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Posts posted by YOMONEY

  1. and btw, if you really want to get worked up over a tattoo show then watch the tattoos titans one with the Omni james. its on the country music channel, so naturally they've picked the most downhicked people they could find from the most geographically retarded places in the US, with the usual disclaimer of how they've picked "5 of the nations top tattoo artists". I made it 10 minutes in when they were prepping for the first challenge and the customers all came to them with "meaningful tattoos". one girl wanted a palm tree to commemorate a trip she took to Jamaica with her friend. and that was it for me. but the real victims in all this are the fucking public..

  2. I think its way funny how they're doing shit like "geometrical challenges" at the beginning to keep guys like roland and water painting guy around, and everyone getting sent home is either having a freak out or an injury..

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    and yeah its a dumb show, a non-reality, but hard to look away..

  3. wow, yeah, im still on the fence about picosure (I was just saying to mike above about the heal time and swelling/larger areas being treated). but what ive seen and heard from realself and other reviews im convinced its pretty dope. but if I were just going for coverup I wouldn't bother wasting the extra money. what is your endgame? competele removal? I might be wrong, but from my observations, qswitch is good for any fading for coverup procedure, where as a picosure might be the best for a complete removal?

  4. mike, you've probably taught my the most about the lasering process out of anybody or the entire internet put togather, but I gotta go straight to the horses mouth on this one.. Picosure and Medlite on 3/4 Sleeve - Dallas, TX - PicoSure review - RealSelf

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    **although his views, and other reviews I read, could be because of other reasons, such as being further a long in their treatments before using picosure, etc.

    but I still think that the tech needs to be skilled or else youre just waisting money (compare the results somebody like mike driver gets to dr. tattoff) or will end up hurt like that foot in the instagram picture.

  5. yeah, that's true stu. alan did say back in early October that I could wait up until 6 months. one of the artis there said shed gotten lasered once a year ago and shell probably only need one more. alan also told me about a professional tattoo he removed completely in 4 sessions over 4 years, one session every year.

    the hat, baseball is coming up on 3 months. the hand and most of scroll was just treated and hasn't shown results yet, not until next week im guessing. I have doubts that hat guy/baseball side will show any significant fading, but I could be wrong. ive been pretty obsessive about it. I even integrated some mini trampoline action, supposed improve the immune system by 15-20 times. vibrating massager, lots of vitamins and supplements, tea and water. im pretty much a mad man..

  6. theres a lot of picosure review action going on over at RealSelf. some of it really good, some of it crap. I think it all comes down to the tech and if he/she is skilled or not, and from what Im gathering a lot of them aren't and are also afraid of turning up the machine. for what its worth I also hear healing time is a lot quicker with picosure, theres less swelling, and it doesn't hurt as much, all things I don't really care about especially for 2x-3x the price of q-switch.

  7. crazy, this topic is still kicking around. it was never my intention to abandoned it. I just felt like I didn't ever have much to report and even got to a point where I had to step the fuck off, couldn't even look at tattoos, lasered tattoos, etc. none of it. for mental health reasons, and hang around in the hot ass desert with blobs on my arm in long sleeves.

    anyway, was never going to abandoned this topic without some type of closure..

    this is post treatment 5. exactly a year after I begun this crazy shit. some of it is 2 months post 5, other areas are 2 weeks post 5, so there will still be some more fading at about weeks 3 and 4. so all in all ive gone out to dallas and gotten zapped 10 times.







    ill try to get some better pictures later, was having a hard time capturing my whole arm and still capture the fade affects.

    alan said back in October at the first round of treatment 5 that that was it. that I should wait for a few months to get the full fading then go get covered up. when I went back a couple weeks ago for the second half of treatment 5 he said I was good to go. looking at my arm, I really have doubts. im meeting with an artist in about 3 weeks to discuss getting a heavy Japanese sleeve going, but somehow feel like ill be sent back for another round, or maybe im just being negative..

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    these are the pre-treatments. comparing the two pics is insane to me, this is the first time looking at them, I had no idea id come this far. but still thinking really negative about this coverup happening anytime soon. anyone have any thoughts?? can all that black that's still there just be run the fuck over??



  8. These people don't think it through when they get the tattoo and don't think it through when they want to get rid of the tattoo. Why would anyone pay for laser removal if these creams worked? My one problem with the article is that I've never heard that 27% of people with a tattoo want it removed; all the numbers I've seen are in the 18% range.

    word, man. that shit is crap. in my (and im guessing) a lot of others research into laser, more than not, you get hit off with bullshit reads and percentage numbers and stuff until you start to feel like a peice of crap for getting tattoos in the first place (which is why i say fuck the laser industry).

    but most of what id run into is that "50 percent regret their tattoos". well, yeah, i beleive that. a lot of people get stupid ass tattoos and never should have got one in the first place..

  9. slow, man.. slow..

    thanks for asking and for all of the comments here. i just got back from round 3 and nothing noticable. hoping to see some results here in a few weeks, in which case ill def throw out some more pics.

    the whole process- the travel, money (even though it could be a lot more), the pain (it gets worse for me!), walking around with blobs on my arm (lol), has really been bumming me out, which is why i havent been around. trying to stay focused on other things, since ill probably be walking around with some fucked up ass arms for a little bit here.

    @Nallac94, i really dont know at this point, im trying not to stress it and just stay positive, instead of being like yeah man i want this this and that for cover up work. just going with the flow here. im still looking into dean williams at elm street. i keep seeing his work all over dallas and think its pretty rad.

    mowgli, i think, but not positive, that in LA dr tatoff might be the best bet. i just felt/feel real indebted to alan for hooking me up and doing, what i see as, a service to tattood people. and dont worry but a hijack or anything. i like this thread and others here because its opened a lot of discussion and answered a lot of questions for i think anybody looking to get laser done.

    anyway, good luck to everyone. ill be posting. just had to give my mind a break for a minute.


  10. yes, definantly a getting coverup work. bad deciscions, man.

    went in again on thurs. pains really starting to get to me here. again, not to scare anyone away from laser. the area(s) im getting treated in one sitting are pretty extreme. i was left shaken afterward, and it was warm out. but once i hop on that greyhound, aint no turning back..

  11. not really "wtf", but i love hearing about people like this..

    Cover-Up Artist Removes Tattoos of Ex-Gang Members for Free - Yahoo! News


    Second chances can be hard to come by, but Chris Baker, 42, a tattoo artist in Oswego, Ill., gives them away for free.

    Since 2011, Baker, who's also a youth pastor, has created more than 500 free tattoos for former gang members and victims of human trafficking eager to remove or cover up the visible evidence of their past. Big city human trafficking networks are often run by gang members, who tattoo their victims with barcodes, pimps' names or gang symbols to track them and make it almost impossible for them to escape.

    "It's my way of giving back to the community that's given me so much," Baker told ABCNews.com, in explaining his service. "I just decided to do something positive, and to show people that people can change."

    Baker founded INK 180, a nonprofit organization that he funds with money he earns from his regular tattooing business, and through donations. The name symbolizes the degree of change he hopes for in the lives of those he tattoos.

    Baker has worked with former members of the Latin Kings, Black Disciples and Aryan Nation, explaining that the tattoos are like a rite of passage for initiated gang members.

    It was during one of his youth group meetings that Baker realized he wanted to help these people, whose efforts to change and progress were often halted by the markings of their past.

    Once a warehouse manager, Baker said that many of his employees had belonged to gangs, and they often compared their tattoos to Baker's religious ones.

    "They would say, 'I wish I could get rid of my tattoos. I'm tired of getting judged,'" Baker recalled. "And I decided, 'That's my calling.'"

    PHOTOS: Chris Baker: Tattoo Artist

    For two years, Baker has worked with local, state and federal authorities to offer his services to former gang members who had difficulty finding jobs, or who were living in secrecy from gangs they'd left.

    A member of his church who works with the Department of Homeland Security brought Baker's attention to victims of human trafficking - pointing out that by covering up or removing their tattoos, Baker could make it much harder for their captors find them.

    The gang members who come on their own, or the women who have escaped sex trafficking rings and arrive with law enforcement protection, open up to Baker as he listens to them describe what they've done and what they want to do.

    "These guys will say, 'Yeah, it hurts,' but it's almost like penance for them. It's representative of the pain they caused others, and they don't want to cause anymore," Baker said.

    Baker leaves the type of tattoo up to his customers. "No matter the design, I just love being able to take away the visible reminders of their past and give them something beautiful to remind them of their future," said Baker.

    "There was one guy from Kansas City who had gotten out of prison," Baker recalled. "We did a cover-up of a tattoo for him and found out he was an artist. He's now working as an artist for a greeting card company."

    The Oswego village board recently approved Baker's special use permit, and in a few weeks, he will have a more permanent home for INK 180, after previously renting spaces. It'll be one of the few tattoo shops in the United States with a prayer wall and an information center for other nonprofit ministries in the area.

    "People always ask me why I do this for free," Baker said. "The stories I hear make it worth it."

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