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marley mission

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Everything posted by marley mission

  1. see I think of his stuff (which I really like - hope to get a piece from him some day) as traditional but i think like i said earlier these type of conversations are more for amusement or just interesting really - a classification doesnt (or shouldnt) change the your attraction (or lack of) to a particular tattoo
  2. yeah new school is easy to identify i think in the exaggerated or cartoon styles in the design interesting point you bring up though with regards to the differences with traditional and neo traditional in how you could even argue that content and most certainly design execution are factors - so much i guess is in the eye of the beholder and that elements they might be judging when they look to catagorize a particular tattoo
  3. what you describe kinda just sounds like 'traditional' though not to be argumentative but it almost seems like its an unnecessary category unless its supposed to be that style which lies in between traditional and new school kinda like traditional on steroids - bolder, looser, brighter? anyway - its good convo right
  4. @Joe Shit always has the good info speaking of deer tatts - my fav i have seen is Rob Ryan - its on the funky side of traditional but I could see wearing it myself
  5. there ya go - new school - had it mixed up there so what about the difference between neo trad and trad can anyone articulate this - not that it makes a difference right if you are looking at the work of an artist and you dig it - then its all good
  6. i like what I see turns out I was following that shop and Dave on my IG is it neo trad? i dunno even what makes traditional neo traditional but i do think that his style looks pretty traditional to me when i think neo trad i think jesse smith anyway - other thoughts folks?
  7. lets see some pics! oh - and welcome :)
  8. i mean - i'm all for getting the tattoo you want and i also am usually pretty stoked on just about any tattoo idea - but i dont like this one at all if i'm being honest i'd say put yourself in a holding pattern and hang out here for awhile and you might develop some other ideas for tattoos you'd like to see on yourself
  9. when graemes collide!:eek: good thing you like beer tho
  10. meh - mash it up! nice tattoos btw - and welcome
  11. interesting stuff i def am interetsed in getting a hand poke style tattoo at some point - and I think it would be from the collector perspective too - agree alot with @bongsau on his points in his posts funny too I think the biggest factor in healing my tattoos has been location - the one i just got is in the stomach / hip area - been a week - its healed - barely peeled - and I have had the tough scabby ones too - i dont think its the tattooer or what i do - i pretty much dry heal - anyway - only my thoughts from my own healing perspective quick question for you - i know you are soon to be hand poked - will you ever try other forms of tattooing - as either client or artist - i ask because it sounds lke your condition is no longer a potential concern and i do stick (no pun) to the idea that i wouldnt be tattooed by you if you have no tattoos - just my personal preference and opinion that it would - not bother me - but it would be a factor that would influence me to look elsewhere - being a fan of tattooing yourself - i'm suprised that this would suprise you anyway - welcome to lst
  12. two of my favorites are on my inner biceps - by Rob Ryan and Steve Boltz - not a bad combo
  13. good luck @bongsau wit the heal - i felt my forearm heals were the toughest heals for two of the reasons you just stated - first - that skin thats been beaten up by sun / general exposure to the world - second - its visible so you constantly have it in your face - like watching the pot waiting for it to boil - you're best best is to leave it be - maybe get another tattoo to take your mind off it - it'll heal eventually must be awkward giving out those scabby shakes ;)
  14. fun times with Jess Baker @ Freehold Tattoo in NJ
  15. agree I cant say I would see a situation that I would allow a non tattooed person tattoo me - that said - hand poke or tebori or other forms of tattooing I would be open to - even if just for what I would consider to be a unique tattoo experience - I dont know that I would actively seek it out though - but maybe one day it will become of interest...
  16. Tina your tatt is dope dont change a thing
  17. first knee tattoo with Rob Ryan @ Electric 2/11 not sure the subject yet have tossed a few ideas to Rob so we'll see what happens
  18. be open to your changing tastes in tattoos - my collection is pretty eclectic i think and it reflects the changes i have experienced in what i like and what i want on me - that said - tattoos are so much more than that - its been a fun ride for me thus far and i feel lucky that i have enjoyed getting tattooed by some really great artists and fun people - this is also a fun little spot so i hope you enjoy the site - if you havent already - check out the interview section - you'll be entertained and informed beyond your expectations
  19. nj is not a bad place to be if you like getting tattooed - i mean you've got plenty of talent in NY as well to consider and if you are willing to venture further...
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