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Posts posted by Haysman

  1. @Haysman super jealous of that tiger, it's amazing. I was just in Richmond the other week for a wedding but didn't have tattoo plans. Brian's been on my bucket list for a long time now. Have gotten something from pretty much everyone around him from D.C. to N.C. and they all tell me that I need to get something from him. One of these days...

    The artist I go to in Asheville has a backpiece by Brian and the thing is as strong as they come.

    Thanks man. His back pieces are top notch. I love going in every few months and checking out his ~8' wall space totally overflowing with to-be & in-progress back stencils. So much respect for that kind of dedication from both tattooer and tattooee alike.

  2. That's me. Man, I'm glad they're done!

    I respect that. I'll be honest in that there were parts (front hip points on the pelvis and the pelvic crest, especially) that were pretty brutal. I can't imagine going back in for seconds, not at least anytime soon ;) How long did you wait in between sides?

  3. @gougetheeyes, if you like his tigers check out brian's instagram, he just put up prints of a tiger sheet (& a hannya mask sheet) for sale

    @Haysman, that is a GREAT tiger! I love Brian's work. And I know for a fact that that's not an easy spot for a tiger. :)

    Thanks man, you've got the dual Lehi tigers on the ribs, right? That's pretty high praise coming from you... I (obviously) really dig that tattoo, Lehi's tigers are incredible.

  4. Thanks everyone. I have to say my "fine taste" is largely due to LST, so, give yourselves a hand too...

    I love love love Brian Bruno's work, and I hope to get tattooed by him some day. That tiger is killer!! 2'nd tattoo you say? I tip my hat to you sir.

    You definitely should, man. He's a really good guy and everyone at the shop is real nice. Plus he's kind of a badass tattoo artist too so, y'know, there's that

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