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Posts posted by CaptCanada

  1. I was always led to believe that hot water or hot moisture would open the pores of the skin making the area scab up more (thicker scabs) and make some of the ink leach out too. I may be wrong, but thats what I know.

    True it would open the pores of the skin, but it would allow you to wash off more plasma from the tattoo which would make the scabs thinner. I basically take a shower with only hot water, my water heater is set to 60 °C (140F) and I only barely turn on cold water so Im guessing is not dropping below 55°C (130F). Never had a problem, sumi start to flake off on day 3-4, gray wash starts on day 4, and color starts on day 5, and by day 7 its for the most part done.... I am able to tell what day of the week it is by what my tattoo looks like, thats how accurate and consistent my healing process has been.

    But this could just be my body, or other factors, and I like hot showers even without trying to heal a fresh tattoo. So unless you enjoy your shower being hot, you won't be having a fun time if you try this.

  2. Before I say anything else I like the video and would like to attend a event like this but, is it just me or does it seem like everyone in the video is throwing haymakers and not really boxing. They have some moves and coordination, but for the majority of the fights and fighters its doesn't seem full of quality. Its like watching a street fight inside of a ring with gloves on (witch I don't have a problem with, its just not boxing)... So if anyone can shed some light on this matter it would be great.

  3. Well I tried and failed to find the blog... Not sure about all the numbers and time.

    Stewart Robson your right, there really is no point in rushing to get a tattoo finished under normal conditions. Yeah, traveling far distances and needing to pay for airline, hotel, food, and tattoo in addition if you do anything else besides get tattooed when you travel.... Well it happens, and its sorta like a catch 22, you get a new tattoo (hopefully an awesome one) but you are paying for more then just a tattoo so that leaves less money for getting tattooed. You are saving a maybe a couple thousand, depending on how large the tattoo is (or country you are going to), but what your missing out on is taking your time and relaxing which is a major plus when traveling to foreign land. If you are just going down the street or to the next city to finish a tattoo as quick as possible. I just think thats retarded, but of course everyone is different and has different goals in life. Some just want tattoos as quick as possible, some take their time and know that the a tattoo isn't going to jump outa your skin and run off just cause you didn't finish it.

  4. Although I have not gone for back to back days for any tattoos I post some storys.

    A tv show called "tattoo wars" that was mentioned here before has a episode of Guy Aitchison and Aaron Cain doing a sleeve each on the same guy in I think 5 days. You should he able to find the video somewhere online.

    Tebori style:

    On a blog that I've read, someone traveling here to japan and wanting to make the most of his trip asked his tattooist how long he thinks it will take to finish a 1/2 sleeve with a chest piece and was told maybe about 25-30 hours. Then he asked if he could get 2 days for 12 hours and a few other days with less time all the same week. He ended up doing two days of 12 hours, one day 4 hours, and another for three hours. Or something like that, read this a while ago so its not fresh in my head, but I do know the tattooer was Ryugen. (I'll look for the blog when I get home.)

    The guy doing my tattoo has people coming in from overseas that will come for a week but will only do two or three hours each day. It's not as extream as the blog post from above and takes multiple trips to japan, but is both easier on the body and the wallet.

  5. Does anyone know any dishes that can be made from a stove top and rice cooker and microwave... Space is very limited here in Japan and I do miss some good old American eats that don't take a oven to finish baking in.

  6. Thanks for posting this shit. All my buddies at work are dying laughing all the time. We keep setting different ones as desktop images and all of our supervisors are pissed.


    Higher ups aren't a fan of his good acting?

  7. So, after a tattoo session that we didn't finish everything that we had planned for. I had a carbon image on the back of my calf that wasn't touched. Didn't realize that it was still there after I had gotten home and finished showering. Lied down on my couch to sleep for a little bit and now I have the carbon copy on my couch. Any tips on how to clean it off of a white pleather?

  8. I have wondered if this could be a common question or if it bugs tattooers, but say tattoos on the lower leg where the customer has a good reach if thing, does anyone ask if they may try and tattoo themselfs on a few lines? Would you take offence to that sort of question or have no problems but still not allow them too or be alright with them trying it out?

  9. I can be guilty of getting a company logo tattooed on me. Although it wasn't because I would receive money for advertisement or a discount with future purchases. It may seem stupid but this logo had some importance to me and I thought about it for 2 years before I got it, was also my first tattoo. So with that in mind, getting a logo just cause you will get a discount seems kinda stupid, but eh if you want the logo on you go a head. You could also always get a cover up once you drift outa that brand. Mine I have had for 4 years now, not planning on getting it covered up. Actually I'm thinking of a way to incorporate it into a larger tattoo chest/squid sleeve.

  10. I've been out of the loop of tv for a while haven't watched a lot of new shows in like 9 years but here are my favorites in no order:

    Married with Children


    Top Gear (UK)

    Anything history related

    Old shows on Discovery Channel prior to 95'ish, like fangs

    Ren and stimpy

    [edit] Just tried to search for fangs, not sure if that's the right name. A show about animal preditors. But really any good documentry type animal show, shot in the wild will work. But haven't seen one in years.

  11. I can see what Mario is saying about tattoo snobs with an attitude towards other clients, but I don't quite get why the term "collector" is so annoying. I refer to my tattoos as my collection, so doesn't that make me a collector? Is "enthusiast" a better term?

    I would never put myself above anyone, especially if they're getting work done from a respectable artist, regardless of the design they may choose. To each his own.

    Can the term "work" also be perceived as offensive? If so I might already have offended a few members here with my picture comments.

    Hopefully I'll be travelling to the US soon to get some work (see, I did it again) by some of the amazingly talented artists that you have over there. I would hate to make a bad first impression by blurting out something that an artist would interpret as ignorant or offensive. I'm certainly not going to say "whatup tat-wizard, fire up yo gun and shoot that ink on my squid slacks", but "love your work" is something that I imagine that I could have said without thinking twice.

    No, you have a gold mine in your post. "whatup tat-wizard, fire up yo gun and shoot that ink on my squid [pants]" is now what I want to say when I eventually go state side and meet a tattooist from LST. Hopefully they will understand the joke and not shoe me out of the shop. Also I need to learn that collector is spelled with an or not er.

  12. Very nicely worded MsRad, I don't see a problem with the title of collecter. Although I don't think of myself as a collecter(haven't earned that right, and also think it's more of a word for others to discribe you). With anything that one can acquier a large supply of anything is known by defult as a "collecter." Now weither that person gives other collecters a bad name or not all depends on their attitude if they think they are better or not.

    That being said and like I said earlier, referring youself as a collecter is a bit odd in my mind. Kinda like talking in 3rd person, some people can pull it off with the right charm but for the rest of us it just sounds strange.

  13. With this being your first tattoo and all, you're just get excited about any change or something new with your tattoo. Try to just chill out, you wont know what it will look like until it completely heals, and your body is doing what it is natural for it to do... and thats grow back skin if you get injured. To make it very simple, a tattoo is just a cut with ink pushed in it. You should know if its infected, and if its not just keep putting lotion on. After that if theres a problem with it, go back to the shop and ask the tattoo artist about it.

  14. Tats gives me chills, but the norwegian slang term for tattoos "tattis" makes my blood boil.

    I've been thinking how would you pronounce tattis, like would you say "tattys" or say "is" how it's pronounced in english, or some other way?

    Cause if it's tattys that is way to much southern califorian barbie girl for anyone without bleach blonde hair and a year round tan. And even if those girls pronounce it like that, they need to be shot.

  15. I would also like to say thank you, because without the admins, moderators, and great people that joined this site it would not be what it is. And to me it's a great site that seemed to be started by very talented tattooers for tattoers and the collectors. Other sites can't touch the level of professionalism that this site has. The only problem that I can say I have is the activity on the site, but knowing it's still a young forum that doesn't concern me much. With time it will grow. Once again we should be thanking you, and everybody that has joined this site!

  16. Philly Convention....tattooed 8 times in three days....

    JR Tubbs, Kike Castillo - Friday

    Jerry Swallow, Sailor Eddie Jr, Barrett Fiser, Dave Kruseman - Saturday

    Scott Silvia, Timmy Tats - Sunday

    Brady Duncan finished off my neck about 3 weeks ago!

    Those are the latest!

    I am jealous as well, but also wondering how do you have space left on your body? I've heard about you getting tattooed every other week or so, and you have been getting tattooed for a while... Even small ones add up after enough time.

  17. Well, even though I belive that what ever your making is between you, your other half and the taxman. Now that tattooing is becoming mainstream you will start to get these guys comming out and opening their mouths, about all fasciits of tattooing. In most perfessions you know roughly how much they make, so it's now time for the tattoo world to be under the spotlight for it's five minutes. Just wait a few years and most of the innerworkings will be common knowlage. But it takes these douche bags to give them this info in the first place.

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