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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. Tiger Army is super stoked on this thread.
  2. I'm a bigger "In the Army Now" so whatever.
  3. I recently had a Ruger .22 passed down to be from my Grandfather. I had to send it back to them to get a new trigger put on it since he filed it down to a point where it wasn't safe anymore. It has turned into a cheap and fun gun to shoot.
  4. Nice seeing this thread pop back up.
  5. Prolly a better idea to wait til you are in the confines of your residence then.
  6. Naw man. Olestra was the oil they put in chips a while ago that caused "anal leakage".
  7. Dammit. This doesn't feel good when it happens to you.
  8. I think we can all agree that this chick was on something... obviously. I cant help but wonder why any respectable tattooer would do this? Dumb question... doesn't seem like someone well respected if he's tattooing a methed out e-tards butthole. Someone please get a "Deuces Deuces" as their signature.
  9. Please disregard my post in "War Stories" since I cant skim a board to see if shit was already posted. @hogg ban me bro.
  10. I think she is a keeper. "Deuces Deuces." - - - Updated - - - GOD DAMMIT LOCH. IM ALL LATE TO THE GAME AND SHIT.
  11. My apartment with healthy shit is always open. I just ignore it constantly.
  12. Hating myself post-breakfast: Bacon/Cheese McMuffin Hashbrown Coffee. McDonalds should be burned to the ground.
  13. That was as witty of a comeback as I have ever heard.
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