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Mark Bee

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Everything posted by Mark Bee

  1. I've tried to watch some of these shows, but I just can't get into them. I'd rather watch the interviews here or on Vice. Reality shows just don't do it for me.
  2. Winter is creeping up so it's time for me to renew my volunteer hours at a local shelter. - - - Updated - - - I've only seen a tornado once, outside Winnipeg when I was a kid in the 70s. Scared the hell out of me. Glad you are all all right.
  3. I'm starting to be less and less concerned about concealing my tattoos at work. I roll my sleeves up part way these days, so it's no longer a secret. I just noticed one of my colleagues has a big bright tattoo that runs up the back of her neck. I was on the subway the other day and looked up only to see one of my supervisors staring through the window at me with her jaw on the floor. Lol. Cat's outta the bag now.
  4. Reggie Watts is pretty funny. He is the best part of Comedy Bang Bang, too.
  5. Orange cats! I've got two, and if it wasn't insane I'd have 7 of them.
  6. I've just signed up for cooking classes. First up, knife skills class on the 16th. How to slice and dice as well as how to sharpen and maintain your knives. I love learning new skills and I think my wife and friends will also benefit from the development of my cooking skills. Also, it means I can finally justify buying jeans with an elastic waist! I'm 42 but feeling like a well-fed 68 year old.
  7. @youthcrewalex Damn. Congrats, dude. That is some seriously killer work. Everything is so perfectly put together.
  8. Tonight I'm focusing on heists. Pappa needs some dough!!!
  9. So I found myself near The Pearl today, and this fun little Bert Grimm flash happened, thanks to Tim Pausinger:
  10. After a little time off from getting tattooed, I've got two coming up in October. I'm starting on my chest with Tim Pausinger at The Pearl, then I'm getting some work done on my leg by Franz Stefanik at the Okey Doke. Good times ahead!
  11. Feel free to add me on PSN. My handle is Ruttlemaki. - - - Updated - - - Sadly, no. I wish they'd get together on that, but I suspect cross-platform gaming is never going to happen.
  12. I picked up my copy the day it came out, but I didn't line up. I walked into the shop after work and bought it. No lines. No hassle. Are you folks on PS3?
  13. This! I've been wondering the same thing. That's the main reason I haven't done my feet yet.
  14. I saw this on Mario's instagram the other day. Very nice indeed. Such a great shop.
  15. I love those propaganda posters. I'm a big fan of Soviet art and architecture in general, and this tattoo is a great representation of the genre.
  16. I've just returned from a brilliant weekend at the Montreal Tattoo Convention where I had the pleasure of seeing many amazing things. I watched as the Leu Family double-teamed a guy on Saturday. I am still a bit shaken from imagining doing that myself. I met a ton of cool people, including at least 3 folks from LST. I had the chance to talk to Ron Henry Wells, which was a particular pleasure. Not only a brilliant artist, but a hell of a nice guy. Sadly, I didn't have an appointment with him though. Next time! I also had a good sitting with Chad Koeplinger, and he put two new tattoos on my leg. I'll post one now, and the other once its healed and I can get a better pic. As usual he was a lot of fun to talk to and I ended up with a couple of pieces that I am thrilled with. - - - Updated - - -
  17. I too want to weigh in on this. I had the great pleasure of meeting @Graeme , @Pugilist , @Mushu @BrianH and his wonderful partner, at Poutineville in Montreal last night after a busy day at the convention. Internet meet-ups can definitely be awkward, but these folks were amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of you and hope we will meet again in the future. You couldn't ask for a more friendly, more interesting, and pleasant group of people. My only regret is that I have poor hearing and I was having a very hard time hearing parts of the conversation. I had to constantly ask people to repeat themselves. I'm sorry about that. It occurs to me now that we should have taken a group picture to post here! Anyway, this was my first convention and I am now certain there will be many more to come. Montreal for certain - it's one of the loveliest cities in the world, and the convention was top-notch. *fixed.
  18. Have a safe drive - looking forward to meeting you.
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