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Posts posted by NorthernBrother

  1. That is easy to add some orange and yellows into to make it look more like a firey background!

    Thanks man! That gave me a huge boost of excitement and relief. I figured it would not be too hard.

    Got the answer I was hoping for, but I really need to consult an artist who will/can do roughly what I am looking for.

    Since this thread is pretty much done, Mods feel free to close.

  2. Post a pic of the tattoo that you have. Also like mentioned if there is enough room Im sure it could be done, but it also depends on what color red it is. Is it a bright red, a dark red, etc. Lighter is easier to put other colors on top of. darker not so much, thats common sense. But def talk to your artist and see their thoughts. Nonetheless wed still like to see the tattoo you are talking about!

    I have done somethings I didnt think would work from time to time. I covered orange with yellow and you couldnt tell the orange was there at all.


    This is a better representation of the colour, but not really, its a terrible photo, and right now I can't really take a decent picture, but its good enough to get and idea


    Sorry about the sizing and whatnot.

    My cell phone is making the red look a little brighter and more vibrant than it really is, the ink is a bit darker and not quite so... intense?

  3. Hi there,

    Those are probably questions you should take to your artist. There's a lot of questions that need to be answered by you before anyone here could answer yours, and that would be so much easier in person. Where is your tattoo? How big is it? How much space is around it? How much bigger would you be willing to go?

    Generally speaking, though, if there's enough room to expand, and you don't mind going a bit bigger, I'm sure your artist could accommodate your request. Not much help, I know, but seriously, go talk to your artist.

    I figured as much, there is a lot of free skin around almost all of the red, and size I have no issues with at all.

    I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

    Thank you.

  4. Hey everyone,

    So I got a tattoo done about 6 months ago and everything seems to be just dandy. However, in the near future or more likely within the next 6 months I hope I can get it "redone" or touched up.

    More specifically, I have a whole bunch of red in a spiral around and behind a symbol. Don't get me wrong, I am not unhappy with it at all. However, I would like there to be more. What I would like to be done is, instead of a red spiral, is fire surrounding, or spinning around (obviously in the direction of the red spiral.)

    Now, my question.

    Would it be possible to do a flame design over red ink? Such as put yellow and a little orange over top? Or would the red just show through?

    If so, would it take a lot of ink and potentially more than one session to get it done? Or could it be done fairly easily?

    If maybe, how much red would show through?

    If not, well, looks like I'll have to figure something else out then eh?

    Thanks for all your help and advice!!

  5. In most cases it is better to do absolutely nothing to your tattoo than to over care for it.

    Your photos look like a normally healing tattoo.

    The white, wrinkly, opaque skin- is just your new skin ( as far as white dots- it's impossible to say without seeing)

    I usually advise a light wash daily, pat dry, apply mild lotion sparingly a few times a day- massage in to skin.

    Everybody heals differently.

    Don't worry

    - - - Updated - - -

    The above post is actually by Matt's mother- also a tattooist, he didn't sign off of the computer.

    thank you very much for your reply, just wanted to make sure and be safer than sorry. To me it seems like the small white dots are turing into parts that are peeling, nothing more. But they have been there for over a day now and have not changed at all in any way, so I assume its just some healing going on.

  6. So here is the tattoo I got day after I got it


    Now, I have a couple questions to which I have some concern over:




    I have some concern with where the red is, mainly near the centre of the tattoo. The skin looks, puffy ish, or raised, and has a clear-ish opaque look to it, in that area as well, are a few very very very small white dots, that can only be seen clearly after washing in a certain light. One of which recently began to peel.

    The area is not hot at all, infact, after I clean my hands, it feels the exact same temperature as the rest of the forearm

    I am concerned that it could be infected or not healing properly. I have been following the proper aftercare procedures almost religiously. I have also read on here that red can be finicky to heal.

    So, am I overreacting a little, or is this just the healing process.

    Also, since those pictures have been taken, the dark scabs have all come off except for part of one, under those scabs, is the strange looking wrinkling skin I am talking about, and the tiny tiny white dots

    Thank you for all your help and time

  7. Saw Looper a couple days ago, really liked it for the most part. It got a little slow for me at times, and I found a little bit of it to be confusing or poorly structured, but the overall concepts and themes were really good.

    Loved the scene where the guy was slowly losing body parts, has his present self was being amputated piece by piece and the present self was seeing the effects, but healed. Really freaking cool idea right there

  8. I remember when Instagram first came out a few years ago, made by a small time company for photography enthusiasts to share good photographs and enjoy the wonderful hobby. Some of the weekly top rated pictures were actually amazing, usually consisting of beautiful scenery, amazing portraits, and believe it or not, outstanding abstract, etc. Then, as it came to be known by...... I guess you could say mainstream society, it turned to a photo sharing social media.

    Instagram truly died for me when facebook bought it. O well.....

  9. I have both the Hero 2 and the Hero 3 black edition. although they are absolutely amazing, that video gives them a false representation. That video has many filters and edits done to make the footage look really good, and the slow motion is actually not the easiest to do at all. Especially some of the scenes that are really slow, you need to spend a few hundred on a video program to get that done.

    That being said, I love the gopro's, a ton of fun, huge variety of settings and usages.

  10. ^agree. dont know how i feel about newschool, and jesse wasnt versatile, but he was probably more talented than the rest (at what he does, atleast)..

    tell me about it, that portrait he did was horrendous. but I guess that goes to show he should become a specialty artist instead of versatile....

    that one tattoo of Yoda that was done by Tattoo Baby was amazing, hell, I am not the biggest fan of Star Wars and I would get that done

  11. Havent seen any of the more recent episodes of season 2, but I enjoy watching it. I find some of the "drama" and reality tv crap to be a little tiresome, but I watch the show for the sake of watching the tattooing and what the artists produce.

    I really liked Jesse's work, some of his new school stuff was amazing.

  12. What's up Rob, what's the query?

    Ill probably post it in the aftercare section as Ill likely get the best results, not that Im doubting an answer from you, more just it seems like the proper spot. As for my question, its about how its healing, as it seems to be doing something odd, and I am fearing an infection.

  13. The workplace I am in right now seems absolutely fine with tattoos, and I have seen the odd person with quite a few. No one seems to baulk or complain at all, heck, usually people get compliments. I guess it really depends on what the work situation is like. I have one friend who works in retail and she has to wear clothing to fully cover her tattoos, and even then, her boss was unsure about hiring her just because of her tattoos, not the design / what they were.

  14. Hello Everyone,

    Mainly joined here because I have a question about one of my tattoos that is still in the healing process, but I'll see where I go from there with the forum, but this one seems pretty good.

    Haven't had tattoo's for very long, in fact, not even a year yet, but I do not plan on stopping anytime soon.

    My name is Rob, currently working at a photography program and hoping to take that into a full time career, potentially photojournalism. Not really to sure what else to say about myself.

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