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Margarita Yaschenko

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Everything posted by Margarita Yaschenko

  1. Your story is fun:) You said right. Aftecare is a one of the most important thing to good looking tattoo in future. But some tattoo's ideas is not good. Not because it is strange or unsual. Because it is bad for the technical aspects. You won't can tattooing a complicated pattern with thin line on size of coin - it just will be a blur in future.
  2. Gloomy Inks , It's good example when people make photo of such when it was done and second photo in year later
  3. I do not do those pictures that for technical reasons, will look bad on the skin. drawings with many small elements for example that people want to place in a very small size. And tattoos on fingers, a really hate this very small things which will be look bad in future (it is a text or simple figure usualle). for the rest - even if the person has chosen the strangest tattoo and if I see that it is adequate - I will make him a tattoo
  4. i continued a tattoo on hip. it was hard :/ I waited this session two year and very happy now ) It will be one tattoo in next time we connect these birds =)
  5. Margarita Yaschenko


    Margarita Yeshenko - Karviniya
  6. Helllo. You have a good chances to get a good cover. That picture on your skin not very light but even in such a picture quality that good master (specialized on cover-up) can override it. It remains to find a good master for this specialization :)
  7. I will finally completed my tattoo on the edge on Thursday. I waiting this two years because my tattooartist from the city that is located at a distance of 5000 kilometers from the mine. And he came to us now ^_^
  8. I don't like or dislike stares. It's just funny and nothing more. Something people asked questions about my tattoist or other questions about tattoo. I respond if the questions are not entirely stupid )
  9. Margarita Yaschenko


    Yashenko Margarita - Karviniya
  10. Margarita Yaschenko


    Yashenko Margarita - Karviniya
  11. Margarita Yaschenko


    Yashenko Margarita - Karviniya
  12. Yashenko Margarita - Karviniya
  13. Yashenko Margarita - Karviniya
  14. I got a tattoo, and I made them to other people at festivals. Problems never was. If tattooist to observe sanitary rules and monitors the safety clean and that no problems will be. Workplace tattoo is that it is safe to prepare and no matter it is in the studio or at the convention. I think that getting a tattoo at the festival is cool and interesting)
  15. I have many tattoos but parents don't know about all of this. About some new tattoo i tell them about other - don't ) Just that once again they are not nervous. But they are used to the fact that I do it. over time, parents a relaxed view of tattoos. Anyway not have a tattoo removed, and they have reconciled with this fact :)
  16. I agree with you about place of tattoo. Selected open spaces or hands or even face - it's bad for the first tattoo. But not size. You told that people can regret about first big tattoo in future because thei will not like the quality of tattoos or will not like the choice of picture. But! Maybe I'm naive tattoosrtist but i think that people must choice a picture for tattoo and tattooartist very seriuosly before first or not first tattoo. And if the choice of the person to be really serious as the choice of the master he will not regret the tattoo later out-dependence of the choice of the size of the tattoo. In addition, for some reason, if a person is going to do a little tattoo it less serious approach to the selection of the master and often gets ugly result. Large size also contributes to the fact that the man carefully chooses what he do and for whom. it's just an observation but it still takes place.
  17. Margarita Yaschenko


    Karviniya - Yashenko Margarita
  18. Karviniya - Yashenko Margarita
  19. Margarita Yaschenko


    Karviniya - Yashenko Margarita
  20. Karviniya - Yashenko Margarita
  21. Margarita Yaschenko


    Karviniya - Yashenko Margarita
  22. Karviniya - Yashenko Margarita
  23. Margarita Yaschenko


    Karviniya - Yashenko Margarita
  24. Karviniya - Yashenko Margarita
  25. I have heard the views of the people believe that the first tattoo should be small. They explained this by saying that you must first get used to the feeling that you must first'm sure after a small tattoo that you like, etc. I don't agree with this. Small or big tattoo - it should be a serious decision. All the same damn it is drawing on your body that you have one.Therefore, there are no criteria too much too little too colorful for your first tattoo experience in tattooing. do what you like on such a scale you decided. :) it's not to fast to want a big tattoo )
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