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Posts posted by FMJacket

  1. just got my first ink work ever done this past sunday. did the outline on a full back to the lower butt area, oh man lol i honestly don't know how i lasted through that one. but it feels good to be able accomplish about 12 hours total. probably the craziest thing I've put my body through. can't wait til it heals, so i can get some shading done. you guys with completed full body suits on here are an inspiration

  2. @hogg i am getting samurai, i told him how i wanted it to be and the main theme.

    and gave him pretty all the artistic freedom he wants lol

    @jen7 yeah, for aftercare, i have my girlfriend who can apply it on my back which is convenient lol

    @Cork haha yeah its always been an idea lingering in my head that i was going to get one. but didn't wanna make an impulse decision. been thinking long about who i wanted to get it from and what i wanted. funny that you mention that because my girlfriend is also getting her first tattoo from jess which is also gonna be a full body suit. we just kindve randomly came in one day to his shop and told him that, he called us crazy lol

    @xcom yeah thats what I've read, i think the excitement is over powering the nervousness right now though lol

    @bongsau haha thanks for the wooden spoon advice

  3. Hey everyone,

    My name is Chris and i am from sunny southern california.

    i currently have no ink as of yet. but i am the process of getting

    a full back suit. been thinking awhile now about this, and figured

    i might as well go big or go home. and who else to do it but the

    master himself, Jess Yen from MyTats in Alhambra. just recently

    had my consultation and really looking forward to proceeding with

    this piece. a bit nervous but more excited than anything else. from what

    I've already read on here, the back seems like it has many surprises lol.

    any advice or words of wisdom is greatly appreciated!

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