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Everything posted by Pugilist

  1. Oh yeah maxi skirts on short ladies are tough, although what I like about maxi skirts is they are basically like wearing PJs only they seem fancy. On your calf-though any wide-leggish pant should be ok, and yes, boho cotton wide-leg pants seem to be everywhere at the moment!
  2. In the summer I generally wear cotton-y skirts after leg tattoos!
  3. Dude, it's not cool to out the kinkier aspects of our marriage to the entire internet...
  4. Dude you have been getting the best tattoos lately! Jealous.
  5. He DOES do happy dragons, haha! I have been coveting one of those. :)
  6. @scubaron I can't even with that octopus! Yoni is so fucking good!
  7. Pugilist

    Hello All

    I have not parallel parked correctly since I passed my driver's test (which was, oh, less than two years ago).
  8. I agree with @BrianH - think about why you want this tattoo, and what about the experience you want to commemorate? What do you want this tattoo to do for you? Sometimes choosing non-literal imagery that symbolizes the feeling you are going for is a lot more successful than going for a very literal image. For example, if you want to commemorate survival, I think a phoenix could be cool. Or if it's about luck, see the suggestions above. Or if it's about a near-death experience, I like the reaper idea above, or even something like a skull, which to me is the most classic memento mori. There are a lot of amazing options if you think outside of the box a bit and go for the thing that feels right rather than what represents it most obviously.
  9. It is going to be a seriously whirlwind trip so that @Graeme doesn't miss work, but if people would be willing to schlep out to Asbury Park maybe we could do coffee or brunch or something? Otherwise, like he said - we are sure we will be back!
  10. Yes! A couple of weeks ago I was walking her and two women walked by us. I heard one exclaim to the other as they passed, "I thought that dog was wearing a hat, but it's just her ears!" This DELIGHTED me.
  11. I love Ella!!!!!!!! Want to kiss that little nose so bad!!!!! We have been having a nice time with Daisy since the weather got warmer. Here she is, stoked on the return of long talks in the park. She is the best. I love her absurd ears.
  12. I agree with you, @SeeSea ! I also kind of can't imagine doing any kind of activity solely under the banner of "modified". That's not enough to unite a bunch of disparate people. And weirdly, despite the fact that I of course don't think people should judge one unfairly based on being tattooed, I also find these self-conscious attempts to make tattoos/mods seem more "acceptable" kind of annoying. I feel like this stuff actually exaggerates how "hard" it is to be tattooed, when I don't really think it is in this day and age. (And to me, a lot of the shit I DO get as a tattooed women has more to do with misogyny than tattoos.) Also I am not a doll! My dog is, and she has two visible tattoos, so maybe she can join. :)
  13. I was wondering if Nick's appointments were going to be all taken up by LST people like Chad's were last year! PS to do that they'll have to be capable of getting close to the net at some point, so it's not looking good.
  14. @ThatGuy - I love when I gawk at awesome shit on IG and then find out it's on a poster! Totally worth the nausea. :) I am not sure if I ever posted my completed back on here. Done by Stephanie Tamez at Saved in Brooklyn, from summer 2012 to summer 2013. I loved the journey and love the tattoo(s?) and it feels like it's been on my back forever. The map was my first ever tattoo from a long long time ago that we worked around, although she pumped it up a bit to integrate it into the larger composition.
  15. Awesome! Have we seen your Tomas Garcia tattoo?
  16. And who pontificates more than, you know, actually getting tattoos...
  17. @growltiger - my rudimentary understanding of pregnancy rules is that 90% of them come from "we don't really know what this would do, so don't do it just in case". My impression is that the ban on tattooing and piercing is the same. It's something that takes a toll on one's body, and the logic is to just not risk it. I think this logic can be used as an excuse to treat pregnant women like delicate porcelain dolls, which is annoying and controlling, but in the case of something so totally optional, like tattoos, I get it. @TrixieFaux - great response! While I know both men and women get flack and idiotic assumptions put on them for being tattooed, I truly believe that when it comes to this kind of garbage, it is just one iteration of the larger desire to control and judge women's bodies (clearly my theme for this post!), that comes from a misogynistic ethic wherein we are public property and should not have the autonomy to make decisions for ourselves. One of the things I LOVE about being a tattooed woman is the extent to which it is a rejection of that control; I get to do what I want with my goddamn body, you fucking assholes!
  18. Man, it's been a while since I have been harassed for being a tattooed woman, I think luckily because I live in a very heavily tattooed neighborhood that also happens to be really gay. But I feel you ladies, and have dealt with a lot of unsolicited touching in my time. It is appalling and shitty how creepy dudes will use any excuse to feel like they have the right to comment on and touch women's bodies.
  19. I love this and think it is super sweet!
  20. I'd recommend Airbnb! Just found out that one of my best friends is thinking of getting her first tattoo at the convention. So stoked!
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