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Everything posted by Ursula

  1. thanks for clearing that up Capt. I always thought he was on salvia and drunk.
  2. Eric Inksmith's wife just posted this on Facebook Paul Rogers on Eric Inksmith 6/8/1982
  3. If it's a tattoo that you've had for a bit and it totally healed I don't think it will cause a problem. I haven't had a real sun burn in years, but when my skin gets red, like what happens if you come in just before you really burn, it doesn't do anything to my tattoos. Tattoos do fade in the sun thought, so sunscreen is usually recommended even if you don't normally burn.
  4. If a fight breaks out in the random picture thread i'm going to be pretty sad. Guys, THIS IS THE RANDOM PHOTO THREAD. We have been posting exactly that. No one should be taking offence to anyone else's photos. Get the fuck over it. It's a random photo you happen to not like. So just don't click the like button and the post a photo you do like to make it all better. There's no point in anyone saying this picture belong and this one doesn't, that makes it the not so random thread of photos that are totally PC and won't offend anyone. Get the fuck over it. This message is not directed at any one person. I like you all.
  5. Dead serious about every phone I've posted here.
  6. Kev, thanks for the tip about zooming out
  7. Maybe we should hold a wake, since we're obviously not able to get any closure. Hahahahahaha. I actually feel bad for him, he's obviously got some issues. For whatever reason he just wants tattooed people to think he's awesome.
  8. Dan, you're crazy hahahaha I feel like I could try it but would end up getting fucked over in the swimming part, I don't think I could swim across a lake after all the other stuff
  9. Haha Dari I had just wrote a post mentioning her but didn't know enough to make it worth while. Thanks for posting that link
  10. His so called 'wife the apprentice' was also fake. He told us to look her up on Facebook, I did. Blank profile linked to only one thing, another blank profile. Glad he's gone. Too bad he can't be banned from the internet in general. He obviously has some underlying issues, or is the most bored person I've ever seen. Either way, good riddance.
  11. very cool! I wish it wasn't just for London!
  12. I also wonder what tattooer gives someone a palm tattoo as their first tattoo.
  13. All of those photos are amazing. The dude with the crazy cheek piercings is just... I don't even know.. Stupid I guess.. I mean body mods are one thing, but that's a little to far I think.. What's he gonna do when he starts to age and the skin looses it's elasticity?
  14. When I first came back home my mom's cat was all over me, wouldn't leave me alone, she'd meow at my door. After a couple weeks she was over it though and now doesn't come anywhere near me.
  15. Ursula

    Man Vs. Food

    Oh man. Love this show! I want to try so many things I've seen, I could never eat that much or that hot of something though. And you guys who posted a while ago about him getting fatter in the later seasons, totally right.
  16. Yeah I went and looked up some stuff after my last post. I had forgotten about the repetitive behaviour and not being able to grasp certain concepts or activities part. I read a really interesting novel that you might like since you work with autistic kids. It's called The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time. It's written from the point of view of an autistic teenager who finds his neighbour's dog dead on their lawn. It was really interesting and opened my mind up about autism which I knew nothing about before reading it.
  17. I've never heard of an animal other than human being autistic. How do they find out? How does she/he act different than other cats? I don't know a whole lot about autism but I thought it was more of a social related thing. I thought I read something that basically said autistic people can't understand facial expressions and in turn have a very hard time expressing themselves. I know it goes a lot deeper than that but I don't know enough about it to really expand.
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