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Everything posted by rileykill

  1. Oh man. Its the worst. What a fucked up community. To each his own, I guess. I remember ICP being a new thing. I was sure it would die quickly. No such luck!
  2. Ok Ill play .... mine is fairly interesting. My wife (of 10 years) has absolutely no tattoos, but she is the reason I have any idea what a nice tattoo looks like! As I said in another thread, I come from a small town. The only tattooers within 100 miles were shitty scratchers, so that was all I knew. I was always attracted to the idea of tattoos, and as a kid I would draw on my arms and stuff, but man, when I saw these shitty tattoos on my friends I just couldnt hang. When I moved to Austin, I met a couple of tattooers but they did black and grey stuff that I wasnt into, so I got a little kanji thing on my back and that was it for a while. Then I met my wife. She was good friends (grew up) with the Deep Ellum crowd in Dallas including some of the guys in punk bands and a couple of the dudes from Elm Street. Man, Holy Shit! These guys (and girls) were getting the most badass traditional tattoos ... totally covered. I couldnt believe how awesome this stuff looked. I mean, I had seen the flash sheets but no one in my hometown ever picked the cool stuff. And if they did, it was rendered very poorly. So, I asked those guys who I should see in Austin, and of course I have plenty of options. And then I started forming my own opinions and getting tattooed, slowly. So yeah. My completely untattooed wife, in a round about way, taught me about good tattoos!
  3. Exactly. If I live my life afraid of being mistaken for a Juggalo, what kind of man am I?
  4. Yeah, I mean, I dont care that much but Im definitely not a part of either of those groups (not that I dont respect SE). I'll keep lookin into it. I do have a perfect spot on my shoulder tho, and I have been playing guitar in bands since I was in high school. I thought mostly w Skins it was the crossed hammers?
  5. Yeah thats what Im thinking .... wanted to make sure it didnt have Straight Edge connotations, mainly, because if so I probably shouldnt wear it
  6. Does anyone know if there is any specific meaning attached to crossed hatchets/axes? It has symbolism for me personally, being a musician. Before I put it on my body permanently, just wanted to make sure there wasnt anything else I was unaware of .... Gracias.
  7. got this from Matt Howse at the Austin convention .... almost healed (and might need a couple of touch ups). And while Im at it a better shot of the opposite arm. Now to figure out what to do with the inside of the bicep .....
  8. Some of his 80s lookin fantasy stuff is wicked. I think I know a couple of people who would do a good job with his flash. http://http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=safari&tbo=d&biw=768&bih=928&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=tony+hundahl+wizard&oq=tony+hundahl+wizard&gs_l=img.3...13813.17293.0.17694.|16;d|9wmNV3jD5jzloM:
  9. Oh man. Well, everything comes around. Music, fashion, tattoos .......
  10. I also kinda got lucky. I am from a small town, so everything growing up was shitty tribal, Calvin pissing on something or Tazmanian devils. If I had gone too far when I was young, God knows ......
  11. Exactly! I could cover my entire body and never use the same tattooer twice. I have favorites, of course, but still ......
  12. I think Im lucky to live in a tattoo city. Austin has a shit ton of shops and many of them are great to decent. As a result, a lot of even the shitty hipster tattoos are well executed. Of course, there is plenty of crap, but a LOT of people are tattooed, and we have Rock Of Ages, True Blue, Atomic, Ancient Ink, etc. Shit, Chris Trevino if you are patient enough. Its a nice place to be.
  13. Paul Dobleman you are a Grade A badass. Come guest in Austin and tattoo me.
  14. Good God. My eyes, they burn!
  15. Hey everyone! Man. So much nice stuff in this thread. Here is a badly lit pic of my swallows by Tony Hundahl. The red one is about 6 years old. I asked him to match it with another after my second daughter was born ... I think he did a great job.
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