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Posts posted by Ursula

  1. sooooo i forgot to go grocery shopping yesterday.... i ended up having this to eat for dinner and breakfast today


    slightly expired bacon and a handfull of cucumber hahahahahaha

    tasted pretty good!

  2. yeah i 100% agree with sharing with those who 'deserve' to be shared with (ie: colleagues and close friends) I also have no problem telling tattooers (who arn't dick holes) what it is because they have no use and well i owe the tattoo community a lot cause they sure have shared a lot of secrets and art with me. I'm not going to post it online though because then anyone can read it..

    i mostly was curious is people were gonna say no don't tell them, or yes tell them about the paint but not about the technique or mixing formulas... i was also curious to see if anyone would suggest giving miss-information as i know some tattooers have done to idiots hahaha.... I have no problem telling me what kind of paint, just not what brand...... i havn't had anyone ask about the brushes which is good because it does play a huge role in how the paint goes on...

    and just to clear it up a bit the $1000 was not just for learning what paint to buy, it was got a 4 day course which included lessons on map making, finishing your needleworks (like how to finish the edges as well as framing) painting on fabric and all that goes with that, and i also learned a bunch of new embroidery techniques and stitches... i also had no problem telling the people in that class where i get my designs and that kind of stuff, most of them had never seen or really knew of tattoo flash before (i was the youngest by about 15 years and i was 25 at the time).. in return they shared with me their knowledge of the craft and i was grateful for it as many of them had been embroidering since before i was born

    most of my painting technique comes from watching my man paint though, so i owe that to tattooing and won't be giving out any spit shading secrets to anyone haha

    so everyone knows, i'm not claiming to be the BEST at embroidery or painting... there are a couple others who do amazing tattoo related work... and many many many who do other types of embroidery that are far far better than I.

    it's kind of one of those things were yeah i could tell you what paint to use, but you still won't know where to get good reference or know how to mix the paint to the right consistency or what brushes or how to prepare the fabric to be painted... so do i tell them what kind of paint and then laugh at the bad attempts, or so i not even give that much up... but i've pretty much decided to go along with what everyone else has been saying and stick to my rule of not telling anyone unless they are a close colleague or friend

  3. Well if there are so few doing what you are doing, then hold on to the info, and if you can expand upon it. I have no idea what embroidery en-tales, but I am sure there are many ways to incorporate different mediums, so while they are busy working out how you do what you do ( and they will) you will be moving onto something even cooler.

    Yup that's exactly what I've been trying to do

  4. Thanks Alanna I appreciate the compliment. I made her embroidery so long ago but it's still one I like and hopefully I've just continued to improve since then.

    But I didn't start this to just draw attention to my work haha. I really have been struggling with this lately. I've been seeing some of the most popular embroidery blogs posting some really shitty tattoo style stuff lately and then having these girls just wanting to know what paint, what kind of fabric, where I get my designs, etc. Without even bothering to read through my blog which does give little bits of info if you pay attention. It just makes me crazy! People just don't understand that after I've spent ten hours toiling over 6" piece of fabric that I'm then trying to sell it's not cool to be like "OMG HOW DID YOU MAKE THIS!!!! "

    I felt this would be a good place to vent because I figured most people here felt the same way about the art they make. I mean I kind of knew most people would be on the 'no sharing with random tards' tip.

  5. I'm not focusing on what others are doing, but every artists needs to keep up to date about what's going on in their field. As of right now I havnt seen anyone using paint in their tattoo embroideries (except one piece that was pretty bad).

    The main advantage I have is access to good reference. Most of the general public knows about sailor Jerry and Ed hardy and that's it. A lot of the people doing it are just googling "anchor tattoo drawing" and printing off really shitty line drawings. I know where the black goes in a rose. They never will.

  6. Thanks guys I feel a lot better now about not wanting to give it all away.

    I do like bubble's idea of doing how to's or that type of thing through my blog. I had been considering that myself.

    I'm not interested on teaching anyone though because I lack the patience and grace one needs be a successful teacher.

    I did help out one girl who wanted to learn and she immediately started trying to sell/trade with the same tattooers in our town who I sell/trade to so that kind of soured me pretty bad. When I started doing this type of embroidery 6 or 7 years ago I'd do google searches all the time and there was maybe one or two other people doing similar shit. Now if you google tattoo embroidery it's like looking through every shitty tattooer's portfolio. There are of course a couple other people who do rad shit but you know how it goes when something gets popular.

    And yeah bubble the TLC thing is totally different than the frustrations I've been feeling surround the embroidery community

  7. so... I know lately there's been a lot of back and forth about tattoo secrets and who deserves to learn these secrets...

    here's my question

    As some of you know I do hand embroidery, much of it based on tattoo flash. I also paint some of these embroideries. A lot of people have been asking me lately what kind of paint I use (there's only the one kind i know of that works similar to what most people use for painting flash on paper). I don't like to tell people the brand of paint I use because I had to attend a seminar/class about fabric painting to learn. That course cost me $1000 after paying my plane, hotel and class fees.

    Am I just being a bitch by not telling people or is it o.k. to keep my only real secret about my work guarded? I've been copied so many times already by fellow embroiderers I just feel like if I let out this secret It'll be the end. The people who've copied my idea of tattoo + embroidery are already out there selling their low quality stuff for cheap cheap cheap as it is. I used to post my stuff on a craft website and within a month of doing so everyone else was posting tattoo embroideries too. Flattering yes, annoying even more yes.

    So how do you all feel about it? Do you tell people what kind of ink/needles/techniques you use?

    And if not, what the best way to let them down nicely? So far I've just been deleting those types of questions from my blog/facebook

  8. Brian,

    You should look into getting your wife a subscription to Tattoo Artist Magazine. If your wife does work at a shop it will be no problem to get a subscription. All you have to go is google the name of the magazine. It's packed with amazing interview and tons of full colour photos from great artists around the world.

  9. sigh.....

    this will be my last post in this thread because i'm just sick of your ignorant bull shit.

    you can't follow all my posts and shit on them because i'm not a fucking moron who posts inane bullshit all over the place. apparently you've been banned from one tattoo website already for doing this.

    when i log onto LST and check the 'new posts' section, your posts just happen to be what comes up, allllll the fucking time. and that is how i end up seeing them all. today for example is my day off, i am near my computer and happen to be checking more frequently.

    and yes, i do talk the same way to someone in person if they are being as stupid and disrespectful as you are. and no, most people don't hate me.

    so, if you are here to learn, then LEARN. read all the replies to the garbage you've posted. like really really read them. there's a few people who have tried to give you legit advise and you seem to ignore it. the website owners own wife told you to "please stop" and you havn't.

    for future (because i know once you get banned here you'll find another tattoo forum to fuck with), don't come out and say that you think tattoo shouldn't be guarded and that nothing should be a secret. i've very very very hard for anyone who actually gives a shit about tattooing to respect someone at all who's come out and said they don't respect what has given most of us our lives. tattooing supports a lot of the families of people here and they don't take kindly to someone shitting all over the place.

    like someone said before, if you really care and want to learn then i'd suggest both you and your wife get some tattoo work by a good artist (if you even know how to recognize one).

  10. what do you mean what's up with me?

    it's everyone that thinks you're a moron

    you're the one who's basically come right out and said you don't respect tattooing

    all you have to do is click my profile and it will lead you to my facebook and website which will lead you to other ways of finding out anything about me.

  11. ok so here's something else i pulled off facebook, i have no idea if it's legit but it is from the petition page so it probably is

    "If anyone would like to call and leave Lisa Fasulo a message of support in her new TLC Tattoo School project, her number is **1-800-466-4117 **. Show her some love!! Especially since she has blocked her Facebook account from receiving any friends request or messages, and has removed her Twitter account. Another number you can use is 518-428-4271. The listed email addresses for her are [email protected] and [email protected] and The address of the school is 1301 CURRY ROAD ROTTERDAM NY 12306"

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