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Everything posted by Hogrider

  1. You can’t cover thick lines with fine lines. Find a GOOD artist (or two) that does coverups and get a consultation to find out what is possible. With tattoos that dark, you’ll probably need some laser sessions if you want something light and feminine. Choose wisely or you’ll wind up making it worse.
  2. If I thought they'd read it, I'd recommend a sticky thread, but everyone thinks their situation is special.
  3. Just copying and pasting same thing I told the other person “If it’s not hot, oozing or painful, it’s probably not infected. Tattoos take 4-6 weeks to heal, sometimes longer if they went in hard. You just have to wait and see.” No matter how you phrase the question, this is the answer.
  4. If it’s not hot, oozing or painful, it’s probably not infected. Tattoos take 4-6 weeks to heal, sometimes longer if they went in hard. You just have to wait and see.
  5. Tattoos take 4-6 weeks to heal, longer if they went in rough. No matter how you ask the question, you’ll know what it looks like when it heals. Quit looking at it with a microscope.
  6. Tattoos take 4-6 weeks to heal. Longer if they were put on rough.
  7. The world has enough scratchers. As @oboogie said, encourage her to go through an apprenticeship, respect tradition.
  8. The only ones who will tell you full removal is possible are the ones selling tattoo removal. They are liars. They want to make money off you. You’ll be disappointed. i can’t make it any more clear. I have no agenda other than making sure you know the truth.
  9. Look up tattoo regret. It’s common and will pass. Removal is painful, expensive, takes a long time and your skin will never look the way it did before the tattoo. Anyone who says different is full of shit and trying to sell you something.
  10. You joined today and your only post is trying to sell someone something. Nobody believes your self serving bullshit.
  11. That is rough. It looks like they overworked the skin. At this point I’d dry heal and hope for the best. I wouldn’t go back to that person.
  12. The ink goes UNDER the skin, you can’t wash it off. See your artist about a touch up.
  13. 4-6 weeks to heal, longer if it was really rough.
  14. Can’t see it. It doesn’t matter. The person you should be consulting with is the artist doing the cover up.
  15. If it's not hot, painful and/or oozing, just let it heal. You had some really rough scabs and they take time. They take as long as they take.
  16. For the love of God don’t go back to that person; that’s really rough.
  17. How old is it? Tattoos take 4-8 weeks to heal.
  18. That should have been part of the design of the dragon. WTF was he thinking putting the dragon’s head an inch from the paw print? Maybe a demon? I’d look in tattoo books for something that goes with a dragon in the sky. Or maybe a skull cloud, or a cloud made out of skulls. I’d find a new artist if he can only think of one idea for a cover up. I’ve never had a cover up, but I’ve been in the shop when people come in to talk and my guy usually has three or four ideas as soon as he looks at it.
  19. Find an artist who’s work you like. No need to pay some scamming scribbler for a drawing that probably won’t work as a tattoo anyway. Any reputable shop will have tons of flash and if you want a custom tattoo I doubt you’ll find someone good that will tattoo someone else’s custom drawing on you,
  20. Read up on tattoo regret before you go all the way. The good news is that it goes away, but you should know about it so you don't freak if you get it. I've never had it so I can't help you with it.
  21. Yup, that's bad and will probably take longer to heal. So? Get it touched up if needed.
  22. Tattoos you can't hide IS a big step. I decided to get a sleeve for my first tattoo, so I didn't ease into it. I've always worn my sleeves rolled up, so it was just not there one day, there the next. The few job interviews I've had since getting the tattoos, I wear my sleeves rolled up. They might as well know right from the start. I don't really have any advice, you just get used to it.
  23. Yet you said you need advice ASAP. What's the hurry?
  24. This is a disaster waiting to happen. People who rush into tattoos often wind up with shit tattoos. First, three inches is too small, it will look like a scribble. Second, the simpler the tattoo, the better the artist you need because they have to be exact. You can’t walk into the first shop you see and get the first artist available. Put on the brakes and think this through. And do your homework finding a good artist. Good artists usually have waiting lists, you can’t just walk in.
  25. First, take allergy off the table. The number of people actually allergic to ink is tiny. Yes, some people are more sensitive to some colors or brands, but actually allergies are rare. If it's still oozing at 8 days, I'd let it dry heal from here. Just wash it a couple of times a day and don't put anything on it. Tattoos take 4-8 weeks to heal.
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