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Posts posted by Rhythm

  1. I just got my first tattoo yesterday and have one part of the healing process that I am a bit confused about.  After getting my tattoo I asked the artist if I should make sure to not let the tattoo get hit directly by the shower head.  I was surprised when he told me that he did want me to let it take water directly from the shower head and asked him a second time just to make sure I heard him correctly because I was surprised by his answer.

    He works at a VERY reputable shop but I will not be naming the shop since I am questioning his advice.  So far I've taken two showers since getting the tattoo and  it looks like it is healing great and on the quick side.

    Should I continue to let the water hit it directly or should I discontinue that?


  2. 2 hours ago, polliwog said:

    Guys. How about we be kinder and humbler on the newbie threads? This is really tedious and frankly not fun to read at all.

    The only person here I don't like is oboogie. Everyone else said their piece without acting like an asshole except for her.

  3. 3 hours ago, oboogie said:

    And you have no idea who David Bowie is, either, do you? I got it the week he died.  Way beyond your understanding or capacity, I realize. Silly little boy. Go play somewhere else.

    Cool story. It still looks like crap.

  4. 55 minutes ago, oboogie said:

    Nowhere. There's your answer.

    I saw some of your tattoos in your gallery and after I saw the shitty eyeball and with the blue and red lightning bolt your opinion became meaningless to me.  

  5. 14 minutes ago, oboogie said:

    This is a tattoo you'll regret, but it will be so small that you can cover it up when you learn about real tattoos. Do whatever you want. You asked for advice, and you got it. :-)

    Actually I asked where would be a better place to get the tattoo. Not if I should get it or not.

  6. 15 hours ago, Gingerninja said:

    Oooo...what's the bigger tattoo and are you on his/her list yet? I'd invite you to consider getting something bigger if you are serious about dipping your toe in the water. There is so much good info on this forum and check out the photos in the gallery, too!

    a photo realism lion on my left shoulder/arm similar to this:


  7. 50 minutes ago, Gingerninja said:

    Sorry, buddy but my thought is that you can do better. You found a forum that has a tag line of "Get Good Tattoos". This is a passionate group of people who have invested 1000's of hours in their art and 10's of 1000's of dollars in tattoos. Plus, most folks have tattoos that they regret. You have a great body - put something badass on it. @Rhythm

    No need to apologize.  There is another tattoo that I'd eventually like to get that you'd all like more but it's more complex and the artist that I'd like to do it has a several year long wait list.  This one is small and simple so I figured I'd get it and see get some experience with tattoos before getting a big one. 

  8. Hi Everyone,

    I just registered here and planning on getting my first tattoo in September once summer ends.  I know what tattoo I want but I was hoping to get some advice on placement because I have two spots in mind and am not sure which to go with.  Hopefully I can get some help on here and then return the favor to other people in the future.

    I photoshopped the tattoo on me to get an idea of what it would look like. 

    Option 1:

    Option 2:

    Thanks for anyone's help.

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