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Brock Varty

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Everything posted by Brock Varty

  1. Solid list man. Anything involving the Cavalera brothers is awesome. As is anything involving the dudes from In Flames. Also, really enjoying Machine Head's new album.
  2. Hey Joe. I must insist that you pursue an apprenticeship if you are serious about learning to tattoo. Tattooing is not something that can or should be casually learned. There are people who dedicate their lives 24/7 to tattooing. Please do not disrespect them by trying to learn at home with a "kit". There are people that belong in tattooing and people that don't. With that said, please stick around and look through everything this forum has to offer. There is a lot of information and good people on this site. You will soon find that there is a respect for this craft that will be emphasized by everyone here.
  3. It's ok I guess....lol That thing is top notch...
  4. Brock Varty


    Bacon just hi-jacked this thread.
  5. Brock Varty


    hahaha I don't get the bacon worship either...I just follow along cuz its totally crazy
  6. When I drove in, it was late at night, I was in a city I have never been to, and I drove by THREE times before I called Kim and had her rescue me. I think the studio was enjoyable for me partly because I am in a street shop six days a week and the change of pace was cool.
  7. @Delicious I really like zombie lady heads...is that your sort of thing?
  8. My back was wrapped the entire time between sessions. So about 5 hours of tattooing, wrap for 24 hours, 5 hours of tattooing and then wrap for another 20 hours. That may be part of why it is healing so well.
  9. I don't think it is a name people know. I also think that is how Kore wants it. From conversation and the vibe at the studio...it feels like they like it that way. Kore is so humble that I think he doesn't want to be in the spotlight.
  10. O'Donnell does the best snakes in tattooing...everyone I know references his snake style.
  11. i like that hannya. It has everything that makes a great backpiece...its huge, its simple, its clean.
  12. If it means I get to see the Grime tattoo...yes homo.
  13. I consider PluraBella local. I would travel any distance to continue to get tattooed by Kore. I am sure that anyone who has been there can relate. The studio is pure magic. It is the best of tattoos, art and people all in one place.
  14. Im not even going and I am so effing pumped! This is what life is about folks!!!
  15. For me, when healing pretty much dry, I accept that the itching will be much more extreme. In MY PERSONAL OPINION, the only reason to apply any kind of lotion after the initial 48-72 hours post-tattoo, is to help keep you comfotable while healing. You body knows what to do and can take healing a tattoo in stride. It doesn't "need" any additioanl stuff to help heal. I think in some cases, the added lotions and such do have a place though. Unless you are experienced with healing tattoos, my shop always recommends a specific set of aftercare instructions that includes lotion. In all cases, you should listen closely and even ask your tattoo if there is a certain way they want you to heal their work.
  16. Yup dude. I am on 1 week of the first 9 hours on my back. Completely dry heal and it is perfect right now.
  17. I am so hipster, I am purposely not choosing an avatar. Cause avatars are just so conforming brah.
  18. Whut up dawg? Welcome man! We have a pretty good little corner of the internet here. I hope you enjoy!
  19. Perfect...just what I need.
  20. What the fudge is SNAPCHAT?
  21. Welcome dude. I think my definition of "new skool" must be different than yours. What exactly does that mean to you? What kind of imagery are you looking for?
  22. Hey there @Christy! Any plans for more tattoos?
  23. When in doubt...go dryer. Your body can heal a tattoo "dry" completely fine.
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