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Everything posted by TrixieFaux

  1. Else, not you, too!!!!!! As for Maker's Mark, I guess it shouldn't be watered down but I don't drink so I don't care.
  2. cool, thanks for the info @Lance and @sarapressey. She's a pretty good kid, that is, unless she's bored. We don't need her seeing pole dancers...but we would just avoid that area. She does love tattooed rockabilly chicks. I'll think about it.
  3. Cool thanks, guys. Now I have one more question-- anyone here w/little kids... have you ever brought your kid to Ink & Iron or another convention? On the website it says you can bring them but some areas are 18+. I kind of want to go to Ink & Iron, but I would want to bring the hubby & 5 yr old. We're concerned she might be totally bored, or might see some stuff that scares her (like when we took her to the Kubrick exhibit at LACMA, oops), and/or bother the artists by acting her age... Is there anything for kids to do there or is it just a bad idea?
  4. If you want to go to one of these conventions...how far in advance do you need to buy tickets? I see that they are already on sale and they say "buy now while you still can". Like now now? Or will tickets still be available say in March/April. I've never been to a convention.
  5. ha ha ha, in a parking garage? Let's see it!
  6. Everyone here is cute, just as I suspected.
  7. Ok fine @reverend1 here is a screen shot I just took of my Facebook profile pic...our whole family! Me, Stella, and @DJDeepFried taken at a cafe just a couple weeks ago! :-)
  8. One of the main things I like about my tattoos is being able to see them.
  9. Hi @xmowglix. I'm in LA, too. Have been going to Memoir. DAMN, your Chris Conn tattoo is awesome. You must be stoked.
  10. Was at Memoir 6pm-2am last night with Spencer...a few hours on upper arm, a few hours on elbow. Fun times, added another lotus! We still have at least 1 more session to go...
  11. I went bowling w/Josh Homme once. I was a little bit star struck too because I like QOTSA. He's funny. Oh, and hi @thesandmanisme. Your intro is being hijacked!
  12. Oh except @DJDeepFried just told me it was their son not their daughter...guess they don't have a daughter. oops!
  13. We saw Charlie and "the waitress" at a playground a couple months ago. Their son went on the swing after our daughter. We're huge fans!!
  14. I figure it's kind of like friends on fb except I've met most of those people in person and in this case we can still all see each other's posts. Hell, I'm "friends" w/ some old acquaintances from high school over there...and I'm pretty sure I have more in common w/ many of you guys... Group hug.
  15. Inner arm even near my armpit did not bother me. Interesting feeling, but not bad at all. One of my sessions was particularly long but halfway through I did get the Bactine treatment!!! After that I felt absolutely nothing. So, I guess I cheated. Still, there were a few hours there of pre-Bactine...no tears.
  16. oh man, she looks like a child--how old are these girls? This one's a little easier to hide...he's just going bigger and bolder. What's the next girlfriend going to get?
  17. Just saw that for the first time. Those just creep me out. The psycho stalker types. Maybe they don't actually stalk... but I wouldn't be surprised if they do. Like those guys in the Tiffany documentary, "I Think We're Alone Now".
  18. hahaha I just discovered who Mr. Cool Ice is. Wow. That dude's awesome, why is he on your list? ;) I think I will have to go with #2. This is hard. Maybe it should be "all of the above"...
  19. Yeah. A bright idea? Don't think so! I'm just saying what's done is done and my opinion doesn't matter much one way or the other. I like the term scumdum, though, and I think the term applies. And, this may be a dumb question...but what is a scooter-Lady?!
  20. Seems like they wanted attention and got it. They are not hurting anyone, and she's a consenting adult...so whatever, what's done is done. She couldn't move it to her stomach because apparently she's planning a bio-mech bodysuit. If she regrets it, she'll have to deal w/that. Do I personally think it's a bad idea, yeah, and seems a bit too possessive for my taste-the marking of "property" aspect of it, but then a lot of people (plainskins) think my tattoos were a bad idea, too, and they are wrong!
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