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Posts posted by CultExciter

  1. I'm not a tattooer, nor do I think I'd be a really good one if I was, but the truth behind "bold will hold" has always stuck with me. When I got my first tattoo, I remember walking around the shop at that time and seeing all this crazy colored pencil Jime Litwalk or Tony Ciavarro shit hanging up (I'm not ragging on the guys). But the wonky new-school colors and exaggerated features never struck me as appealing. Whenever I see someone wearing a tattoo like that now, it makes sense. Nothing holds up about it. The style, the colors, nada, just doesn't hold up. Whether you are getting a Japanese-style full sleeve or pork-chopping your arm out, there is a tradition with tried and true methods. Even Will Lollie stopped doing it. This hot shiny shit will be laughed at later as a fad, and those black lines with heavy shading will still be in practice.

  2. Yep, I work til 10 and will be there shortly thereafter. If anyone wants to swing by the bar for a drink, it's only a few blocks from the shop, 103 Havemeyer. See you dudes on Thursday!

    Where is your bar? I'll be in Brooklyn the 20th thru the 23rd. Will need a new watering hole to attend. I usually just go to Rosemary's.

  3. It's like bands who wear their own merch, I just think it's kind of lame (well, except those bands who are so broke they have no choice by the end of their tour, haha!).

    One word. SLAYER. Which, I hate to say, refutes this statement.

  4. I don't know how many times I've gone somewhere, and someone I don't know came up to me, grabs my arm, and says "I really like your sleeve." I think the criticisms are right, because it makes people think it is ok to just talk about it to people you don't even know. I almost got into a fist fight over it once because some dude came up, grabbed my arm, and was like "Sick tats bro." FUCK.

    What is the greater good? Ok, a more educated public can be a good thing. But this is the same educated public who votes for people like Rick Santorum in primary elections. I know tattooing isn't "mine," but I still like to believe it is a little sacred. I like the idea that I know a little about something that other people do not. But, these shows are like when The Clash signed to a major label.

    But, I digress...HATERS GONNA HATE.

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