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Posts posted by Raven

  1. I sat for 7 solid hours for my last in November. I can only speak for myself, but I was so surprised by my healing of this one. I kept the wrap on for about 3 hours and wiped it down with baby wipes as recommended by my artist (he was using these throughout the entire process). I put a very thin coat of Bepanthen on and left it. I did this for about 4/5 days (washing properly with soap once a day), before switching to my normal moisturiser. I flaked on about day 2 and peeled very lightly (like sunburn) on about days 4-6. After that it was done. My other tattoos didn't heal half as well. I don't know if it was the artist's technique, the baby wipes or my body, but it was easy to manage.

    I have a whacked immune system. It's too good, so goes on the offensive and attacks me on a daily basis (I get massive swellings from something as simple as a paper cut, and don't get me started on a virus, ugh!). Thankfully it's not been aggravated by the tattoo process which is madness. I'm also allergic to NSAIDs, so it's a good job I don't swell too badly!

  2. Just booked my next session to finish my latest tattoo. We did 7 hours 3 weeks ago, but availability/travelling means my artist can't fit me again until the end of February. He said 3 hours to finish, but I thought, 'what the hell, let's book the whole day and if he finishes we can start something new'

  3. @Raven the only thing I wouldn't recommend to wear is a sports crop, the ones that don't have hooks that are basically one piece of fabric. I stupidly wore a racerback one when getting my shoulder and arm lined, and while it was perfect for the session, getting if off afterwards was another story.

    Oh my gosh, yes. I could barely lift my arm the day after mine (7 hrs straight tattooing). I wore a halterneck dress for the session, so easily slipped out of it, but put a t-shirt on for the first night to protect my sheets - big mistake. Not only did it stick (had to gently soak it off), but it was a nightmare to get off.

  4. Hahaha I wish - i wasn't a mod yet when @hogg smote/smited/smoted (how do you say this?) him. Re: deleting posts, I am still finding my way around so I am not 100% sure how things work, but I think the tendency is not to delete these things, partly because then it becomes confusing (you see everyone's replies but not what they are replying to). I agree that it bums me out to see an awesome thread get polluted like this, but I also think it may not be terrible to have an example of the kind of behaviour that is not OK here, for future meatheads. That said, I hope we can at the very least bury it with more bra talk, haha.

    Seriously, I am getting my shoulders done next week so I am appreciating the strapless bra talk! For ladies who have had their shoulders tattooed - did you find that you needed the strapless bra for the duration of healing? I can't quite figure out if it will interfere with bra-wearing but I guess I will have to wait and see. I think my strapless is also convertible into a racerback which should allow me to use straps but stay away from the edges of my shoulders. I should really check, and also give you guys the name of it, because it is yet another one of these rare beauties that works for us well-endowed ladies.

    Back to the bra talk, lol..... I'm a week on from having my shoulder cap tattooed (top to just past where your strap would sit, front over collarbone, around the top of the arm and a lot of the shoulder blade). I'm still in the strapless bra (to be fair, I am kind of loving them - never thought I'd have this chest and say that!). I tried a soft sports bra yesterday, but it felt a bit sore on the very top of the shoulder. Needless to say it came straight off. I'm very conscious of spoiling my tattoo by having anything rubbing against it, so I'd imagine staying strapless for at least another week. Who knows, I may never go back to straps!!

  5. Getting back on topic -

    Quick tip for the well-endowed ladies who are concerned about bra straps.... I bought a strapless Wonderbra (the kind with the plastic type hand shapes built in) and it is miraculous! I'd even go to far as say it's better than some of my bras that have straps as far as cleavage goes!!! I've been wearing one ever since getting my shoulder tattooed on Saturday and have purchased another. It's comfy, gives me plenty of support(!) and solves that pesky bra strap issue. The one thing I would advise is to make sure you try on first as sizing can be a little off. These have become one of more wardrove essentials, especially now I have a beautiful tattoo to show off.

    (PS, I accidentally posted this in the wrong thread yesterday - I've now moved it to here!)

  6. I think a good tattoo artist understands flinches and some uncontrollable movements, and can compensate. I have a muscle in my back that always does a long slow twitch when we start in that area, and he recognizes that. The body's musculature has some common traits that are somewhat stereotypical, or can be anticipated. Don't kick yourself over something your body does without your control. Your artist knows what your body might do. If they spend hours with you, they learn how your body responds.

    There is a difference between involuntary twitches and a fidgeting PITA whiny client. Doesn't sound like you're a PITA. Don't worry about it.

    Congrats on sitting strong - you are so close to the end! Exciting!!!

    Haha, I know! Thanks. It's weird how hitting a certain spot on your back/shoulder can cause a nerve to twitch in your leg or hand. Odd.

    Only 3 hours to finish what we started today... but typically now I'm looking at it and thinking.... more, we need more... lol

  7. Just done 7 hours on the ball of my shoulder and blade. I was adamant that I wasn't going to show any discomfort, and actually that mantra really helped me power through the last hour. It also helped that my artist was continually complimenting me on how well I sat. There was one spot on the back of the shoulder blade that was really punishing and I did flinch the once (could have kicked myself), but apparently my artist didn't notice. I could have gone longer, but was glad when he was done. Only 3 more hours to go on it :eek:

  8. I agree with what was posted on the link. I feel extremely lucky that my finger tattoos took so well. The artist who did them was old school with more tattooing experience than I've been around, so that must count for something. They were a considered addition, to the point I even drew the tattoos on myself with marker and lived with them for a good while beforehand. Unlike a lot of these types of tattoos, they are are on the sides of the fingers that face me, which was a conscious decision on my part. They are for me (not for show) and surprisingly most people don't know I have them. That was also something I decided when opting for this position, as they are mostly hidden. I'm glad I have them, and haven't once regretted the decision, but I know I am lucky that they were done so well and have stood the hands of time.

  9. Considering my appointment was booked months ago... it's finally almost here! I go on Saturday for a full day (artist even asked me to go in an hour early). Deep breaths. I'm excited and just a little nervous - more so for the drive home alone with a whacked out shoulder. I got the rough sketches today. Just wow.

  10. I can only speak from my own experience, but I have tattoos in the area you're referring to. They are over 2 years old and still look clean and tight. The white ink in one has since dropped out, but the shading and line work is fine. In the initial few days/weeks they tended to look a little blown out, but this seemed to sort itself out over time. The only time they look anything less than good is when my skin is really dry - but a little handcream fixes this.

  11. Tattoos on a professional - unexpected, intriguing and always makes me turn my head. I love how it shocks (even though tattoos are more common place now).

    I have discreet finger tattoos, but barely anyone who I work with knows. When someone spots them, they're usually surprised, but I'm respected enough now for my professionalism to speak for itself.

  12. @Raven sorry for your loss. That is rough...

    Doesn't compare, but I'm going through another break up... Argh. Not too butthurt about this one though since it was technically brief, but kind of hoping we can move past this bump instead of dismantling the whole relationship. But I'm not going to fight for someone who doesn't want to fight for me. Also it pales in comparison to all the awesome shit going on in my life, so you win some you lose some and move on.

    @HaydenRose your condolences are appreciated. Thanks. I think I just wanted to vent and rant a little (as opposed to holding it all together like we should). Sorry to hear about your relationship. Life can suck, but it can be unexpectedly amazing too.

    Hell, bad news is a good excuse to go get a big ass tattoo to cheer us up...

  13. Thanks for all the advice, guys. I think I posted because I wanted a lace design, but I knew it wasn't right - that should tell me something! I'm sure my tattooer will be happy to just go with 'moths' and I'm confident enough to let him go there. I have about 17 HD images of moths for him to use. I'll look into the latern moth drawings. I'm hugely attracted to Steampunk and Victoriana in general.

    The birds I already have are (old) traditional swallows, so I reckon they'll end up being covered when I get the other shoulder done.

  14. So I've been debating whether to post this thread, and I know you'll advise me to talk to my tattooer, which I will, but I also would like some input from the experts on here. I don't want to take too many ideas to him. I'd rather have a solid idea in my head which he can then do his thing with. My appointment is booked for early November.

    I'm looking to get a shoulder cap tattoo incorporating the front of my shoulder (a little of the collarbone), the very top of the arm, and a fair bit of the rear of the shoulder blade. My intention is for this to be made up of fairly realistic, coulourful moths. I initially wanted to have them overlapping, with little skin showing in between, with the overall effect of the moths flocking to me. I'm now wondering if this may be too busy? My next thoughts were to incorporate a lace patch beneath the moths, therefore the moths could be further apart?? I just can't decide which would last and look better in terms of design?

    My intentions for the future is to mirror the tattoo on my other shoulder, but with birds. So which effect would work better? I know I could fill the space with other things like smoke etc, but I want something fairly realistic looking but also dramatic.

    Any ideas or tips most welcome and appreciated.


  15. Massive respect to you all getting full back/thigh pieces. I cannot begin to imagine what living with that work progress must be like. Your art is beautiful and I love reading this thread. It's not something I plan for myself (though I'm starting a large shoulder piece in November), but wow. Kudos to you mad, brave souls.

  16. The Nerd Fitness blog looks great. Not seen it before. I've been looking for something a little different, and the body weight circuit looks just the ticket. Right now I do mainly cardio with some weight work. I guess I'll be mixing things up a little tomorrow.

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