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marley mission

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Posts posted by marley mission

  1. first off - i like the piece - but dont sweat it if you dont - you may fall back in love with it down the road - besides - it should be mandatory to have a tattoo that you regret in your collection so just think you got that out of the way :) - start thinking what direction youre going next

  2. so much space to fill - i don't anticipate being covered in a body suit or sleeved type of way but i can say that i like the idea of balancing coverage as i go - i only have a small area of 'no-go zones' and my torso area is on my mind for a few pieces in the future - i'm in a flurry period - for me at least - i've been able to put aside a little cash and i've got the motivation so probably looking to get a few pieces over the next few months before i settle and reevaluate

    to those that are covered i give you credit - lots of dedication (and a bit of cash :) ) - love seeing all the work posted up on here

    enjoy the journey

  3. like the tattoo - i usually scab a bit myself

    everyone is different with healing advice

    what works for me is keeping it clean and dry

    that said

    i dont do much after first 3 days or so in terms of ointments

    leave it be and expect in a month or so to see what its really gonna look like

    anyway - just my opinions here

    enjoy it ... and plan your next ;)

  4. interesting topic

    my no go spot is my forearms

    solely for occupational reasons

    i wear short sleeves and now have work on both upper arms

    would love to throw caution to the wind and get lower arm work

    but fear it would come back to bite me working in education myself

    but...never say never :)

  5. I didn't like how they went into a collaborative challenge right off - I like the offbeat flash challenge followed by the elimination - I wouldn't feel bad for the canvass either - I mean - its a free tattoo that you're gonna connect to the whole unique experience of being part of the show etc - might not be appealing to many here but anyway - those canvass know what they are getting into

    edit: i'm gonna keep watching though - good enough entertainment for me

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