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Great Lakes Tattooing

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Posts posted by Great Lakes Tattooing

  1. I think the thing to remember is that everyone who is tattooing as a career got into it differently. There is very few tattooers I know that had a real apprenticeship. Most worked for free as shop help first. Learning to tattoo is a lifetime commitment and it takes years just to understand the basics. All the good tattoos posted on here are more than likely executed by people who are more than seasoned. Its easy to look at this industry from the outside and think it would be great to be in. You know, tattooers are on tv and at celeb gatherings, they look like they have lots of money and have spare time to be in bands. Shops are portrayed as super fun spots to hang out where you dont have to take life too serious. What could be better than doing "art" for a living and making money doing what you love?? I think a steady paycheck is better, health insurance is better, retirement...There are a huge amount of sacrifices that come with this demanding job. Its not all roses and especially not until you start to really get a handle on the craft and the drawing and coloring aspect. Just about the time you have something figured out, you get humbled right back down by something else or, maybe even that something you had figured. Now, tattooing is so mainstream, that a fair amount of people treat it with a lot less respect than they did say fifteen years ago. These are only getting worse with the amount of people now tattooing. With all that said, Support your Local Tattooer, give them lots of money in exchange for tattoos. Support the industry and the people doing the thing everyday and maybe someday, someone will invite you to clean the nicotine stains off their bathroom walls:)

  2. With the tattoo world saturated with tattooers, do we really need to bring anyone else into the fold? Is every shop incomplete without a "yoshi" of their own? Are most tattooers too lazy or busy to help with general stuff around the shop or is bringing new blood into tattooing necessary? How good do you have to be qualified enough to teach this?

  3. lived there for a couple years.

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    You can walk mostly where you need. 6th street and the warehouse district isn't more than a couple of blocks from either other. You can take a taxi but we have pedi cabs around downtown. I would only use a taxi if you want to go to the east side. It will be in the 90s maybe even 100 but May. Bring plenty of shirts and most clubs don't have a dress code unless you dress like a gangbanger or wear sandals/flip flops. Rock of ages is about 5 to 7 mins away. You can take a bus from downtown to them. Possibly take an one half to a full hour to go though the stops. If you want to go up to north Austin, rent a car. We have zip car and cars2go. Little smart cars that have there own parking at certain places. Barton Springs is good to go to. It is about 68 degrees year round and really chill and walking distance to a couple of restaurants. Some girls will be topless and if you have a dog you can take it to the dog area for it to run around in the walk or take it to lady bird lake.

    If you have anymore questions just holla. Also @fallingapartart lives in austin

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    Have you been to Austin?

    lived there for a couple years

  4. In 15 to 20 years, I would like to be getting referrals from people I tattoo today. Its easy to avoid trends and poorly crafted tattoos when youre busy doing what you and your peers deem good. Im not in that position yet so I am faced with making decisions on craft verses art all the time. I try to plant seeds of education while I talk of how their tattoo idea isnt the best case scenario. In the end, they make the decision, and I get the final say on awful ideas. Sometimes we, as tattooers, can have all the right equipment and theory, but the customer determines if they will get a quality tattoo or not.

  5. nothing worse than redoing an old tattoo. I tell the folks that they got that back before it was popular for soccer moms to have their mantra tattooed on their wrist and they should keep the patina and wear it proud. Shoot, today, kids would pay good money for a ready made "old" looking tattoo.

  6. I am new to this. I am still trying to figure out the format, so I have not dug very deep yet. Most of the things Ive read do sound like counter talk. I get enough of that and have nothing to add. Some of the threads i have read(the ones i get the most out of) are a little out of my league and if i had something to add, its already been added. I do have some things to discuss, but they seem to come too close to giving away information to whoever may be on here. I own and am the sole tattooer at my shop and I am at a turning point in my ten year career. I have a customer base that needs education, but shows potential. I have nobody around me to take advice from, but I know I have a chance to bring real tattoo culture to my town. I am hoping this site fills some of those gaps for me and, in turn, I can find folks I can trust with advice i have to give. I am a tattooer and i am here, learning the ropes and waiting for my turn to contribute. Thanks for this.

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