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Everything posted by Cork

  1. Is the link not working for anyone else? Very curious to see this tattoo!
  2. Next post from Grime is going to be "Stupid posers now everyone's asking me about the Ed Hardy piece pretending like they care." His Tattoo Age was really cool, but his Instagram makes him seem like a primadonna. And here is that one of Dave Fox's.
  3. Damn @peterpoose you really like that realistic style. And 19 hours? What?! @a1steaks Oh balls, that's on you? Awesome.
  4. Is that sentence supposed to end in a question mark? The only difference between clean and dirty bulk is the food sources. Still ~500 cals over maintenance. I agree, beer does not count.:cool:
  5. Right, but all I'm saying is that I feel that dirty bulking isn't as effective in the long run. I think that it takes a lot more work to get off all that fat than to just be patient and slowly clean bulk, and not worry about all that fat gain that you would get in a dirty bulk. You can only grow new muscle so fast anyhow.
  6. I agree with Kyle with respect to abusing the "bulk" stage and just using it as an opportunity to say "Hey, I do get to eat 3 desserts because I have a heavy deadlift session coming up." If you can give yourself a critical eye, and I mean really critical, you'll be able to tell what adjustments you need to make in your diet. Taking progress pics and balancing that with the scale, you should be able to clearly see results in 4-6 weeks once you get a diet straight. And if not, figure out what needs to change, then monitor for another 4-6 weeks. It may seem like a lot of time, but you have to experiment. If you are diligent, if you monitor everything, you will figure out what works for you and you can use that knowledge the rest of your life. You'll know the general baseline foods and what you can drop if you know you want to cut a little, or just add a little more protein if you want to put on some more lean mass, etc.
  7. Butt session with Dana Helmuth tomorrow to put a "hopefully" huge dent in progress on wind bars and background.
  8. After the last session hitting a love handle, I have also changed my mind about needing to prove anything to anyone. The next love handle is going to go much better. At least I hope...I need to find a shady character who might be able to help.
  9. Those both look cool. I'm not really a fan of the first one just because it seems very heavy on the right side and it sort of looks off balance. He needs a heavy sleeve on the left arm to achieve bodysuit homeostasis.
  10. I feel special because I get to just comment in this thread. I have also been lucky enough to get a hit from Stell. In 15 years I'll get to post again about Dana Helmuth and Dave Fox, haha.
  11. Also, you should know that people from San Francisco love it when you call the city San Fran. It's probably the most affectionate name for the city that you can use, and they love to hear San Fran. San Fran..... @hogg
  12. I'm sorry, but I just find your body hair situation hilarious in your picture @mtlsam Great tattoo though.
  13. The only reason that traditional Japanese was recommended, was because that is what I prefer. :) I'm sure you can easily find something out there to suit your tastes, unfortunately I can't really recommend anything since I only spent 7 days there.
  14. I heard you guys like dry healing tattoo pictures.
  15. D3 gets old pretty fast unfortunately. I've been playing some Saints Row 4. That game is hilarious.
  16. My first thought was, "At least I can still do front squa....DOH!"
  17. You know that excited-anxiety feeling you get before a big upcoming session later in the day? More back piece progress incoming!
  18. I would do everything the exact same. But then again, I haven't been at the game that long.
  19. Looks like the forum doesn't like the direct links. I'd think that since his Facebook is open for all to view, it should be easy to check things out over there.
  20. @DRABFURS are you getting color on that dragon and the ladies? I've got my next session coming up on Monday. Dana is traveling for most of October and early November so we have a breakneck pace set for September. It's going to be some awesome progress. I hope to have all the wind done.
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