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David Flores

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Everything posted by David Flores

  1. I don't fault anyone for taking cards either man, especially if it works better for them. There are so many different variables with tattooing. Some guys tattoo out of a shack and save every penny they can on overhead, while other people need a 2000 sq ft $3000 a month space in a high traffic neighborhood, spending money on advertising and most are somewhere in between, and the only right answer is the one who works for the shop.
  2. I didn't realize this was the thread you posted when you quit your job. I stepped down from being the manager of my department at my night job. They brought me in the office to offer me a promotion, and somehow my reaction was to tell them I was done being in a leadership role. I have managed to rearrange my schedule so I can eat dinner with the family 4 nights a week and didn't take a pay cut. Also I have more flexibility to go to the shop when I am needed on my days off from there.
  3. I wouldn't want to restrict people from viewing parts of the board, but I think we could benefit from more uninterrupted advice and perspective from qualified people, but really blogs could fill that niche.
  4. Anytime someone tries to incorporate something that doesn't really belong, whether it be a name, number, or unrelated object you run the risk of compromising the overall look of the tattoo. I have seen many a good tattoo, ruined because customer became to fixated on one element of the tattoo, could step back and see how it impacted design. I am not saying that what you can't or shouldn't get what you want, just something to think about. If it were me I would do a three headed dragon, if I needed three to be involved in the tattoo, or something along those lines.
  5. Dont have a lot of experience with forum software, but I think merging new redundant threads, would clean up things a lot and these are the things that clog up the forum. Moving posts would be nice, but probably not neccesary. I also know there is only so much time in the day. I guess the only other thing I could think of, is once again increasing post counts before posting threads but not sure if that works
  6. I'm telling you merging threads as soon as you see redundant threads. People would get the hint right away if every time the asked a question that was already answered it was moved to a thread where 20 other people asked a similar question, it would promote searching the board and clean up the board. I have some suggested titles What should I get tattooed ( people not sure about design, or people's first tattoo) Who should tattoo me (thread people can ask advice about what tattooers are in their area) This one should probably include links to the shops page on this site and the endless days blog about tattooers and the forbes tattoo list. What is wrong with my tattoo( People freaking out about the healing process) That would be 95% of threads right there.
  7. I think pay pal and card scanners on smart phones are what we will see more of. In a sense having a credit card machine in the shop is like having a land line, having an ATM is like having a pay phone. With people working at different shops, traveling, it would seem like you would want a payment solution that would be mobile and controlled by the tattooer. I have always been taught the attitude that tattooers are contractors, and not employees of the shop, they handle their money and our responsible for settling up with shop not the other way around. I kind of think of taking credit is like having a computer in the shop. It's great tool to have when you absolutely need it, but once customers know it's their they will never go back. We have spent a long time training people to print out reference material and go to the bank. Just in the last few months when I have let on that I can print out stuff people bring on the phone, and I already regret it. I have a feeling if we started taking cards would be the same thing. Do Tattooers really come in and pay for machines and flash with cards? That would just seem weird to me, weirder than paying for a tattoo that way.
  8. I used to belong to an MMA forum, what a bunch of idiots. No one had any respect for anyone and everyone viewed it as a dick measuring contest. In the late 90's I had some friends that were doing tough man contests and kickboxing in Denver area, then they had a couple UFC's in Denver, what can I say i've been a fan, but can't deal with that crowd. I kind of feel the same way with the gun crowd. I like guns, have guns, like talking to real collecters and experts, have no use for the boneheads. This forum is way better than any forum I have been on, and this is the only tattoo forum I use.
  9. Thanks Graeme. I kind of feel the same way, and am glad you were able to explain it as I struggle without sounding like a snob. Tattooer or not, I think everyone wants a forum that they can both contribute and learn from. The 17th thread about where to go get tattooed in San Diego does neither at this point. Maybe there is a little resentment towards some new people who feel like this forum is some sort of tattoo coincerige service, obligated to hold their hand every step of the way or maybe it's just too much like a real tattoo shop in some ways. I came to this forum as a fluke, stayed here because there are so few people that actually understand or appreciate, tattooing. The people who do have that appreciation are some of the most amazing people I have ever internet met in my life and I am truly lucky to have found this forum. I don't see myself leaving if for just that reason alone, and I am willing to do what ever I can to keep this forum relevant.
  10. I recall that conversation, just think if there is any hope of revisiting a time where tattooers were posting regularly, might have to revisit some things on the forum. Otherwise it's just a bunch of enthusiasts sharing insight which is fine as well, but like you said LST was supposed to be a place for both tattooers and clients.
  11. Has anyone thought of possibly cleaning up threads. Maybe delete threads that have been inactive for a certain amount of time that only one have one or two pages of replies. I know it's a big task, but I think if it was kept up, some older threads would be revived instead of starting new threads on topics. Also maybe have a tattoo advice version of latest tattoo lowdown, just one big thread for all the times people start a thread and the only thing they need to do is go into a shop. Those threads could be merged into it, as they pop up. I know it's a little off topic, but since we are talking about the forum. I think if tattooers want a special section on this site, I wouldn't care if it meant they hung around more. But @dari, tattooers should have to be approved by mods before gaining access to it. But that would mean a tattooer would have to step up and be a mod of that part of site.
  12. So I was back in Chicago in January and we went to visit my wife's 92 year old grandfather. I always wear long sleeves around him, out of my mother in laws wishes, and it was Chicago in January so it was kind of chilly anyway. I was sitting their with my son and grandpa, and he looked at me and said "What? You're not going to show me your tattoos?" I was taken off guard and couldn't come up with a quick comeback before he said "You want to see mine" I said sure, but he said he didn't feel like taking off his pants. I know he was kidding about having a tattoo, but had to let me know he knew.
  13. This is a great example of how a tattoo needs to settle in to look it's best. After 7 months you really see what the tattoo looks like and IMO opinion it looks better, blue is brighter and black looks blacker.
  14. Shins are easier than back of leg, IMO, until you get close to knee cap, but more weird sensation than pain. I still think the tattoo that hurts the most is the one your are getting at the time or about to get.
  15. Or buy a print off all posters of one of these and get a battle royale tattoo instead. Honestly I would say their is some elements of this in the way some people tattoo, but simplified to better suit a tattoo. I think of Greg Irons how he the negative space in the tattoo to create the image. Or even when some people draw water and hide skulls in the waves, or stuff like that. Or even more so all that ornamental black work stuff Hooper, Jondix type stuff, mandalas that form skulls, way cool ideas, just don't know if magic eye tattoo would hold up well.
  16. I watched it last night. I love that shirt with the Rollo eagle he was wearing. I think it was funny how the show was trying to play up the tattoo vibe, like it was rebellious or even taboo, but Nick just comes across as a regular dude. but Kitchen looks amazing.
  17. This really caught me off guard. I saw the Mario post and wasn't too shocked, as he has moved around a little bit before landing there, but my jaw dropped when I saw Nick's post. I love Beatdown, Frank William, Jelena and everyone else's tattoos there, but to me Chicago Tattoo Company is Nick Colella. On the other hand can't wait to see what he has planned, and hopefully I have some space left next time I head back. I have a few guesses to what is going to happen, but don't want to put stuff out there that is just specualtion.
  18. I have written a bunch of long winded responses to this thread but decided against posting them each time. I guess in regards to what Seth said about Portland, the monster created in Portland came about mostly because they made it illegal to apprentice someone, instead they required people to open state sanctioned schools. There is a million things I could bitch and moan about, but what it mainly comes down to is that most of these graduates go through school and get licensed and have no report with any established tattooers in town and gives no reason for tattooers to hire them. So what you see is a bunch of these new tattooers opening shops together and creates even more tension and bitterness from the old guard, who rightly so aren't interested in chopping up the pie any smaller. I think if it was established respectable tattooers that got to choose who learned to tattoo, instead of just anyone who can afford tuition, they would weed out some of the douchebags and wannabes, they would be more accepting of young tattooers that make it through an apprenticeship, and likewise young tattooers would have to have respect for the process and the craft in order to get an apprenticeship. But as they say dam has been busted open, no way to get water back in at this point.
  19. First tattoo I ever got and the only black and grey realistic type thing I have. Still looks pretty solid for being over a decade old, although I wasn't really trying to take the best pic. This pic is a couple years old, filled in all the spots on that arm since then.
  20. I only smoked from 15-20, probably smoked half pack to a pack a day most of the time. I quit on my 20th birthday after getting really messed up and waking up hacking a lung. It mostly worked, I never really started again, but would smoke when drinking, and when I dated girls I the occasional became more frequent. But I can say for the last 5 years I haven't had one single cigarette. So it took me about 8 years to fully quit.
  21. Part of the common misconception, you give a tattooer x amount of dollars, they pocket all the cash and spends it on all the finer things in life, while they hob nob with Robin Leach, and the tax man is none the wiser. While I can't speak for everyone in regards to paying taxes, In General, tattooers pay a lot of taxes since they are self employeed, owners of shop pay even more because of local taxes on business (Public Transportation tax for one example). Fees from Credit cards transactions cut into profit, and in some ways they might as well be a tax, because it just results in less money in your pocket at end of the year and more money you pay the accountant to sort it all out. Like it's been said before, even places that accept cards would rather you pay cash. I don't think any shop or tattooer would appreciate anyone just assuming they are committing tax fraud, or that it's a common practice by tattooers in general, especially as many of them are writing big checks to govt during this tax season.
  22. This is the winner, at least I hope. Such a nice tattoo.
  23. It's not the worst tattoo I have seen, but the filagree work is not done well.
  24. I always thought of it as a Jerry design, but never really verified that. I have the design tattooed on my leg, Artwork Rebels has it as part of their last Thursday flash special they do every month. Saw that Nikki Balls one today, love the bandana.
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