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Posts posted by Ursula

  1. I've never had kids so I don't have large stretch marks so I don't know from being personally tattooed. I have seen many many many people get tattoos to cover stretch marks and it seems to work pretty well. It really depends on the severity of the stretch marks and how good the artist is. As long as they arn't very deep or very discoloured you should be o.k. When you go into a tattoo shop, make sure to ask if the person has done this type of work before, and see if they might even have a photo they can show you. The best thing is to just make sure the artist is really experienced. They should ask to see the affected are before they agree to do the tattoo. Don't be shy, just say hey I have this issue can you help and if they are a good artist they will ask to see the area and then help you make a decision.

  2. deutsche bank

    Best. Ever.

    just to clarify i didn't mean everyone who is heavily tattooed are some kind of crazy homicidal nut case.. i just mean we tend to be more on the rough side of life rather than whatever the opposite of that is.. in my experience it takes a certain type of person to be heavily tattooed.. i'm not talking about people with 1-5 tattoos i'm talking those of us who have a compulsion to become totally covered.. like for example when you see another person on the street you don't know who's totally covered in any kind of tattooing you already know a little about them.. I still stand by my statement that the reason we're covered in so many tattoos isn't because we're normal people...

  3. guys, it shouldn't be a shock to anyone that tattooers/tattoo people arn't normally the friendliest 'leave a smile on your face even thought i think you're a moron' type people... we tend to be 'i will show you with my facial expression and my words that i think you are asking a dumb question' type people, even to each other... so yeah... i don't think it's arrogance, i think it's a large group of people who have always been outsiders in some way and those type of people tend to be a little less friendly than your average soccer mom or that chubby nurse you see walking to work every day with a huge smile on her face... there's a reason we're all covered in tattoos and it's not because we're normal happy people

  4. Totally agree Ursula I really love the extra shading and detail Mike Wilson affords his bigger Panthers ,they are some buff beasts .Current coolest cat on the block i've seen is the black panther/leopard best spotted on the facebook page of Richard Stell -really worth a peek!!

    the thing I really like that Richard does it the way he puts the disconnected background.. like flowers that aren't actually touching the main tattoo

  5. thanks, i feel like i've earned it, 'cause it was pretty bad getting it done and i've still got some more left...it's funny I never even wanted a full back piece before I met Mike.. the only shitty part is I never get to look at it hahahaha...

    the Ed Hardy back piece with just the head is pretty fucking rad too..

  6. I'm sorry guys, but that English breakfast looks gross to me! I'm not into that kinda stuff. I'm more of a BLT or poached eggs person. Pancakes and waffles are pretty good too. All of those things are stuff I'd get if I went out for breakfast. When I'm at home I'll just eat a piece of toast or cheerios with soy. I have this Italian cheese that's got a big ball of butter in the middle so sometimes I'll butter some toast with it and eat the cheese with the bread. It's a fairly hard light tasting white cheese and the butter is amazing, it's not like regular butter.

  7. you're right, most tattooers are pretty rad when it comes to how they treat the counter people, and most places pay a wage that you can actually live on.. but there's always those few who just don't get it... i know a guy who refused to pay the counter person until the management forced him too, even though the kid was doing all the same stuff for him as he was for everyone else

  8. I was going to say a tattoo shop in the mall and then i remembered Vegas and realized that there is not much farther to go for rock bottom.

    There's tattoo shops in the malls in Jacksonville, FL.

    It's fucked because it's home to one of the best shops in the world and they've got 5 locations, yet people still go to the shitty mall shop when they could be getting tattooed by Mike Wilson for the same price and actually get a piece of art they can be proud to wear for the rest of their lives.

  9. As someone who's worked as the shop help/customer service rep. I find it incredibly offensive. I would never work in a shop where I was looked at as the shop bitch rather than the chick who works her ass off doing all kinds of important things like making sure the shop and equipment is clean and safe, dealing with every kind of customer imaginable, making sure you've got a hot lunch to eat, and all the other hundreds of little things that people who works in shops do to make it an easier and more enjoyable place for the tattooers and their clients alike. Some tattooers unfortunately have zero respect for the people who help make their jobs go a lot smoother. I mean, if you want to spend your evening scrubbing tubes and washing the floor/toilets after the shop closes, you're welcome to it. I guarantee within one month of doing so you'll be begging for your "shop bitch" to come back.

    There are a few shops that don't have employees outside of the tattooers but they are few and far between and are usually just people who are to cheap to pay for the help, or their shop is too slow to warrant the help.

  10. there's been a place in the town next to the little one i grew up in that has been around for about 15 years called "It's YOUR Body" (worst name ever) and they offer tanning, piercing, tattoos, and other spa treatments like manis and pedis.... i hate to admit that i actually got pierced there as a teenager... I got my bellybutton done which never healed and stayed infected for about a year before i finally gave it up.. i also had my nipple pierced there which never healed, migrated to the point of being so lopsided that it looked disgusting and then i had to take it out.... and of course i was 15 years old, no parental permission, never even had to fill out a form or show any kind of i.d. ...... so yeah, i totally recommend places like that.... the tattooer who works there used to do parties where someone would throw a party at their place, pay the guy like $250 and then he'd tattoo anyone who wanted something small...

  11. how the fuck is anyone who isn't a tattooer on a list of 101 most influential people to tattooing. what a load of horseshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And seriously number 80 is "shop girls a.k.a. shop bitches" REALLY? my fucking head is about to explode. I can't read anymore of this mockery of a list. this should be entitled "Bob's 101 friends and celebrities he's thinks are cool for some reason list"

    I hope i never meet his dude in real life cause he sounds like a pretty huge idiot who doesn't have tattooings best interest in mind.

    A fucking tattoo list where more people on the list don't even do tattoos.

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