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Dan Martin

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Everything posted by Dan Martin

  1. Sad but true. Looks like a lot of you agree with me. Of course I like everyone else wouldn't trade my kids for anything but it does make me envious at times.
  2. So I was bummed out today as I had a client tell me she didn't like my tattoo I drew for her ( what ever... Comes with the job ) So rather than rush to get back to redrawing her tattoo, I decided to waste time on the Internet, watching interviews of tattooers and looking at there stuff.. when I started thinking. Most of my favorite tattooers are sans children, and more than a few are without a significant other. So my question is, especially regarding the amount of work tattooers put in, how much does having children affect your work? And I mean being an active, attentive parent, not a dead beat or divorced where your kid lives with your ex most of the time. As for me... it's hard. Lots of late nights drawing/painting when everyone is asleep but me and also lots of early mornings, getting up early to see them off to school. AND lots of time with them when I get home, until they're asleep again. Don't forget weekends too. Now i wouldn't trade it for anything, but sometimes i question if I'd be a better tattooer if I had more time to myself. Time to travel, do shows, guess spots, meet other tattooers, paint/ draw, etc... You get the point. Pretty shitty of me to even question this, I know, but anyway, what's the general consensus ? I'd love to hear from other tattoo parents too and see how you do it all.
  3. We really should have tattooers passwords and private discussions as well as the mixed forum. There's a lot of "knowledge" sharing on here from non- tattooers and it's adding to the problems our industry faces already. Advice from somebody that isn't a tattooer is obsolete. That all said, you found out first hand that tattooing isn't always what it seems. I'm curious if you could post a link to this "good guy" but then again I'm sure that would just add fuel to the flame which is what this forum is trying to avoid. Honestly I think you lied to yourself. All these things this dude said were making you question but you ignored it every time.
  4. Ok what the hell is going on here?!? I thought LST was a tattoo forum. I don't care about your candy and please don't compare it to tattooing. If you're passionate about what you do, great, but understand so am I. I don't know shit about making chocolate, and wouldn't dare discuss what I think chocolatiers do or think, on a forum no less, in fear of embarrassing the shit out of myself. Tattooers know tattooing from a perspective that only comes from being immersed in tattooing and discussing this with laymen repeatedly is annoyingly painful. I'm happy people of all walks love tattoos but embrace the tattoos themselves. There's no need to dissect what tattooers do or don't do, and there's no need to compare it to anything else. Eat your chocolate, love it, enjoy it, and then go do something else for fuck sake...
  5. Playing with fire. Don't call attention from anyone. We owe it to the tradition itself to remain pirates! It's all going to hell anyway.
  6. I don't understand why people think this way. It's like saying do these pants go with this shirt?
  7. Wow... The first thing anyone wanting to learn tattooing should do is take the machine they got off eBay and throw away the rubberbands. Those are for packing anyway. Then take it apart and sterilize it by boiling it for 4 hours. Then your ready. Just like sewing and making chocolate.
  8. It's sad tattooing in general has gone this way. Honestly I don't think anyone is going to stop this show from airing and I think it will be watched. I will however, talk about why I think it's crap to my friends and clients ( anyone who cares about my two cents) but I'm not going to shove it down their throats. And I do believe that anyone who wants to get into tattooing will, but I personally will not contribute. There are too many tattooers as is. The fact is tattooing is bigger than anyone could have imagined and it'll probably be decades until it dies off a bit, and by that time you'll probably be able to get certified online over a weekend. This shit isn't new. I remember tattooers getting huck Spaulding certificates by ordering supplies, did it make a difference? No. Are people going to get bad tattoos and make bad decisions? Yes. I think the best thing to do is concentrate on what we do, and do it well, or at least to the best of our abilities.
  9. Sounds like it all worked out. I didn't mean to imply that you don't tip, I've just had that experience before, and as I don't drink, it was a bit awkward. Good luck with all your future tattoos, I think your on the right track, and it sounds like you found an artist that'll work with you.
  10. My two cents: I try and discuss as much as i can with my client when we first meet and maybe over the phone the night I draw it up. I really don't want to meet too soon before our appointment because 90% of the time my client starts to over analyze the design. Friends and family usually chime in too, making the matter worst. I think it is part of a tattooers job to steer clients in the right direction on designs. Readability, aging, etc. So many factors that the general public doesn't think about. Even if you don't see the design until the day of, I think it's pretty important that the artist is on time with the drawing. It shows they've done their homework and aren't just spitting out some 1/2 ass drawing because they forgot the appointment. Final word - don't bring alcohol as a gift, unless you know for sure that your artist drinks. Even then I'd still offer caution. A big fat tip at the end of a session says loads more about your appreciation and your artist can spend it how they really want.
  11. Thanks Jennifer. The knee supports a great idea.
  12. Hey everyone, I've been thinking about difficult areas of the body to tattoo and wonder if anyone had any advice? I think the throat is one of the hardest as the head and shoulders make it difficult to reach and it's hard to stretch. Does anyone have any tricks or tips to share about tattooing the throat?
  13. I never correct my clients - " what kinda guns, you use? " - I figure the less they know the better. I don't discuss any of it. I like " tatty " though, as in "just got a fresh tatty! "
  14. I never correct my clients - " what kinda guns, you use? " - I figure the less they know the better. I don't discuss any of it. I like " tatty " though, as in "just got a fresh tatty! "
  15. Thanks for all the insight. I think it's been more the customer not conveying what they want and or knowing. we've thought of making a disclaimer sheet for customers explaining that an appointment booked months away is because we have other projects ahead of them and are not taking two months to draw their tattoo, and haven't started the second they drop a deposit! ( some people are clueless ) so maybe I'll put something in there too as to what to look for when they pick an artist. Sometime I wish people would just sit down and shut up like I did:)
  16. Thanks Bart. I'll try and get some stuff up soon
  17. Dan Martin


    My wife just told me to cut mine. I never shave off the goat though, it hides my double chin!
  18. I thought it was going to be a piercing thing. Amazing!
  19. Sad. They should sue the lady for cruelty to animals. Fuck her sim card.
  20. This is more for shop owners and tattooist in general but I'd appreciate any and all feed back. The last few weeks I've had a few customers complain about tattoos they recieved at our shop. With one tattoo, the work was fine and the complaint turned out to be more of a personal preference thing ( wishing it was more rendered vs traditional etc. ) My diliema is that they already saw the artists portfolio and knew what style he excels at, so why compare him to someone else in the shop after the fact? Im curious how others would handle this kind of client ( with out telling him to screw himself ) On the flip side, what if the artist over stepped his limitations and tried something above his skill set? ( this time with out firing my artist )
  21. People that want to put their life story and a shout out to everyone they've ever met, loved, or encountered in their life into a tattoo the size of a quarter.
  22. The difference between tattooed people and non tattooed people is: tattooed people could care less that you aren't tattooed.
  23. I personally don't agree with this at all. I've worked many a convention and had my portfolio wrecked because some guy was flipping the pages super fast looking for that one image he has in his mind. Then he goes two tables down and gets a mediocre tattoo from some one that puts his best tattoos of flash in his book. I try and put a variety in my book, showcasing things I like as well as examples of tattoos I can do well. I might have biomech but it doesn't mean I can't tattoo a nice flower. Chances are if I have a book full of sleeves I probably can do your kanji justice too.
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