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Everything posted by gougetheeyes

  1. PShakman, your coffee-fueled rants have made my lunch break.
  2. Mr. Bingham, was taking a look at some of your ladies the other day and I'll second Romance&Worship's comment!
  3. These are awesome -- Irezumi the Tattoo Spirit looks brutal, has no idea that existed. Dr. Lakra stuff is fun.
  4. A small cup of coffee is anywhere from 50 cents (half a dollar) to who knows.. Although my only 50 cent spot is now 75, and the standard seems to be about a buck. If I was smarter, I'd make myself a thermos in the morning.
  5. Bunny, sounds brutal. Will you be putting up a healed photo soon? Valerie, nice! I'm still sort of partial to webs on the elbows.
  6. You're certainly right about the blue collar aspect so no argument there. I once waited 2 hrs for a tattoo from a pretty well-known guy up here because he hadn't drawn anything up and told me flat out he stopped drawing things beforehand b/c so many people had shot him the ghost lately. He apologized a lot but I still had to wait.. It was definitely worth it and the next two times I went back he was all set up and ready to go so I don't hold a grudge but it was definitely a bit of an eye-opener, since it made me feel like an idiot kid just setting foot in a shop for the first time. Don't let it get you down. I think it was just your phrasing that sort of "got" some folks on here. Kind of like if some random person on the street started going off about tattoos I'd feel the need to defend it you know. Next time you get tattooed, I'd say bring some snacks and clear the day. I always try to swing it where I can have the whole day to myself and let it just be about the tattoo.
  7. My aussie buddy had me saying "tadoo" for a while, kind of half making fun of him, half wishing I had a righteous accent of some sort.
  8. Pauly, even your initial post on this thread makes me think you came here looking for a fight. I can sympathize with the frustration but if you've had more negative experiences than positive at tattoo shops, then take a look at these situations and try to understand the root causes. Maybe the guy was a dick and it sounds like the time management and professionalism could have been better on his end, but no one is obligated to get you drinks or be your best friend. Like others have said, as little as a generation ago, chances are you wouldn't have even gotten in the door. We've all had times where maybe we've had to wait around, or appointments run long, or maybe the tattooer is just having an off day. We all have shitty days. But it's no reason to think all tattooers (or waiters, etc.) are assholes across the board. You get the same cross section of people in any industry. There are a lot of dipshit people in general. I wasn't going to comment on this, but I can understand your frustration. Instead of trying to force people to like you and treat you with respect, you have to show some respect first. If you're serious about continuing to get tattooed, just relax and try to enter in future situations with a positive outlook and no expectations other than a great tattoo. How'd the end product turn out?
  9. Rupert is a hell of a name. And welcome!
  10. The other problem, is the new old deli is closer to the Union Square stop but I get off at 6th ave now because I'm a borderline agoraphobic and can't handle the people on the platform, and barely the train. I've apparently made my choice by going to the cart guy in the morning, but usually I get a small there, so I can duck out around 11 and get a second at the deli, before lunch. When I go back for my lunch coffee. Now you're not missing New York are ya?
  11. Didn't Cliff Raven use SQUID PANTS in one of those videos..?
  12. Yeah I was about to make some GET IT joke. But that's awesome! More positivity. And Romance& -- high-five for tips. Goddamn people love their booze.
  13. Collector is a shitty term. And it has always had that high-falutin' tone but Robin, as an apparently similar non-tatooer who gets more tattoos than a one-or-two-tattoo-haver, I am right there with you. Though your ANGER today is throwing me off. I'd also like to think that most folks who get tattooed a lot are savvy/respectful enough to understand how a shop works and NOT scoff at walk-ins and be helpful and understanding. I could be alone in this one as a tattoo-getter, but I enjoy helping out, picking up the phone if no one can get to it, talking to customers at the shop if someone comes in. This is all to say, there is a huge middle ground here for a lot of folks that I'm surprised doesn't exist for others. Mario, I hope you don't get too many "regulars" who shrug off walk-ins!
  14. ShawnPorter, I will travel to Filth-a-dumpia and receive this tattoo.
  15. I can understand this. However -- just to keep stirring the pot here -- I think the next point becomes if a rapport has been established with a tattooer friend and you two trade slang terms back and forth, I think that's ok, since you've got that relationship and it's established. But, say you go to a new shop or get tattooed by another person, you're certainly not going to talk to that person like your buddy and be all, "What's up tat-wizard, tryna get those squid pants!"
  16. Interesting. I don't really use any "slang" in the first place (unless it's ZAP over email or something) so I guess I can't really disagree with you!
  17. Ok, so the Feminism and Tattoos Thread got me thinking a bit about something positive: preferential treatment because of tattoos. This could also be seen as a negative by some, though I'm guessing most folks on here have experienced this as a plus. Maybe you got a deal on a lawn mower or a free cup of coffee or just had a really nice talk with someone you otherwise wouldn't have spoken to. For example, I mentioned I most likely showed my wife-to-be some preference in serving her drinks when we first met because we got to talking about tattoos. That, and she's hot. So, good experiences with preferential tattoo treatment??
  18. I think it depends on the boy. My lady gets a fair share of unwanted attention, though when we first met, I probably gave her preferential treatment (I was bartending) b/c of her tattoos. And apparently it worked out.
  19. Julio, explain. You're ok with any term as long as it's a tattooer using it? I'm also admittedly kind of partial to "zaps", tongue-in-cheek kinda way.
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