of being good ever, but got lucky and has a bunch of awesome work all over himself. I kind of hate those kids. Having a couple bad tattoos is like a right of passage you know? Bottom line - always look at the artists portfolio. If you feel like his/her work is good enough to be on you forever, then I guess get tattooed. Personally, I always cringe and get those shitty feelings when I see someone with less tattoos than me doing tattoos. I may have a lot, but someone who's been tattooing more than 2 years should have at least as many or more cause I really don't have that many compared to someone who's trying to build their life around this trade. Plus people who are tattooers shouldn't have all the 'regular guy' excuses like tattoos are expensive, parents don't like them, work doesn't allow it, etc.
  15. Dude have you seen that movie about body mods? I think it's called Modify. There's some pretty real shit in that movie. A lot of the people seem nice enough, it's just hard for me to understand going that far I guess. I always wonder if it comes from the same place inside as wanting to be heavily tattooed or if it's something else. I've had about 9 or 10 different piercings over the last 15 years, I still have one in each ear, septum, and one on my lower lip but kind of lower then the ring ones I don't know what it's called. I feel like when I was a teenager I was only getting pierced because I wasn't allowed to get tattooed and it was hard to find someone who'd tattoo teenagers too. I should also mention by saying I did a tattoo, I mean I horribly scrawled my initials onto my dudes leg with no instruction. I'm not saying I know how to make a good tattoo or even a passable one. I'd still be totally fine with doing a shit tiny tattoo on a friend who wanted that then cutting off a weird patch of skin on a friend who didn't have the loot for a real doctor.
  16. I did try that, it said my email address (used the same one as my Facebook account) was not registered... I doubt it's a firewall issue as I work at my mom's retail store and it's a new computer and i'm pretty sure she doesn't know how to set anything up like that since I had to show her how to use Facebook and gmail ahahahah. It's not a big deal for me, I don't need to be on here all day anyhow, I just thought it was weird and figured other people might have the same issue if they signed up with the Facebook connect option.
  17. Part of choosing a tattooer for me is about their personal artistic style, having lots of tattoos shows me what kind of tattoos you like to get, which are usually the same type of tattoos you would like to do. So basically, if you are covered in bio-mech/tribal/new school then I'd assume that's the kind of tattoos you like to get and give so I'd probly not really get tattooed by that person because it's not my thing. If I met someone who was covered in awesome tattoos by great artists and who's own portfolio showed all the things they learned from getting those tattoos, well I'd probably get tattooed by them. Yeah being covered in good tattoos doesn't mean you're going to be a good tattooer but it certainly helps. @slayer9019 - to me tattooing is not like surgery at all really. Even the most minor surgery is going to go much deeper than tattooing. It's going to involve a more complicated and lengthy healing. It requires a completely different skill set, I think. I've done a tattoo, yes it was horrible, and yes the person who got it knew it was going to be bad. I would never ever attempt to preform surgery on someone, in even the most minor way. Why? you ask, because I have zero knowledge on the procedure and wouldn't want to cause permanent injury. To me, the only thing in the body mod world that comes close to surgery is some of the more extreme piercings and mods. Some of them are straight up surgery. Giving someone a tattoo, even a large one will never come close to slicing some dudes dick down the middle, or cutting 1 inch holes into someones ears/cheecks/nose/whatever. The only thing I'd think would be similar to tattooing is when you take a skin biopsy or have a layer of skin removed for whatever reason and I only say that because it's the only thing I can think of that doesn't go deeper than a tattoo needle would. If someone here is actually a doctor/nurse feel free to inform me otherwise.
  18. I doubt this makes a difference but my home computer is a Mac an my work is a pc
  19. So when I registered for the site I used the Facebook connect option. When I log in from my home computer (the same one I used to register) I never have a problem, just automatically signs me in. Same with my iPhone, I downloaded the forum runner app and I guess because I have Facebook on my phone it automatically knew who I was. So here's the problem, when I try to log in from the computer at work it doesn't let me. I tried using the Facebook connect and it doesn't actually log me in, also tried just putting in my username ' Ursula Thomson ' and my Facebook password and it doesn't work. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong ?
  20. Omg do people really live in igloos??? Do you eat whale blubber?? Hahha just kidding I'm Canadian too. I live in ontario and still get igloo questions from Americans sometimes. They're always so shocked to hear they are real and still used to this day. Have you seen anyone in Nunavut doing inuit style tattooing? By that I mean the traditional 'sewn' method, where they dip thread in ink and pass it trough the skin with a sewing needle. I've always thought it was really interesting but haven't seen much info on it.
  21. Hahahha nice ! I think I've seen the midget one before. The 'god bless fatties' is weird to me though cause the chick isn't fat.
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