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Posts posted by ThaliaCamille

  1. Had one of the guys working in my local Coles (supermarket) stop what he was doing and come over to gawk at me. Some kind of foreign accent (I hate to assume, but my guess would be he was from India/Pakistan?) - "Oh, is beautiful! *stares for ages*... "oh, she's holding a knife! I thought it was just a nice girl! Wow!". He was so friendly ^.^

    I've had a couple of really old ladies say things to the effect of "I like your look", or "Good on you for being different". Usually in a nice way, so I guess those are compliments?

  2. I wonder if the experience is different for larger tattoos? If there is more surface area being worked on I would think that the pain might be lessened allowing a longer session...

    I think the body can only take so much, even if the pain isn't all in one spot. The reaction (IDK, adrenaline or something) is probably just as bad.

    Longest for me has been 3 hours. After 2 hours, I feel pretty shithouse.

  3. Local branch has pretty much imploded here. There were about 100 people left yesterday when they were asked to move on. Most complied (and the cops provided vehicles to help move all their stuff!), about 20 sat down and were moved off 1 by 1. Most of the city is concerned with the $30k worth of damage they did to the park. They're now arguing with each other over Facebook about where they'll "Occupy" next. The Premier (like our state's "Governor") even offered them another inner-city-but-out-of-the-way park to set up in.

  4. Most recent session, I took a couple of Nurofen (Ibuprofen) prior to starting (on the advice of the artist, after I really struggled during the previous sitting).

    Made it much more bearable. Not necessarily less painful, but my reaction seemed better... suss as that sounds. I know I'm going to continue doing that.

  5. I really enjoyed the last 2 sessions on my arm, so I'm definitely feeling that "must continue!" urge. The pain, I always dread. But the conversation (the "zen" thing is not my style) and the overall... experience? That, I really look forward to. So much that now I don't want it to ever be finished.

    The idea of getting a small piece in the weeks between sittings has crossed my mind a few times... thank goodness for money, limiter of all impulse decisions.

  6. He seems to have removed pretty much everything. Which is good, I guess. Were they photos he was trying to pass off as his own? I've seen people copy the work of others (usually with shitty results), but to just straight-up steal photos of tattoos he hasn't been anywhere near is pretty dumb.

  7. On most forums, I use the "New Posts" or "Today's Posts" feature. On other forums, this usually brings up any threads that have been posted in since I last viewed them, but the "New Posts" feature here doesn't seem to do that?

    For example, this morning I got on after about 10ish hours since last visiting, and "New Posts" yielded a list of 2 threads. After a bit of rummaging, I could see a lot more had been going on since my last visit but wasn't brought up in New Posts.

    Obviously this is a tiny issue, but it might be worth having a gander at.

  8. I really can't understand how anyone can be allowed to keep these kinds of animals. The fact that this guy had been convicted of animal cruelty, and still had such a large number of potentially dangerous animals living on his property... the mind boggles.

  9. That's it though, the US government has left people in the lurch for too long, not raising minimum wage at appropriate intervals. There is no way to correct that immediately, and trying to do so would only have a negative effect. It has to be a gradual thing.

    As for CEOs, they don't just pay themselves. Board members and shareholders determine the amount, and yes it's ridiculous, but there's no other way. Occasionally, people start throwing ideas around like "cap CEO salaries". Which, again, would only have negative effects, sending businesses offshore (and be kind of an affront to your whole "land of the free" thing).

  10. To be fair, it's not an official list, just something proposed by an individual. And the movement is supposed to be neither left nor right.

    Around the country today, little offshoot occupations in our state capitals are supposed to be happening. I'll be interested to see how many Australians identify with this movement, and what sort of press coverage it gets.

  11. This gem is making the rounds right now:

    The tax thing, I totally get. It's much easier for the big end of town to dodge taxes, and from what I've seen that's a pretty big problem in the US. But free college? I kind of agree with the reporter. I think in the UK they have (or are about to implement) a similar system to Australia. Most students go to uni for "free", then once you graduate and earn over a set amount (think right now it's $45k/year) you start paying it back. It's like a loan, but it has virtually no impact on any other credit activity and attracts no interest (only rises with CPI). That, to me, is totally fair - if higher education is going to benefit me, via allowing me to earn more money, why should other tax payers pay for it?

    Some of the other things being called for are a bit OTT, too. The group as a whole seems to have no definite demands, but certain sections of it are asking for the government to "forgive all debts", "ensure living wage regardless of employment", "raise minimum wage to $20/hr". Please.

  12. We went to King's Island, an amusement park just north of Cincinnati, and it was warm enough that I was wearing shorts. I overheard several parents pointedly telling their kids to look at my tattoo, and telling them how cool it was. I had a couple of them approach me and ask "Is that a real tattoo of Perry?" and answer with "That's so awesome" when I told them yes.

    That is flippin' adorable!

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