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Deb Yarian

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Posts posted by Deb Yarian

  1. All great cards

    Thanks again for sharing

    I always loved Cliff's cards.

    No he wasn't but oh well.

    I actually remember visiting the shop one day because at the time the area hadn't been gentrified ---and it felt like I was walking forever from the riverwalk --- maybe because it was like 115 degrees --- and I was so glad to finally find it--- and I walked in---- and Jack


  2. I stopped by the shop a couple of times when I was living in Columbus and visiting Savannah---- years ago

    But he wasn't the friendliest(:

    Could have been the time - or that I worked for Freddie-- or that I was friends with the Inksmiths --- who had been in Brunswick prior to Jacksonville

    In my first 20 years of tattooing i'd often make the mistake of visiting shops, while traveling and expecting some sort of welcome-- I'm just pretty friendly----

  3. I was definitely working in Columbus Ga at Fast Freddies

    25 years ago---- at the time there were 4 shops all with a few tattooers at each.

    A guy named Red Dog , who learned from Sailor Bill and was a friend of Bill Loika's when he was known as Amsterdam Willie was one of the only ones who worked underground for years in Columbus.

    He just preferred not working in a shop.

    He past away a few years ago.

  4. Fortunately or unfortunately I draw for every single tattoo that I do--- whether it's just redrawing a photo of someone elses tattoo that a customer brings in or designing the tattoo for someone based on their concept.

    I used to devote at least a full day a week, gathering reference and drawing.

    It's so hard to say but I agree with nico , I spend just as much time drawing as tattooing

  5. I was tattooing at a busy shop outside of Ft Benning Ga.

    Don was stationed there working as a Ranger instructor. He got tattooed at the shop and soon became my client.within a few months he began working there also learning how to tattoo and working the 10-3am shift. We were friends , he had a girlfriend and I was married to another tattooer at the shop and had a little boy.

    Don became a close family friend, a trusted coworker and I know that we really bonded during the hours spent tattooing him.

    I guess we were friends and coworkers for about 2 years or so when I became single again.

    I can't say that we had a wild romance but just that we were such good friends and we really liked and respected one another.

    Our first date , so to speak, was in June - and we were married at the end of November.

    For the next 10 years we tattooed wherever Don was stationed ( he worked in the army and tattooed till he retired from the military, almost 10 years ago) We also went on to have 5 more children.

    this November we'll be married 20 years.

  6. I agree.

    It is the decision of the person wearing the tattoo.

    When i've worked at a shop with many tattooers, often it was the policy that the person that started the tattoo finished it. Also, unless the tattoo was obviously flawed ( and even then sometimes) it puts both tattooists in an uncomfortable position to work or cover a coworker's work.

    If someone has work from a tattooer that I don"t work with ,and they want it covered or reworked- I think most tattooers don't have a problem with that. That's what keeps a lot of us in business.

    I recently had a girl with a short sleeve done by a tattooer in a different state want me to continue it to her lower arm---it was difficult for me to match the work to the other tattooist's work---- style, color palette etc.

    If the tattooist had been a friend of mine or even an acquaintance i would have called and asked specifics about pigments etc. that would have helped with the piece.

    The flipside to this.

    One of my clients went to a horrible shop in town, not wanting to wait for her appt with me.

    I did a beautiful 3/4 sleeve on her that i had posted on my website and in my portfolio.

    Someone brought to my attention that this piece was now posted on this horrible shop's website. The tattooer had recolored the tattoo and added hideous background color to it and had the caption under it saying that the client got the tattoo elsewhere and wasn't satisfied and he reworked it to their satisfaction!

    First i emailed the client. I said how disappointed i was that she hadnt come to me with her concerns and that i or my husband would have worked with her etc etc.

    Well she wrote back apologizing, saying that he added a little something and then before she knew it it looked horrible and now she was considering having the piece lasered off.

    She came back to my shop-- but there's not a lot that can be done. My husband tried to fix it--- but it doesn't look as nice as it did--- and i still have the original posted on my web site.

    I did however, call the other shop and tell him to get my work off of his website.Which he did. A little off subject, I know.

    I did have my forearm done by a very "famous" tattooist and hated it. My husband covered it for me and at the last State of Grace- Trevor McStay covered a piece on my chest and wasn't concerned with who did what he was covering.

  7. I think this article strays very far from the song lyrics.

    Lyrics implying choice and preference.

    The article doesn't state whether Alan's partner is of average IQ or like Alan, challenged.

    There was a case a few years ago where a group of HS boys were charged with rape after having sex with a mentally retarded girl. The defense said she was a willing participant.

    I'm pretty sure that they were found guilty.

  8. One of my ex coworkers did golden palace.... On a guys back about 3 years ago

    I think he got 10,000 and she got 1,500

    Looks pretty similar to the pic posted

    A couple did approach her about a forehead ad

    Ha! Went to the link and it is her tattoo.

    Kind of funny because my husband don and I were the only ones in the shop,out of 6 tattooists, that would do hands.

    And often our coworker would chastise us or question our judgement, so it seemed a little ludicrous that she was comfortable doing the golden palace logo imo

  9. I've done the wrong date and misspelled names. Client error.

    Recently left out a letter in a word , and was able ta add it.

    Twenty something years ago outside of Fort Benning,Ga I did the tattoo "PARAROOPER"' I added a little parachute above it dropping a "T" in.

    These are ones that were brought to my attention over the years.

    I say client error because often times people are nervous and just write down the wrong dates or actually misspell names

  10. I do believe that it actually does hurt more not necessarily as we get older, but with each tattoo that we get.

    It's my theory ( I don't know what truth there is to it) when you experience any pain your response should be to remove yourself from what is causing it--- so when you get your first tattoo and it hurts - and you don't remove yourself from whatever is causing the pain - then the next time, the body says-- well, let's make it hurt a little more --- so that you'll withdraw yourself from the pain. The body doesn't understand that you are voluntarily submitting to what's causing the pain.

    My 2 cents

    The longest session I've sat for was 8 hours at a convention

    Trevor Mcstay did my sleeve over a 4 year period,

    What with talking and bathroom breaks- I don't know exactly how long-- but that's what I paid for ha ha!

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