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Posts posted by MGblues

  1. I've never solicited an artist for a trade, however, this past June I got a portable gas powered generator as a safety bonus award from my job. A nice, pricey generator. That I had absolutely no use for.

    I was at my tattoo shop of choice getting some work done and mentioned the fact that I had the generator, new in the box, never taken out, and as soon as I could get it up on Craigslist and get at least 2/3 what it was worth I'd be able to get started fixing up an old (1988) tattoo of 2 dragons. Apparently he had either always wanted or saw a need for a generator, so he offered to trade fixing this fairly large tattoo for the generator.

    He got the generator, and I ended up with a really nice half sleeve of dragons. He worked on it for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours every Wednesday night the month of July.

    (I felt like I was getting the better end of the deal, so I made sure to tip nicely every week).

  2. I know a lot of the time folks complain about receiving negative comments from the non-tattooed about being tattooed. I get my share of stares, but have ever you gotten any compliments from the general population that just made you smile?

    Normally on the positive side I get "I love {This/That} tattoo", or "Was that done locally?" I smile, nod and answer politely.

    Not that I ever gave a shit what other people think of me, but I've gotten "You know, you just wouldn't look right without the tattoos." (or words to that effect) on three separate occasions recently. It just made me feel really good.

  3. The only one I've ever got that was unplanned is this one.


    I got it in 1995, in Harker Heights, Texas. I was stationed at Ft. Hood at the time. I walked into a tattoo shop (I think it was called Rooster's Tattoo) in the middle of the week when the place was empty. It was on a sheet of flash tacked to the counter as soon as you walked in the door. As soon as I saw it I knew I had to have it.

    It had a touch-up a year or so ago, but it's never been altered.

  4. My personal recipe for making getting tattooed a breeze is:

    3 Ibuprofen about an hour before. Doesn't do shit for pain, but does great shit for keeping down the red, puffy swelling during the tattoo.

    Drink lots of fluids the day of (water, Gatorade, etc.)

    Most important of all...Eat a Snickers candy bar just before getting tattooed. Maybe it's just a mental thing, maybe not. I don't normally eat candy or sweets of any kind, but if I can have that damned Snickers before the tattoo I'll feel much better the whole time.

  5. The only comment I've ever received from my sweet little 75 year old mother about tattoos was: "Jesus, Scott, does every tattoo on you have to be a skull?"

    I counted em up then and realized I have 8 skulls in various locations...

    As long as they make you happy, keep on.

    I'm a cat person myself, and there are 2 cat tattoos on me as of now.

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