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Everything posted by Gregor

  1. Booze / stuff usually . I'm from the uk tipping is wierd.
  2. 2 Bryan Burk Tigers = Double the awesomeness !!
  3. Oliver didn't say jacked very much this time, but he did stick his tongue out a few times. I probably won't watch the next series ( I say that every time though !) if they got rid of that big drag queen Navarro it would be better, don't hate Nunez as much as I used to.
  4. I love all this shit, people should be allowed to make bad decisions. There's more shit out there than good , and why not , people don't care they just want coverage . I suppose it gets shady when you are getting treated for massive infections , but still fuck them you can get infections in hospitals too. It's not hard to find a good shop or a good artist. Most cities have at least 1 decent shop.
  5. Last time I got tattooed it was el mariachi Bronx lp and that was awesome.
  6. What the fuck is lesbian music lol KD Lang or Sara McLachlan would make the session unbearable (no offense by the way ) . Sabbath for tattooing all the way
  7. Save up all of your money , go for a holiday to Texas and book with Nick Baxter
  8. It was the terrible roses on Cheryl Coles arse that put me off Nikko Hurtado lol !!
  9. Prep h is the old skool solution . Heard a few of the older guys with tattoos mention this before
  10. It's up to yourself.I mix and match . You like the work get it done . How many time can you go through a forum and see the words "discuss it with the artist" that should be a lst drinking game or something.
  11. If you have a budget discuss this with the artist. First thing you need to do is find an artist who's work you love and go see them !!
  12. Dough punching is a dying art
  13. Man those are beauties ! Frank Carter just gets better and better !
  14. I got that central services lp by camu Tao and el p recently and although not strictly hip hop it's superb. Anyone checked the new RJD2 out yet ?
  15. @suburbanxcore those cats fuckin rule ! Can't stop looking at it they are mesmerising What an awesome tattoo !!
  16. Lol predictably a comment about benefit recipients and one about being 70 , surprisingly though, nothing about immigrants, the evil internet or violent computer games.
  17. @peterpoose love it ! Remis does not get the recognition he deserves , one of the finest black and grey realism artists around in my opinion.
  18. I'm in lanzarote just now chilling in in the heat, and going up a volcano at some point too
  19. Decapitated samurai heads - - - Updated - - - YOLO on your knuckles, Carpe Diem on your chest , or a photo real vintage microphone.
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